Well I was hoping to do some fishing today


New Member
Had planned on going out on the Patuxent today out of Sandgates and try for some Rock but the weather forecast looked bad because of the winds. Was right windy when I went to bed last night. Wake up this morning and it's calm but the forecast says it's supposed to get right windy later on so decided to call it off for the day.

I hope the weather guessers have it right because I am going be pizzed if I called this off and it turns out to be a gorgeous day.

Oh well I guess I get to go down to the tackle box and buy some junk. We wanna get ourselves a few trays of lures set up for Rockfish jigging as we have never used anything but Stingsilvers for that and I wanna try some new stuff.

Anyone have any suggestions as to what lures to buy for Rockfish Jigging on the Patuxent and Potomac?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Hopkins or Aceta spoons. Either in silver or gold.

Good luck