Wedding outfit question...



Ok my little bro is getting married at the end of October. The wedding is up in the White Mountains of NH. It is a outside evening wedding, and the party will be moved inside for dinner. I am trying to decide what to wear. The party afterwards I have plenty to wear, it is the during the wedding. I really don't want to be cold because we will be right on Lake Winnapauski for the wedding.



How you like me now?
WhoCares said:
Ok my little bro is getting married at the end of October. The wedding is up in the White Mountains of NH. It is a outside evening wedding, and the party will be moved inside for dinner. I am trying to decide what to wear. The party afterwards I have plenty to wear, it is the during the wedding. I really don't want to be cold because we will be right on Lake Winnapauski for the wedding.


Is it formal. semi formal? A good wrap will keep you warm, but still show off your outfit.


Nicole_in_somd said:
Is it formal. semi formal? A good wrap will keep you warm, but still show off your outfit.

Semi-formal. My brother and his fiance are big nature lovers. They met at the place where it is being held.


WhoCares said:
Ok my little bro is getting married at the end of October. The wedding is up in the White Mountains of NH. It is a outside evening wedding, and the party will be moved inside for dinner. I am trying to decide what to wear. The party afterwards I have plenty to wear, it is the during the wedding. I really don't want to be cold because we will be right on Lake Winnapauski for the wedding.

Dress like the natives, LL Bean boots and a flannel shirt :yay:


Pete said:
For a special touch, black out a tooth :yay:

I miss Maine sometimes :lmao:

Yeah I miss freezing my butt off every winter, digging myself out of 2 feet of snow, and that cold wind going up your back no matter how thick your coat is.


WhoCares said:
Ok my little bro is getting married at the end of October. The wedding is up in the White Mountains of NH. It is a outside evening wedding, and the party will be moved inside for dinner. I am trying to decide what to wear. The party afterwards I have plenty to wear, it is the during the wedding. I really don't want to be cold because we will be right on Lake Winnapauski for the wedding.

Pasties and a g-string. :yay:


WhoCares said:
Yeah I miss freezing my butt off every winter, digging myself out of 2 feet of snow, and that cold wind going up your back no matter how thick your coat is.
Snow boogers on your car.

Shoveling the driveway until 10:30 at night and finally going to bed and hearing the snow ploy drop a ton of hard pack in it.

Not seeing your neighbors from November until May unless you see them in a bar.

Spandex night at the Bounty Lounge.

Tourist traffic on Fridays at the Bath bridge.

Black flies.

Ice dams on the eves.

I could go on and on :lmao:
Pete said:
Snow boogers on your car.

Shoveling the driveway until 10:30 at night and finally going to bed and hearing the snow ploy drop a ton of hard pack in it.

Not seeing your neighbors from November until May unless you see them in a bar.

Spandex night at the Bounty Lounge.

Tourist traffic on Fridays at the Bath bridge.

Black flies.

Ice dams on the eves.

I could go on and on :lmao:
How did you ever manage to tear yourself away...:lmao:


kwillia said:
How did you ever manage to tear yourself away...:lmao:
It was hard :lmao: I had some great times there too. The fall is great, the scenery is spectacular. Fishing in the Kennebeck for BIG strippers, duck hunting in Merry Meeting Bay, small New England town atmosphere, sea kayaking, white water rafting, camping, doing trail maintenance on the Appalachian trail for LL Bean. Rural living, the festivals. Snow, and the DOT knows how to deal with it.
Pete said:
It was hard :lmao: I had some great times there too. The fall is great, the scenery is spectacular. Fishing in the Kennebeck for BIG strippers, duck hunting in Merry Meeting Bay, small New England town atmosphere, sea kayaking, white water rafting, camping, doing trail maintenance on the Appalachian trail for LL Bean. Rural living, the festivals. Snow, and the DOT knows how to deal with it.
Man... you make it sound like I should give the north a visit one of these days.


I do miss it occasionally. I am hoping to get up there next summer for a little bit longer than 2 days.