Well, it IS hot out....


Well-Known Member


Power with Control
Dudes form is perfection. Eyes locked on target, palm cupping the chin, thumb lined uo on the nose.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
This would be funny in a normal, saner world not run by idiots like the Mayor of London. Given that London has banned just about everything as potential weapons, the irony of PLASTIC bottles being used as WEAPONS (even if only upon one's self; I thought suicide prevention was a big deal?) is stunning. Yes?

And who is the Mayor of London to tell someone to waste one's sweat? "Their rules" would seem to suggest a compelling of people to recapture sweat to refill the water bottles rather than wasting it. More to drink and helps solves the single-use plastic problem. Yes?

And the comment of SMELL (obvious trigger) ABANDONED (condoning littering instead of compelling the serving of the ABANDONED food to the homeless) is equally OFFENSIVE. Yes?

I thought "their rules" made it clear the entirety of this "humorous" poster is utterly offensive. Yes?

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