We interrupt this broadcast...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...to bring you a special bulletin:


Mr. Kerry has struggled to convince his audiences that his vote to authorize the president to use military force was a far, far cry from voting for a declaration of war.

He has to portray himself as tough and competent enough to be commander in chief, yet appeal to the faction of Democrats that hates the war and eggs him on to call Mr. Bush a liar.

I can almost feel sorry for Kerry...almost.


Super Genius
Originally posted by vraiblonde
"It's disgusting that the president's political allies are now using race as a political weapon," said Bill Lynch, deputy manager of the Kerry campaign.
He followed up by saying "That's our tactic. They stole it from us."


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'd say...

So far, his aides and advisers concede, he has failed to get his message across

...that Kerry is getting his message across they way his record shows he gets his messages across.

"I voted for the resolution before I voted against it!"

Viet Nam blood and guts war crimes pirate.

Viet Nam vets against the war and those nasty, atrocity commiting Americans.

It's enough to remind you that, as far as the DNC is concerned in picking this goof now, the real ball game is 2008.


Well, as I catch up, I see the book has already been mentioned. :dork: