Weather alert

Just got this:

This weather system not to be taken lightly. Areas prone to shoreline wind and wave action require special attention. In the past, Noreasters have proven to be almost as destructive as Hurricanes. Take all appropriate severe weather actions.

There is a weather front moving west to east across the nation and is currently forecasted to arrive in our area in the Sunday time frame this weekend - there is some severe weather associated with this system -- there is a good potential we may experience very strong winds, heavy rain - and those along the shoreline may see significant wave action --- pls take a good look around before we close shop today and ensure we take the necessary precautions to prepare for this possible adverse weather -- let's secure our facilities, loose gear and equipment - those along the shoreline - pls be prepared for the significant wave action.


New Member
Vince said:
Looks like all we're getting Monday is more rain. I'll go to work instead. :shrug:

Good day for me to stay home and get stuff done at the house. Just got a project going on here at work. :banghead:
I'll deal with rain, heck... even smow, but I don't like the tornado threat that seems to be coming along with this storm. :eyebrow:


Vince said:
Looks like all we're getting Monday is more rain. I'll go to work instead. :shrug:

Yeah, b..b..but it's so great to sleep in really late on a rainy cold day.