Application Process Begins Aug. 6 Throughout State

Photo by Larry Hindman
Beginning Aug. 6, Maryland resident hunters can apply for a 2019-2020 waterfowl blind site license. On opening day, applicants will be entered into a lottery for a chance to select their sites.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources assigns a license for each blind site, a designated location in state waters where a hunter can anchor a boats to hunt waterfowl.
On Aug. 6 from 7:30 a.m. to 8 a.m. applications for licenses will begin being accepted at the various locations listed below. Anyone arriving after 8 a.m. will be ineligible.
The lottery will start at 8:30 a.m. Once selection is complete, applicants will have eight minutes to choose their blind sites, with a maximum of two sites per day. Selections will end at 4:30 p.m. and resume Aug. 7 from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Licensing will be held at the locations listed below.
Beginning Aug. 8, blind site licensing will be held at the locations listed below during normal business hours, unless otherwise noted.
Only resident hunters may participate. Applicants must present their driver’s license or other photo identification to verify identity and residency, unless under the age of 16.
All participants must present a 2018-2019 or 2019-2020 Maryland resident hunting license. Any landowner wishing to license their own property, or who has written permission of a landowner, are exempt from this requirement.
Landowners who would like to license their property should bring a copy of the property information (available online) and a tax map or other legible map showing the exact location of the shoreline to be licensed.
Preview maps of shoreline licensed by waterfront landowners will be available on the department’s website and at the dates and locations listed below. Past participants should note that many of these locations have changed from previous years:
Anne Arundel/Prince George’s Counties
Anne Arundel County: (Aug. 6) Broadneck High School, 1265 Green Holly Drive, Annapolis. Preview maps available at Wildlife and Heritage Service Office, Tawes State Office Building, E-1, 580 Taylor Ave., Annapolis.
Prince George’s County: (Aug. 6) County Administration Building (Main Lobby, 1st floor), 14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro. Preview maps available at the Prince George’s County Public Library, Upper Marlboro Branch, 14730 Main St., Upper Marlboro.
On Aug. 7 and thereafter, licenses for Anne Arundel and Prince George’s counties will be issued at the Wildlife and Heritage Service Office, Tawes State Office Bldg., E-1, Annapolis.
Southern Region
Calvert County: (Aug. 6) Harriet E. Brown Community Center, 901 Dares Beach Road, Prince Frederick. Preview maps available at Calvert County Public Library, Prince Frederick Branch, 850 Costley Way, Prince Frederick.
Charles County: (Aug. 6) Myrtle Grove Wildlife and Heritage Service Office, 5625 Myrtle Grove Road, La Plata. Preview maps available at Charles County Public Library, La Plata Branch, 2 Garrett Ave., La Plata.
St. Mary’s County: (Aug. 6) Potomac Building, Room 14, 23115 Leonard Hall Drive, Leonardtown. Preview maps available at St. Mary’s County Public Library, Leonardtown Branch, 23250 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown.
On Aug. 7, licenses for Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s counties will be issued at Harriet E. Brown Community Center, 901 Dares Beach Road, Prince Frederick.
On Aug. 8 and thereafter, licenses for Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s will be issued at Myrtle Grove Wildlife and Heritage Office, 3740 Gwynnbrook Ave, Owings Mills (9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Monday through Friday, or by appointment 301-743-5161).
Central Region
Baltimore County: (Aug. 6) Sparrows Point High School, 7400 North Point Road, Baltimore. Preview maps available at the Natural Resources Police Facility, 3738 Gwynnbrook Ave., Owings Mills.
Cecil County: (Aug. 6) Elkton High School, Auxiliary Gymnasium, 110 James St., Elkton. Preview maps are available at the Cecil County Library, 301 Newark Ave., Elkton.
Harford County: (Aug. 6) Fallston Volunteer Fire Department, Meeting Room, 2201 Carrs Mill Road, Fallston (next to Fallston High School). Preview maps are available at the Harford County Public Library, Bel Air Branch, 100 E. Pennsylvania Ave., Bel Air.
On Aug. 7, licenses for Baltimore, Cecil, and Harford counties will be issued at Gwynnbrook Wildlife and Heritage Service Office, 3740 Gwynnbrook Ave., Owings Mills.
Beginning Aug. 8, licenses for Baltimore, Cecil, and Harford counties will be issued at Gwynnbrook Wildlife and Heritage Service Office, 3740 Gwynnbrook Ave, Owings Mills (7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Monday through Friday, or by appointment 410-356-9272).
Eastern Shore – North
Caroline County: (Aug. 6) Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton. Preview maps are available at the same location.
Talbot County: (Aug. 6) Easton Volunteer Fire Department, 315 Aurora Park Drive, Easton. Preview maps available at the Talbot County Library, Easton Branch (across from the courthouse).
Beginning Aug. 7, licenses for Caroline, Talbot, Kent, and Queen Anne’s counties will be issued at the Centreville Regional Service Center, 120 Broadway Ave., Room 207, Centreville.
NOTE: Blind sites in Kent and Queen Anne’s counties are available only to the property owners.
Eastern Shore – South
Dorchester County: (Aug. 6) LeCompte Wildlife Management Area, 4220 Steele Neck Road, Vienna. Preview maps available at the same location; applicants must call ahead – 410-376-3236.
Somerset County: (Aug. 6) Wellington Wildlife Management Area, 32733 Dublin Road, Princess Anne. Preview maps available at the same location; applicants must call ahead – 410-543-8223.
Wicomico County: (Aug. 6) Salisbury Regional Wildlife Office, 201 Baptist St., #22, Salisbury. Preview maps available at the DNR Licensing and Registration Service Center, 251 Tilghman Road, Room 2, Salisbury.
Worcester County: (Aug. 6) Snow Hill Fire Department, 4718 Snow Hill Road, Snow Hill. Preview maps available at Pocomoke River State Park’s Shad Landing Camp Store, off Route 113 in Snow Hill.
On Aug. 7, licenses for Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester counties will be issued at the Salisbury Regional Wildlife Office, 201 Baptist St., #22, Salisbury.
On Aug. 8 and thereafter, licenses for Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester counties will be issued at the Department of Natural Resources Licensing and Registration Service Center, 251 Tilghman Road, Room 2, Salisbury (8:30 a.m. – noon Monday through Friday, or by appointment 410-713-3840).
[ This article originally appeared here ]