Well She Didn't Last Long - With an ID10T For a Boss I Wouldn't Want To Take The Heat Either


PREMO Member
Biden’s ‘Border Czar’ Stepping Down As Biden’s Border Crisis Drastically Worsens: Report

“The timing of her departure is nonetheless striking, coming in the middle of the administration’s efforts to reduce the flow of immigration from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador,” The New York Times reported. “Jacobson had been charged with leading that effort when her appointment was announced this year.”

The situation at the border has become so dire that the administration is now reportedly considering sending cash payments to Latin American countries to stop the surge in illegal immigration. A report by CNN last week said that the U.S. is on track to see 2 million migrants on the southern border this year, which is more than the populations of Wyoming, Vermont, and Alaska — combined. The Biden administration refuses to call the situation a “crisis” and only refers to it as a “challenge.”


Well-Known Member
All potential Democrat voters.
Democrats are too stupid o understand that one day these Democrat potential voters are also potential Democrats candidates.


Well-Known Member
The situation at the border has become so dire that the administration is now reportedly considering sending cash payments to Latin American countries to stop the surge in illegal immigration.

You remember that scene in "A Few Good Men" where Tom Cruise asks Jack Nicholson if his men follow orders - goes down the list of men to the privates and corporals, if THEY disobeyed orders. He gets really irritating about it, until Jack Nicholson sneered and stated they follow orders - or people die. Are we clear? Yes sir. I said ARE WE CLEAR? Crystal.

And then he asks why Santiago had to be taken off base - and he gets the lame response that his men might take things into their own hands, and he asks then why the two orders? How could he be in DANGER - if his men follow orders?

THIS reaction from the Biden administration says everything - if there's no crisis - we don't need to SEND MONEY TO KEEP THEM FROM COMING.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Biden’s ‘Border Czar’ Stepping Down As Biden’s Border Crisis Drastically Worsens: Report
The situation at the border has become so dire that the administration is now reportedly considering sending cash payments to Latin American countries to stop the surge in illegal immigration.
What kind of submissive, tits up reaction is this? WTAF? How about cash payments to finish building the border wall? How about not inviting every citizen of these third world shitholes into our country?

I read this in some old document somewhere or the other:
“establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”
Ourselves, to me means US CITIZENS, not illegal aliens.


Well-Known Member
I perfectly understand why these people want to come here.
But how many can any country absorb.
These are not people with skills. Most cannot even speak our language.
They are costing us Billion of dollars.

The Democrats are not wanting them her because we need the laborers. We have plenty of people out of work that could do those jobs.
They do not want them here for any altruistic concern for their welfare.

They want them here s they can weigh down the election system of our country with illegal voters.
The proof is right before us in the Bill they are trying to pass HR#1