I know nothing
Looks Like the muslims are after the Pope now.
LordStanley said:Looks Like the muslims are after the Pope now.
The Mohamadens do not want to hear the truth! The Mohamenden religion is spread by the sword, it is written in their Qu'ran that either the infedel, ie does of us, must either convert or die. And they use our freedoms to defeat us. We let them build mosques and matrases here, we can not build churchs in islamic countries or even carry religious books of our faith.LordStanley said:Looks Like the muslims are after the Pope now.
SamSpade said:They've tried to kill him before, and I don't mean the assassination attempt 25 years ago (that we found out recently - or rather, CONFIRMED, recently - was the KGB). al-Qaeda tried to kill the Pople about ten years ago.
He's always been on their list. Killing him would help to start the holy war they want.
I'm curious however, if he's going to backpedal and apologize, or if he's going to stick to his guns. I don't think he said anything that isn't true.
bresamil said:They are so easily offended it is ridiculous. If they follow Islam why do they care what the Holy Father - head of an infidel religion in their eyes - has to say?
Why not? In response to Danish cartoons depicting them as freaks with bombs strapped around their waists, they....strapped bombs around their waists.SamSpade said:Does anyone else find it ironic that, out of protest that the Pope called Islam violent - they commit violence?