watch out Pope!!!!


Well-Known Member
Watch out people...

Moslems rioting to prove they are a peaceful, beneficial people. :doh:

I'm reading the 30+ comments after the article and it appears that the well informed people of the world are growing very tired of Moslem victimology.
Other liberals are warning the Pope that he is intolerant and out of line...yeah, real approach there.
I might raise an eyebrow if the Holy father starts turning the Vatican into a Molotov Cocktail factory but the burden of proof points the other way:

Moslems are the epitome of violent, intolerant, radical and ignorant "believers."


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PREMO Member
LordStanley said:

They've tried to kill him before, and I don't mean the assassination attempt 25 years ago (that we found out recently - or rather, CONFIRMED, recently - was the KGB). al-Qaeda tried to kill the Pople about ten years ago.

He's always been on their list. Killing him would help to start the holy war they want.

I'm curious however, if he's going to backpedal and apologize, or if he's going to stick to his guns. I don't think he said anything that isn't true.


New Member
LordStanley said:
The Mohamadens do not want to hear the truth! The Mohamenden religion is spread by the sword, it is written in their Qu'ran that either the infedel, ie does of us, must either convert or die. And they use our freedoms to defeat us. We let them build mosques and matrases here, we can not build churchs in islamic countries or even carry religious books of our faith.

The truth hurts. Finally Benedict XVI is starting to crack down! Hope next is return to the Tradional Latin Mass, and the discarding of the protestanized with help of Masons, Novus Ordo.

Kyrie Eleison


I know nothing
SamSpade said:
They've tried to kill him before, and I don't mean the assassination attempt 25 years ago (that we found out recently - or rather, CONFIRMED, recently - was the KGB). al-Qaeda tried to kill the Pople about ten years ago.

He's always been on their list. Killing him would help to start the holy war they want.

I'm curious however, if he's going to backpedal and apologize, or if he's going to stick to his guns. I don't think he said anything that isn't true.

for his sake and Mine, I hope he meant what he said and sticks to his guns


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PREMO Member
Does anyone else find it ironic that, out of protest that the Pope called Islam violent - they commit violence?


I know nothing
Maybe they will kill him, the world will finally unite and end this once a for all....

Yeah right.... Rosie will tell us the Pope had it coming and he should have been more tolerent of their violence.


wandering aimlessly
They are so easily offended it is ridiculous. If they follow Islam why do they care what the Holy Father - head of an infidel religion in their eyes - has to say?


Baby blues
So, the Pope quotes from the Quran about Jihad, and the Muslims are mad? Why???? He quoted it from their book, for crying out loud. He didn't "make it up." :banghead:

Whatever. It just gets me how easily they are stirred up, they are spoiling for a fight - those peaceful people. :poke:


bresamil said:
They are so easily offended it is ridiculous. If they follow Islam why do they care what the Holy Father - head of an infidel religion in their eyes - has to say?

:yeahthat: my thoughts exactly.


Active Member
I would like to add that during these islamic riots and parades majority of the poeple out in the street and uneducated po folks that don't understand how to analyse a simple conversatioon let alone the quran and an intellectual dicussion. therefore a handfull of so called and claimed "religious knowledgeable person" takes advantage and brain washes them with rhetoric. So therefore, as I say let the IDIOTS be....when you have an audience you have to show who the real idiots are. Also, BAVARIAN, don't know where you get your source on Islamic religion but infedels which literally translates to person that does NOT believe in a GOD hence ATHEIST is what islam condemns.....In the quran if you have read it....says to live in peace with your fellow JEWS and CHRISTIANS and learn from them and thier prophets...which are the same prophets that islam believes in....from ADAM all the way to Muhammed.
Unfortunately, because of these uneducated idiots parading on streets rather than spending thier enegy in educating themselves and the extreme brainwashed hooligans it makes a particular religion look bad.
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PREMO Member
Does anyone else find it ironic that, out of protest that the Pope called Islam violent - they commit violence?


Interestingly, the poll included with that article posed the question: "Should Pope Benedict XVI apologize for his remarks on Islam?"

As of this post, the results are as follows:

Yes 32% 3472 votes

No 68% 7346 votes

Total: 10818 votes


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
Does anyone else find it ironic that, out of protest that the Pope called Islam violent - they commit violence?
Why not? In response to Danish cartoons depicting them as freaks with bombs strapped around their waists, they....strapped bombs around their waists.

There's a weird mindset radicals have that defies logic and reason.


Where are my pants?
Well, Muhammoud was a war leader who conquered cities as a way to convert them. So yes, they spread their faith by violence.

Today the Wahabist sect (the majority belief currently) believes that the Koran bids them to fight the Infidel until he converts to Islam, or dies. So their current practice calls for the spread of Islam by violence.

The head of Iran's government has called on Bush to convert to "God's law", and has said that there should be an Islamic nation that encompasses all the world. So he's still aggressively promoting his particular brand of faith.

And since converting to Christianity is a death penalty offense under Islamic law, and terrorists recently released some newsmen only after they agreed to convert to Islam, I'd have to say that there are those on the cutting edge of Islam who are spreading their faith by violence.

But hey, those are just facts and have nothing to do with the higher truth of modern Islam.

Now, what did they want the Pope to apologize for again?


New Member
Could Pope Benedict XVI be the Pope of the Third Secret? Also Pope St. Pius X had a vision where he saw a pope fleeing Rome over the bodies of dead clerics and then suffered a horrible death. He didn't know if he was the pope or a future pope. Pope Benedict XVI looks similar to Pope St. Pius X. So this vision could be of a Mohamedan attack on the Eternal City.