Watch your children closely!


New Member
I just wanted to let everyone know of a situtation that arose a few weeks ago. My friends daughter was on her front porch playing with a friend when the mother came outside and noticed a man taking pictures of them from across the street in his car. She called the police and they confirmed they have had 3 other complaints fitting that vehicle desciption. Yesterday my co-worker tells me the same story and a group of the neighborhood Father's actually confronted this man and held him there until police came. The cops did a check on him and nothing came back, and they made him erase the picture of the kids and let him go (wow good work there!). I just wanted everyone to be aware of the situation. Please watch your children closely! These incidents occured in Bowie and Chesapeake Beach.


New Member
Do you have a description of this man?
And what age/gender kids is he targeting?

I had a similar incident occur in OC about 1-1/2mo. ago.
We were at a pool with kids, no husbands and noticed a man on the other side of the pool taking photos in the general direction of us and our kids, however there was no picture worthy view behind us.
He was alone, young and pretending to read a book. I know this because he never turned a page. Our kids are in the 7-12 range, boys and girls.
We found it odd he took photos of people he did not know, so we packed up the kids and left right away!


New Member
They said he looked like Santa Clause! Chunky white man with a big white beard. The kids in Bowie were both boys and girls between 7-13 and the Ches Beach was girls between 7-9

calamity jane

New Member
sccrmommy said:
I just wanted to let everyone know of a situtation that arose a few weeks ago. My friends daughter was on her front porch playing with a friend when the mother came outside and noticed a man taking pictures of them from across the street in his car. She called the police and they confirmed they have had 3 other complaints fitting that vehicle desciption. Yesterday my co-worker tells me the same story and a group of the neighborhood Father's actually confronted this man and held him there until police came. The cops did a check on him and nothing came back, and they made him erase the picture of the kids and let him go (wow good work there!). I just wanted everyone to be aware of the situation. Please watch your children closely! These incidents occured in Bowie and Chesapeake Beach.

He could be a sleaze bag pervert, but what law is he breaking? Holding someone against their will (false imprisonment), now that's a crime.