Weekly & Year-long NFL Pick'em Contest


Active Member
I'm doing my weekly NFL pick-em pool for anyone that may be interested. Last year we raised almost $1,000 for Dynard ES PTA. This year I am raising money for a young teen who lost her father to addiction last year. The proceeds of the fundraiser will be put in her 529 plan.

Here's the gist of it: You pay $50. You make your picks every week for the whole 17-week season. That's only $3 to pick per week. There is a weekly winner of $50 for most correct picks. We keep track of your performance over the 17-week season and the top 3 best pickers get money rewards. This year we are doing $500, $250 and $150 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd (based on a minimum of 55 entries). 55 Entries allows us to put $1,000 in the 529 plan and still make all the payouts. I have a FB page and all the weekly and year-long results are updated there weekly. We can accept Paypal or PM us on the FB page to send a check. Here's the FB link. https://www.facebook.com/SOMD-NFL-Weekly-Pick-em-Fundraiser-314067028946361/