Wedding locations


Indy Bound
A friend of mine is getting married late summer and wants to find a location on a beach where they can do a hawaiian wedding theme. She is thinking of a bed and breakfast type place but it doesn't matter. Does anyone have any recommendations? It does not have to be Southern Maryland. She is open to Baltimore, Annapolis, etc, but not Ocean City or VA Beach.


Football addict
Originally posted by jeneisen
A friend of mine is getting married late summer and wants to find a location on a beach where they can do a hawaiian wedding theme. She is thinking of a bed and breakfast type place but it doesn't matter. Does anyone have any recommendations? It does not have to be Southern Maryland. She is open to Baltimore, Annapolis, etc, but not Ocean City or VA Beach.

Hows about my house we live on the beach:lol: jk

You should check out Point Lookout State Park or Greenville (sp) Park. They have weddings there from time to time and its very scenic.


Go Braves!
Herrington Harbour just north of North Beach is really cool. Perfect for a Hawaiian theme. My friends were married there and it was absolutely beautiful.


If they have base access, the Solomons rec center area has a great spot on the beach where you can hold a beautiful wedding there. My best friend got married there in September and it turned out great.