welfare moochers upset over paying part of their electric bills


In My Opinion
public moochers upset that they have to help pay their way

"I would have to knock out something else to pay it, cut back on groceries, laundry, cut back on something," said Norma Nutter, who lives in Harbour House. "We have to pay or we have to move, so we're stuck."

most of them pay around 50 bucks a month to live in the apartments, and the rest comes from the taxpayer
they might have to pay up to 50 bucks for electric if they go over their allotted usage.

and they cry about it.

here's a hint you free loading scabs of society.

get a f-ing job and pay 100% of your way like the rest of us do instead of asking us to continue paying for your crime ridden existence.

I say cut off all the A/C to those places and let them swelter, maybe they would get the idea that working isnt such a bad thing after all.


:burning: Using my money to pay their bills!?!

When I was RIF'd (years ago) from a previous employer, I worked at a Liquor Store to make ends meet (I am not one to rely on anybody else, thanks to my Momma), do you know how many people with Independence Cards walked in asking me to bend the rules so they could buy their cigarettes and liquor? Oh my God this makes me so angry. I was working at a liquor store! Why couldn't they take their happy a$$es out and do the same? NO, they were too busy worrying about working the system and worrying if their check would arrive.


Well-Known Member
When I was just starting out, I worked for a caterer on the side so I could bring bulk leftovers home. And did you know that fast food napkins work just fine as toilet paper? I would rather starve than go on welfare, especially in this area where jobs are plentiful!


I AM an enigma
True story...

First, let me prefice this by saying that I know there are people who really need a helping hand sometimes and I am all for giving someone a break. But 4th and 5th generation welfare has gone way beyond pushing it... and I, for one, am sick of the entitlement mentality.


I was in the drug store the other day and there was a woman picking up her medicine. She looked to be about 30ish with 3 kids in tow. When the girl behind the counter told her "that will be $2" she FLIPPED OUT! "2 Mother F'in dollars my a$$...what is this chit..I gets SSI and I never pays no monies for my medcin"..

The little girl behind the counter said that as of July 1st there would be a $2 co-pay. This woman FREAKS. Goes on and on about the system screwing her.. (??) She had the nerve to ask that little girl "well who the hell paid for my chit before July 1st?" Having had enough of it I spoke up and said "I DID"! She gave me a look like I was from Jupitor. She was totally clueless and went on and on about Bush taking away all her "rights"...Rights?

And to think, they let these people vote. :jameo:
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Purplefox said:
First, let me premise this by saying that I know there are people who really need a helping hand sometimes and I am all for giving someone a break. But 4th and 5th generation welfare has gone way beyond pushing it... and I, for one, am sick of the entitlement mentality.


I was in the drug store the other day and there was a woman picking up her medicine. She looked to be about 30ish with 3 kids in tow. When the girl behind the counter told her "that will be $2" she FLIPPED OUT! "2 Mother F'in dollars my a$$...what is this chit..I gets SSI and I never pays no monies for my medcin"..

The little girl behind the counter said that as of July 1st there would be a $2 co-pay. This woman FREAKS. Goes on and on about the system screwing her.. (??) She had the nerve to ask that little girl "well who the hell paid for my chit before July 1st?" Having had enough of it I spoke up and said "I DID"! She gave me a look like I was from Jupitor. She was totally clueless and went on and on about Bush taking away all her "rights"...Rights?

And to think, they let these people vote. :jameo:

That makes me SICK!!! What would she do if she had to pay MY copay!?!? I have to pay out the nose and it's all because of people like her! I'm sick of paying taxes to pay for their medicines when I need so many myself. It's just not right! Bi@ching about 2 lousy dollars I swear. :war:


Mousebaby said:
That makes me SICK!!! What would she do if she had to pay MY copay!?!? I have to pay out the nose and it's all because of people like her! I'm sick of paying taxes to pay for their medicines when I need so many myself. It's just not right! Bi@ching about 2 lousy dollars I swear. :war:

I admit I almost fell over today when I paid $97 for an antibiotic for my daughter. I have insurance (blue cross/blue shield) and a so-called "drug discount" card.

Medical insurance for the middle class has become an unaffordable joke.

How did we get off topic so quickly? :lol:

Back on topic...these people had FREE electric? Dear God! I didn't see anything about a limit in the article, but I am seeing red right now. Do these complexes even have central A/C, or can they stick a window unit in the window and blast it? I would like to know more.


I AM an enigma
Wenchy said:
I admit I almost fell over today when I paid $97 for an antibiotic for my daughter. I have insurance (blue cross/blue shield) and a so-called "drug discount" card.

Medical insurance for the middle class has become an unaffordable joke.

How did we get off topic so quickly? :lol:

Back on topic...these people had FREE electric? Dear God! I didn't see anything about a limit in the article, but I am seeing red right now. Do these complexes even have central A/C, or can they stick a window unit in the window and blast it? I would like to know more.

Sorry about that! That would be my fault! I seem to have the attention span of a gnat today!


Purplefox said:
Sorry about that! That would be my fault! I seem to have the attention span of a gnat today!

Nope, it went off topic in the 2nd post.

Speaking of, did anybody read an article about reduced rate cell phones for low-income people? I might have even read it in here. Usually I would search, but dinner is being served. Help a gal out (for free...:lol:)


New Member
When I was down and out....

"I have more respect for prostitutes," I told my sister who was mooching off welfare and my parents, and sleeping with illegal alienns and having their kids, as her check got bigger for each kid. I was dirt poor, with a tiny newborn baby girl. I got a job at a pest control company. I walked 2 miles to work, and 2 miles home, to make enough money for the baby and rent. Food? well that was a luxury. I was married to a lowlife who seemed to get robbed every payday. Anyway, I refused to get help from anyone. I felt that my mistakes put me there, I was laying in the bed I made. Then I met a man, who rescued us. And even though I used shampoo for dishwashing and laundry and everything, I learned that I could survive anything. I now live well, that sister of mine, last I heard she was homeless, having kids for bigger checks was stopped in California.

Uncle Rico

New Member
I just got home a little while ago after working about a 60 hour work week. I have to work on Sunday and start all over again on Monday. You don't want to get me started on these friggin' low life losers who are working the system. I pack my lunch to save money and they are ordering Dominos with their welfare money. I've been in the store trying to buy only what was on sale and heard these idiots arguing with the manager because they couldn't get their shrimp steamed because they were paying with a welfare (Independance - ?) card. I can remember this lady asking the cake lady how big of a cake she should buy with her card? Why doesn't this crap piss everyone off? Why are liberals so friggin' brain-dead?


Methodically disorganized
Uncle Rico said:
Why doesn't this crap piss everyone off? Why are liberals so friggin' brain-dead?
It pizzes me off, but I know change will not happen at one shake of my fist. And, Liberals are not brain-dead; quite to the contrary, they have made a great niche for themselves, where they (Liberals) are the saviors while the welfare folk owe unwavering support. One big cycle... rather creative, but at the burden of mainstream society.


New Member
a discount on the electric bill would be nice, not asking for nothing free but when it runs between $400 - $500 any brake would be nice


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Residents will pay for any use beyond their allotments directly to BGE or the housing authority, depending on what property they live in and whether their unit is metered.
They're still getting some electric FREE.

Exactly how much residents will have to pay remains uncertain. Initial estimates for Harbour House range from about $36 for a one-bedroom apartment to $56 for a three-bedroom.
A mere pittance to what the rest of us pay. :bigwhoop: The can learn to conserve like the rest of us.


NOT Politically Correct!!
OK, for the older people who really do need help. Lights on

If you are capable of bend down and picking up trash in the street, flipping burgers, answering phones, etc and your not doing it. Lights off

As for welfare for kids, Judge Judy said it best "If you can't feed them, don't breed them..."

To save money today, I'm going fishing to catch a meal...


In My Opinion
chernmax said:
To save money today, I'm going fishing to catch a meal...
hmm, lets see,
my boat was 38k
my fishing equipment was maybe a couple hundred.
fuel for the boat for a day fishing about 150
average number of fish caught per season for me. 1

cheaper to buy the damn fish from someone that knows how to catch them.