Governor Watch: Governor Hogan Discusses Maryland’s Coronavirus Response Live on CNN


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“We’re Dealing With The Crisis On The Ground In Our States”

ANNAPOLIS, MD—This morning, Governor Hogan appeared live on CNN to discuss Maryland’s ongoing coordinated response to COVID-19, the novel coronavirus.

Last night, the governor announced two additional positive cases of novel coronavirus in the State of Maryland. At this time, Maryland has five positive cases and 73 negative tests.



“I’m chairman of the National Governors Association. I’ll be joining, right after I’m finished with you, heading to the White House Situation Room, where we’ll have most of America’s governors on a video conference call to get the latest updates from all of the federal partners, and everybody’s kind of in this together.”

“Well look, I think we’re going to have all the governors and federal officials hopefully all on the same page a little bit later today. I said yesterday that I think we ought to be speaking from one voice in the federal government. I’m not sure all of those comments are completely helpful or accurate. We’re dealing with the crisis on the ground in our states and we’re taking it a little more seriously than that, but we’ll get up-to-date information and we’re going to make decisions on our own based on the facts on the ground in our own states.”

“We’re hoping for the best but preparing for the worst…Let me caution you by saying that the facts are changing not only daily, but almost hourly, up to the minute.”

“We’re having really good cooperation and communication, I think, from most of the federal agencies and directly with the White House from the leadership of Vice President Pence. What we’re looking— the states are on the front line. Through my state of emergency, I just unanimously passed through both houses of our legislature an emergency piece of legislation to allow us to tap our rainy day fund to pay for things that we’re going to need immediately. But the federal government, actually both houses of Congress, passed the $8.3 billion package which will mostly be in reimbursement mode to pay for a lot of things at the state level that we’re going to be expending on the front lines.”
