Weekly picks; anatomy of a point...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
OK, it's just one point but, I think it illustrates how difficult and how much fun this is, our weekly pool.

I had the Jets giving 6 to the visiting Falcons. The Jets and Giants enjoy an advantage at the Meadowlands a bit more than most home field advantages. The Falcons are a warm weather team. Their QB is beat up. The Jets are playing for the playoffs and have the best defense in the league so, 6 points seemed reasonable.

And the whole game is 7-3 Jets with Falcons pretty much stymied and the Jets constantly getting into or close to the red zone.

So, the Jet's miss 3 field goals. And, the Falcons, on 3rd and goal, after the Jets last miss, Ryan throws a pick. And the guy, Darrel Revis, having played an awesome game, drops it.

And, on fourth and goal, 5 Jets surround Tony Gonzalez, whom the announcers figured the play was going to but, no one makes a move on him and the Falcons score.





A Salute to all on Watch
OK, it's just one point but, I think it illustrates how difficult and how much fun this is, our weekly pool.

I had the Jets giving 6 to the visiting Falcons. The Jets and Giants enjoy an advantage at the Meadowlands a bit more than most home field advantages. The Falcons are a warm weather team. Their QB is beat up. The Jets are playing for the playoffs and have the best defense in the league so, 6 points seemed reasonable.

And the whole game is 7-3 Jets with Falcons pretty much stymied and the Jets constantly getting into or close to the red zone.

So, the Jet's miss 3 field goals. And, the Falcons, on 3rd and goal, after the Jets last miss, Ryan throws a pick. And the guy, Darrel Revis, having played an awesome game, drops it.

And, on fourth and goal, 5 Jets surround Tony Gonzalez, whom the announcers figured the play was going to but, no one makes a move on him and the Falcons score.




LOL, So the Jets get bumped on a game the Falcons tried to hand to them....


Supper's Ready
OK, it's just one point but, I think it illustrates how difficult and how much fun this is, our weekly pool.

I had the Jets giving 6 to the visiting Falcons. The Jets and Giants enjoy an advantage at the Meadowlands a bit more than most home field advantages. The Falcons are a warm weather team. Their QB is beat up. The Jets are playing for the playoffs and have the best defense in the league so, 6 points seemed reasonable.

And the whole game is 7-3 Jets with Falcons pretty much stymied and the Jets constantly getting into or close to the red zone.

So, the Jet's miss 3 field goals. And, the Falcons, on 3rd and goal, after the Jets last miss, Ryan throws a pick. And the guy, Darrel Revis, having played an awesome game, drops it.

And, on fourth and goal, 5 Jets surround Tony Gonzalez, whom the announcers figured the play was going to but, no one makes a move on him and the Falcons score.




I was watching this one as well (but somewhat in the background), while tracking the other games and doing other things. I saw the missed field goals and the back-and-forth. The longer the game went on, I wondered why there weren't more points on the board, then watched it all change at the end. Then looked at the spread and said "damn". :lol:

This week also has two games that were a push. That cost four people their fivers, too.


They're out to get us
Larry -- you gave the Jets too much credit. :lol:

The Falcons are better than their record shows I think. I'm not sure what happened to them because they should have been in the playoff picture. The cold weather was an equalizer though.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Larry -- you gave the Jets too much credit. :lol:

The Falcons are better than their record shows I think. I'm not sure what happened to them because they should have been in the playoff picture. The cold weather was an equalizer though.

Well, of course I did! I lost the pick! :lol:


They're out to get us
looks like the Steelers are going to cause yet another PUSH. wow...3??

Duffman, yankee, Daddy, Tilted, Stanley, toppick, SBK, donbazini all get hosed. interestingly enough, nobody put the 5er on the Titans/Dolphins.
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Supper's Ready
looks like the Steelers are going to cause yet another PUSH. wow...3??

Duffman, yankee, Daddy, Tilted, Stanley, toppick, SBK, donbazini all get hosed. interestingly enough, nobody put the 5er on the Titans/Dolphins.

Yep. Three pushes for 8 fivers. Haven't seen that here yet 'til today.