Governor Watch: Governor Hogan Discusses Maryland’s COVID-19 Response on CNN, The Hugh Hewitt Show, 106.7 The Fan


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“This is the time for all Americans to come together to help to save the lives of thousands of people.”

Governor Larry Hogan today joined CNN’s “New Day,” the Hugh Hewitt Show, and 106.7 The Fan to discuss ongoing measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Yesterday, Governor Hogan announced a number of new COVID-19 mitigation measures, including the closure of all non-essential businesses, the creation of a $175 million economic relief package, updates to Maryland’s public health surge plan, and an emergency order to prevent price gouging. Later today, he will travel to Baltimore City to visit the Alternate Care site being established at the Baltimore Convention Center, as well as a meal distribution site.


CNN’s New Day

“We’ve closed more businesses than many of the states that have stay-at-home orders. We’ve encouraged and suggested that everybody that doesn’t need to go out, that isn’t an essential business, that they do stay home. We’re very strictly enforcing the limitations on social distancing, of no groups of ten or more, and we’ve closed more businesses—anything that’s not essential. It has the same effect… We’re all taking different steps based on what we think is right for our states. But we‘ve been about as aggressive as anyone in the country. One of the first states to declare a state of emergency, one of the first states to close all the schools and then we closed all the bars and restaurants and this is another further step. So these are all things that you’ve been talking about to try to bend this curve downward and to stop this overflow crush on our health care system. I’m going out today with the National Guard to stand up a 250 bed hospital in the Baltimore Convention Center to try to help with this surge. And we’re all fighting this thing as best we can from all directions.”

“Well, I want the people of Maryland to continue to pay as much attention as possible. We want them to listen to us and we’ve been very strongly telling them that unless you have an essential reason for leaving your home, we want you to stay in your home. We’re closing all of those businesses that are not absolutely essential, we’ve closed the schools, and we think it’s absolutely critical that everyone be a part of this breaking the back of this virus so we don’t infect hundreds of thousands more people in our state and we don’t have thousands of deaths. We just had a big spike in the past week, we’re up about 600% over the week before, and there’s no time—we’re going up, we’re not going down. This is not over by any stretch of the imagination and we need everybody at the federal, state and local level of government, the private sector, and every individual to help us fight this battle.”


The Hugh Hewitt Show

“Mike Pence, having been a former governor, I think he really understands the role of the governors in this. We’re on the front lines, we’re each dealing with somewhat different situations in each of our states, but the communication with the governors is critically important… Number one, we’re getting the most up-to-date information from the President, the Vice President, and all his team and they’ve got a really smart team of people that are all working very, very hard on this situation, but they’re also getting direct input and frank input from the governors about their needs and about their concerns and about the things that we’re dealing with out on the front lines, and so it’s been really helpful. But I want to particularly complement the President for picking and choosing Mike Pence to head this effort up and I want to compliment the Vice President for his leadership. He’s been terrific, I think he was really made for this, built for this, and he’s put a terrific team around himself and I’ve had numerous personal calls with him on the weekends and evenings. I’m the chairman of the National Governors Association so I’ve been helping to lead some of those calls and trying to coordinate all of the governors on both sides of the aisle from across the country, and we’ve kind of pulled together lots of different frustrations and concerns and demands and issues and requests from all these folks and kind of boiled them down into some key things that we wanted to bring to the administration in a more cohesive, comprehensive manner.”

“Look, I have said very strongly we have to put aside any kind of partisan politics. Both sides do. Right now, it’s being held up in the House by Democratic leaders in the House. This is no time for Republicans and Democrats and no time for divisive, dysfunctional politics. This is the time for all Americans to come together to help to save the lives of thousands of people and to get these things moving, get our economy back on track. So my message would be get this thing done.”


106.7 The Fan

“We have made a real difference and I want to thank the vast majority of Marylanders that really listened, they have stayed home, they are avoiding crowds—look, this is very disruptive to people’s lives and it’s very difficult but i can promise you that it’s really helping and it’s helping to stop the spread the virus, which is why we had to close the schools, it’s why we had to close some of these businesses, and you look at the streets and people are really listening to that and it’s making a difference. But we just have some knuckleheads that are out there still gathering doing crazy things, and that’s what we’re trying to stop because they’re actually, this is no joke, they really are endangering themselves and their friends and their family by continuing to be out there helping to spread this virus which is killing people.”
