weight gain and prednisone


art imitating life
Has anyone had this issue. I have been reading a lot about this and I'm concerned. I'm on it for 9 days. What should I be eating and what should I NOT be eating. I heard that there is not only a weight gain issue but a fat distribution issue. Any advice?


Happy Camper
Has anyone had this issue. I have been reading a lot about this and I'm concerned. I'm on it for 9 days. What should I be eating and what should I NOT be eating. I heard that there is not only a weight gain issue but a fat distribution issue. Any advice?

I definitely could be wrong, but if you're only going to be on it for 9 days, I don't think it will be an issue. From what I understand, usually, it is only a problem for people on long term doses. :huggy:


art imitating life
Has anyone had this issue. I have been reading a lot about this and I'm concerned. I'm on it for 9 days. What should I be eating and what should I NOT be eating. I heard that there is not only a weight gain issue but a fat distribution issue. Any advice?

Im also taking Atarax which is making me unbelievable sleepy. I have NO motivation to do anything. I'M really not like that at all. I'm usually very talkative and motivated. This is not helping my diet lol


Having Fun!
I definitely could be wrong, but if you're only going to be on it for 9 days, I don't think it will be an issue. From what I understand, usually, it is only a problem for people on long term doses. :huggy:


Also, weight gain & abnormal fat distribution are listed as "rare" side effects. The stress of worrying about it would probably be worse for you than the chance of it being a side effect.

(web address of info I'm using for this: Prednisone Oral : Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Pictures, Warnings & Dosing - WebMD)

Stay calm, stick to your diet as best you can (especially since it's the holiday season) and do what the doc tells you! :huggy:


My Sweetest Boy
Stay away from carbs...but 9 days is nothing..you'll be fine. I was on a high dose for almost a year about 8 years ago. AWFUL stuff.


art imitating life
Stay away from carbs...but 9 days is nothing..you'll be fine. I was on a high dose for almost a year about 8 years ago. AWFUL stuff.

i was reading about how a few people have hard times making decisions, feel loopy and just cant focus even only after a few days. I have these same symptoms. I'm guessing this is a normal reaction to the steriod.


My Sweetest Boy
i was reading about how a few people have hard times making decisions, feel loopy and just cant focus even only after a few days. I have these same symptoms. I'm guessing this is a normal reaction to the steriod.

Yep, it's awful but sometimes the only thing that works for certain illnesses, etc.


New Member
I was on Prednisone for a month during the Summer... I felt like I was hungry all the time. :lol: I don't think I gained any weight as I am pretty active but I def. ate ALOT more than I usually do. :yay:

My dr. did NOT want me to be on Prednisone and certainly did not want me on the doses he had me on, but it's the only thing that helps when I get poison ivy. He also had me on Atarax I believe... All it did was make me sleep so I never took it.


art imitating life
I was on Prednisone for a month during the Summer... I felt like I was hungry all the time. :lol: I don't think I gained any weight as I am pretty active but I def. ate ALOT more than I usually do. :yay:

My dr. did NOT want me to be on Prednisone and certainly did not want me on the doses he had me on, but it's the only thing that helps when I get poison ivy. He also had me on Atarax I believe... All it did was make me sleep so I never took it.

My doc gave me atarax as an alternative to benadryl because he said it wont make you sleepy. HE LIED :lol: Its great at night but during the day.. I have never slept so much. It DOES help my symptoms though


New Member
My doc gave me atarax as an alternative to benadryl because he said it wont make you sleepy. HE LIED :lol: Its great at night but during the day.. I have never slept so much. It DOES help my symptoms though

Yeah, I made the mistake of taking it one day before the prednisone had kicked in and I could not stay awake... That was the 1st and last one I took. :lol:

Hope you get better soon!


Nice lady!
Has anyone had this issue. I have been reading a lot about this and I'm concerned. I'm on it for 9 days. What should I be eating and what should I NOT be eating. I heard that there is not only a weight gain issue but a fat distribution issue. Any advice?

Can I ask what you are on it for?
I was on it for a severe allergy to my cats. I gained a lot of weight. Very hard to get rid of, plus my face puffed up and my neck. Really weird. I don't think eating has a whole lot to do with it, it is just the prednisone in general. I was on it long term though, I don't think you need to worry with just 9 days honestly.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My daughter took prednisone for about 8 months and had a 30+ lb weight gain. Moon pie face, the whole nine yards. BUT when she stopped taking the medication, her body went back to normal fairly quickly. Not sure what 9 days will do, but I'll bet it won't be all that.
Has anyone had this issue. I have been reading a lot about this and I'm concerned. I'm on it for 9 days. What should I be eating and what should I NOT be eating. I heard that there is not only a weight gain issue but a fat distribution issue. Any advice?

For 9 days, I wouldn't worry about it. You may get the jitters or experience nervousness, but again, for that short of a period you may not. What you DON'T want to see is a large portion of your body becoming covered in thick, dark hair!:cds: Again though, usually a long-term use effect. Transplant recipients, who are on Prednisone forever, experience this phenom.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it will be a problem. I was on it for a week or a little longer when I hurt my back, and I had no issues.


New Member
Yep, it's awful but sometimes the only thing that works for certain illnesses, etc.

ditto - I was on it long-term a while back. When I started to gain weight I talked with my doctor about it. She told me that the steroid tricks you into thinking you need fuel and are hungry - when really you don't. She said that I needed to keep a detailed food journal and track nutrition (breakdown of protein, carbs, etc.) along with calorie count. That does work - and when it's on paper right in front of you, it helps to reassure you that you HAVE eaten enough... that evil medicine will make you feel like you haven't eaten all day :lol:

Like everyone else has said, you aren't on a long-term dose - but I think that just one dose of that stuff makes you feel hungry. Two weeks of overeating can be undone in a relatively short time (but I understand that you don't even want it to get to that point!) and keep the food journal if you feel like you aren't getting enough and to track what and when you are eating... that way, when the medicine makes you feel hungry you will see that it is just the medicine - and NOT your body - that is telling you to eat.

I've never had atarax but it doesn't sound like fun either. Hope you are feeling better soon!


Well-Known Member
I was on Prednisone for a month during the Summer... I felt like I was hungry all the time. :lol: I don't think I gained any weight as I am pretty active but I def. ate ALOT more than I usually do. :yay:

My dr. did NOT want me to be on Prednisone and certainly did not want me on the doses he had me on, but it's the only thing that helps when I get poison ivy. He also had me on Atarax I believe... All it did was make me sleep so I never took it.

you poor thing you sound just like me! :huggy: I got a really bad case of poison ivy when I was first pregnant and they didnt want to put me on it either but eventually had to because it just kept spreading and getting worse.


Well-Known Member
My daughter took prednisone for about 8 months and had a 30+ lb weight gain. Moon pie face, the whole nine yards. BUT when she stopped taking the medication, her body went back to normal fairly quickly. Not sure what 9 days will do, but I'll bet it won't be all that.

Moon pie face :lmao: I havent heard that one before!!


Dream Stealer
I was on prednisone for two weeks before..as well as shorter time periods before that..weight gain is not an issue in that short period of time. You will be fine.:howdy: