Governor Watch: Governor Hogan Discusses Maryland’s Coronavirus Response Live on CNN


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“In a time of crisis like this, there can’t be any Republicans or Democrats. We’re all Americans and we’ve all got to act with one voice and take the actions that are necessary.”

This evening, Governor Hogan appeared live on CNN to discuss the latest updates in Maryland’s ongoing response to COVID-19, the novel coronavirus.

Yesterday, Governor Hogan announced a series of major actions to protect public health and safety and limit the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Maryland. He also provided live updates this afternoon on MSNBC.



“We declared a state of emergency more than a week ago, and we were very pleased to see that the president took those actions today. And I think many of the things that he laid out are going to be helpful for those of us in the states. I can tell you that we took similar kinds of steps at the state level, but it really is going to take help from the federal government. And all of the things he talked about are things that I think are going to be helpful. As chairman of the National Governors Association, we’ve been in contact constantly, all of the governors, across the country with the leaders of the federal government, cabinet secretaries, two meetings in the past week or so in the Situation Room and with nearly almost all the governors in America. And we’ve been talking about some of the things that we needed. And I was very pleased at some of the steps that he took today and glad that it happened.”

“We took unprecedented action yesterday where we closed all schools throughout Maryland. We activated the National Guard and we put this social distancing action forward on limiting any kind of gathering of more than 250 people or more, along with seven or eight other major executive actions I took under the state of emergency. We’ve been ramping up this response, and really, many of these steps we’ve taken, now other states are starting to do some or some of these things in various places. We’re sharing all of those best practices between the governors and among the governors. But this is such a rapid escalating crisis, Wolf, that as you know, as you’re covering this, it’s changing not on a daily, but on an hourly, almost minute-by-minute basis, and each of us, as governors, are trying to stay on top of it and we’re working together as best we can with our federal partners.”

“The fact that we’re finding bipartisan agreement to move on this crisis is critically important…In a time of crisis like this, there can’t be any Republicans or Democrats. We’re all Americans and we’ve all got to act with one voice and take the actions that are necessary…But I think it’s terrific that they’ve reached agreement in Congress and it’s very encouraging that I think everybody has finally reached the point where they understand the severity of this crisis and that we’re all coming together, both in Congress, the administration and leaders of government at every single level, at the federal, state and local level. It’s the way we’ve got to go after this. Everybody’s in this together.”

“Some of these actions that we’re taking—that we took yesterday, that the president is taking today—they may sound kind of extreme and they may seem scary to some folks, but these are actions that are absolutely necessary. We’re all just trying to save lives and protect people and we’re all in this together.”
