

Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We get a lot of press kits at Somd.com, from various organizations hoping we'll give them some publicity.

Today's press kit came from (I kid you not) the National Watermelon Promotion Board. http://www.watermelon.org

It is someone's job to do PR for the watermelon, in order to increase sales. They spend money on marketing and advertising. And a good bit of it, judging by the quality of the press kit. It had a CD and everything. The postage alone was $1.98 and if we got one, every media venue in America got one.

Why is this interesting to me? Because my whole entire career, I've heard business owners say, "Oh, we don't need to advertise. Everyone knows we're here." Yet I'll bet if you asked the average man-on-the-street "Which have you heard of - watermelon or XYZ company?" 100% of respondents would say they'd heard of watermelon.

And milk.
And the Incredible Edible Egg.
And the Other White Meat.

But maybe 20 out of 100 people would say they'd heard of XYZ company.

This is a fascinating business.