Watch out for the VA


aka Mrs. Giant
I've been warning everybody in the news section of the forum for over a year now, but have gone largely ignored. If you are a vet, have friends or family members who are vets, and you seek assistance from the VA, for mental or for PHYSICAL forewarned. You can and will be declared incompetent by the VA and can and will lose all rights to own weapons. You have to fight a legal battle to contest the VA's declaration.

Thanks from a greatful nation.

SHOCK REPORT — Veterans Receive Letters From VA Prohibiting Ownership or Purchase of Firearms | The Gateway Pundit


aka Mrs. Giant
I'd like to see what the grounds are for not being able to possess a gun.

There are no formal grounds, all in the eyes of your case worker at the VA. It seems to be running the gambit from car accidents to actual PTSD. It's been going on for a while and it seems to be getting a lot worse. It seems once you are declared incompetent, it's hard to prove you aren't.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I'd like to see what the grounds are for not being able to possess a gun.

Whatever grounds the current occupant of 1600 Pa Ave., his anti-gun agenda, and his lap dog Holder tells the VA to have.

Those kind of grounds.

Lock and load, Amerika!


So now if a person with common sense really is suffering from PTSD, they won't go seek the help they need because they realize by doing so they will lose their rights.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
So now if a person with common sense really is suffering from PTSD, they won't go seek the help they need because they realize by doing so they will lose their rights.

Yup. I have a good friend that has VA-approved PTSD from Viet Nam, and a gun owner. I have warned him about this in the past year or so, and he has rejected the concept.

I hope he changes his mind.


New Member
I've been warning everybody in the news section of the forum for over a year now, but have gone largely ignored. If you are a vet, have friends or family members who are vets, and you seek assistance from the VA, for mental or for PHYSICAL forewarned. You can and will be declared incompetent by the VA and can and will lose all rights to own weapons. You have to fight a legal battle to contest the VA's declaration.

Thanks from a greatful nation.

SHOCK REPORT — Veterans Receive Letters From VA Prohibiting Ownership or Purchase of Firearms | The Gateway Pundit

This is just more BS....
Do YOU know anyone who has received such a letter?
I have not, and I do not know of any vets that have.

Instead of a bogus article, how about posting proof such a letter exists?


aka Mrs. Giant
Here's an article I posted last December

Change on veterans
The Department of Veterans Affairs forwards the names of those labeled mentally incompetent to the FBI for inclusion in a national federal database, barring them from purchasing or carrying firearms.


Lem Putt
This is just more BS....
Do YOU know anyone who has received such a letter?
I have not, and I do not know of any vets that have.

Instead of a bogus article, how about posting proof such a letter exists?

Were you eaten by Jeffrey dahmer? Do you know anyone who was eaten by Jeffrey Dahmer? I have not, and nobody I know was.

Can you prove that anyone was eaten by Jeffrey Dahmer?


New Member
This is just more BS....
Instead of a bogus article, how about posting proof such a letter exists?

Attached is the purported letter that is sent out by the VA.
I seriously doubt someone fabricated this letter on VA letterhead to facilitate a hoax.
Because it deals with a declaration of incompetency, the recipient's name has been redacted for privacy purposes.


  • VaLetter.pdf
    200.7 KB · Views: 130


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
I loved this reply at the treehouse

COIPOC: Constant Obama-Induced Pissed-Off Condition is a state of mental being where the affected person is continually annoyed at the outrages, lies, antics and machinations of President Barack Hussein Obama (see also: ‘Clinical Narcissism’) and his associates, followers and allies. This condition, though not fatal, necessitates release through expressions of outrage, such as yelling at television and radio, punching of pillows, cracking of knuckles, gritting of teeth and biting of tongue. Secondary manifestations include, inveterate blogging, expanding organizational associations, Constitutional study, churchgoing (i.e. includes prayer, tithing, clinging to what’s important, etc.), opposing gun control (see also: ‘Bitter Clinging’), voting and attending rallies. Though not fatal, this condition can also lead to sleeplessness, substance abuse, hoarding of precious metals, worry and in some rare instances, smelly feet. Further research is needed before a definite cure can be found, but those areas of exploratory endeavor include, the Bill of Rights, the 22nd Amendment, a reforming of the Fourth Estate, more fervent prayer and REAL HOPE that the American People will not be turned into sheeple to be lead to slaughter. :lmao:


New Member
If you're incompetent enough to the point where you have to be assigned a fiduciary to manage your VA benefits I sure as h*ll don't want you around me or anyone I know with a firearm and most sane people would agree. Then again if it was up to some of you I'm sure you'd fight for the rights of special olympians to be armed.


Lem Putt
Then again if it was up to some of you I'm sure you'd fight for the rights of special olympians to be armed.

Why do you think that amputees shouldn't be armed? What is it about a physical disability that makes you think they should lose their rights?


Well-Known Member
If you're incompetent enough to the point where you have to be assigned a fiduciary to manage your VA benefits I sure as h*ll don't want you around me or anyone I know with a firearm and most sane people would agree. Then again if it was up to some of you I'm sure you'd fight for the rights of special olympians to be armed.

