What a week...


Well-Known Member
How do you govern when you have no guiding principals (other that being the center of attention at all times)?

How do you govern when you refuse to consult your advisors on matters of extreme national importance (the economy and national security)?

How do you govern when the ONLY people you see to listen to are Rush Limbuagh, Ann Coulter and the chuckleheads on Fox's various propaganda shows?

The answer is you can't and the country endures a week like we just did. Trump unilaterally announces a withdrawal from Syria. He fights on live TV with Dem leaders, gets all red faced and struts on about being happy to take responsibility for a partial shutdown---then agrees to a continuing resolution to fund the govt thru Feb (the same resolution the govt is currently operating under mind you)--then completely reverses course and refused to sign anything unless he has funding for his wall...I mean steal slats (anyone notice how he slurred his speech when he said it?)...I mean who know "as long as it is beautiful". Oh and of course he is desperately trying to blame the Democrats for his flip flop. In his remarks on the Senate floor last night Mitch McConnell laid this shutdown directly at the feet of the President (naturally the types on here didn't understand what McConnell was saying)

Now this dumb SOB is reported as wanting to fire the Chairman of the Federal Reserve (https://www.livemint.com/Politics/T...d-with-Feds-rate-hike-may-fire-Jerome-Po.html). What impact do you think THAT story will have on your 401k value on Monday?

Naturally the ignorati are running around claiming all this is some grand plan devised by a master negotiator. Gilligan claims that because the House voted on a bill that never had any chance of passing the Senate (it didn't even receive full REPUBLICAN support in the Senate) somehow makes the shutdown the fault of the D's. Hijinx claims Trump planned the whole Syria withdrawal because Saudi Arabia moved some troops to Syria a month ago (of course no one else, anywhere, knew about this...R's in Congress, our foreign allies, our Sec Def...none of them knew...NONE of them agree). Spitbubble is just running proclaiming her undying devotion to a man who can't lead, can't manage, can't negotiate and who has no interest in his mind than his own.

And there is Putin and his crony GURPS...laughing and enjoying themselves.

And so here we are...at a time of year when everyone should be relaxed...at home enjoying family. Instead our country is an absolute mess...part of the govt is shutdown...our allies no longer trust us and our investment markets just had their worst year in a decade.

As you all like to say...you get the govt you voted for.

Merry effing Christmas.


Well-Known Member
How do you govern when you have no guiding principals (other that being the center of attention at all times)?

How do you govern when you refuse to consult your advisors on matters of extreme national importance (the economy and national security)?

How do you govern when the ONLY people you see to listen to are Rush Limbuagh, Ann Coulter and the chuckleheads on Fox's various propaganda shows?

The answer is you can't and the country endures a week like we just did. Trump unilaterally announces a withdrawal from Syria. He fights on live TV with Dem leaders, gets all red faced and struts on about being happy to take responsibility for a partial shutdown---then agrees to a continuing resolution to fund the govt thru Feb (the same resolution the govt is currently operating under mind you)--then completely reverses course and refused to sign anything unless he has funding for his wall...I mean steal slats (anyone notice how he slurred his speech when he said it?)...I mean who know "as long as it is beautiful". Oh and of course he is desperately trying to blame the Democrats for his flip flop. In his remarks on the Senate floor last night Mitch McConnell laid this shutdown directly at the feet of the President (naturally the types on here didn't understand what McConnell was saying)

Now this dumb SOB is reported as wanting to fire the Chairman of the Federal Reserve (https://www.livemint.com/Politics/T...d-with-Feds-rate-hike-may-fire-Jerome-Po.html). What impact do you think THAT story will have on your 401k value on Monday?

Naturally the ignorati are running around claiming all this is some grand plan devised by a master negotiator. Gilligan claims that because the House voted on a bill that never had any chance of passing the Senate (it didn't even receive full REPUBLICAN support in the Senate) somehow makes the shutdown the fault of the D's. Hijinx claims Trump planned the whole Syria withdrawal because Saudi Arabia moved some troops to Syria a month ago (of course no one else, anywhere, knew about this...R's in Congress, our foreign allies, our Sec Def...none of them knew...NONE of them agree). Spitbubble is just running proclaiming her undying devotion to a man who can't lead, can't manage, can't negotiate and who has no interest in his mind than his own.

And there is Putin and his crony GURPS...laughing and enjoying themselves.

And so here we are...at a time of year when everyone should be relaxed...at home enjoying family. Instead our country is an absolute mess...part of the govt is shutdown...our allies no longer trust us and our investment markets just had their worst year in a decade.

As you all like to say...you get the govt you voted for.

Merry effing Christmas.

And a Merry effing Christmas to you also.

It's the time of year when we all should be gracious, and forgiving.

May you have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy your family and friends in the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
It's like Ben Shapiro said. Civil discourse needs to come from both sides. People with vastly different viewpoints are willing to talk with each other in a polite way until one of them starts making personal attacks.

I too think it's been a bad week for America in many ways. Many other parts of the original post just aren't needed to advance an argument.


Well-Known Member
My question is how can anyone govern under the pressure of a media that spends each day criticising every move you make.?
How do you govern when the opposing party spends each day looking for ways to destroy your every move.?
How do you govern when your own party eats sh*t (pardon me that's crude ) and cowers before the opposing party.?
How do you govern when almost half of the people you are trying to govern want turn the country into a third world dictatorship.?
How do you govern when everyone you put into a position is brutalized and put upon by the media.?

How do you govern when the enemies of American politics totally forgets that one of the greatest strengths of this country is that we can change presidents without the animosity that has been exercised in this administration.It's absolutely shameful and unAmerican.
How do you govern when a political appointment has been made to destroy the President and been given the power and the money to do it.
Because anyone who believes Mueller isn't placed in his position to bring down the President is a fool.
His methods have proved he isn't there to investigate collusion, He is there to destroy the Trump Administration./
What Comey and Mueller couldn't do before the election is being done now after the election.


Well-Known Member
My question is how can anyone govern under the pressure of a media that spends each day criticising every move you make.?
How do you govern when the opposing party spends each day looking for ways to destroy your every move.?
How do you govern when your own party eats sh*t (pardon me that's crude ) and cowers before the opposing party.?
How do you govern when almost half of the people you are trying to govern want turn the country into a third world dictatorship.?
How do you govern when everyone you put into a position is brutalized and put upon by the media.?

How do you govern when the enemies of American politics totally forgets that one of the greatest strengths of this country is that we can change presidents without the animosity that has been exercised in this administration.It's absolutely shameful and unAmerican.
How do you govern when a political appointment has been made to destroy the President and been given the power and the money to do it.
Because anyone who believes Mueller isn't placed in his position to bring down the President is a fool.
His methods have proved he isn't there to investigate collusion, He is there to destroy the Trump Administration./
What Comey and Mueller couldn't do before the election is being done now after the election.

Great post.


Well-Known Member
My question is how can anyone govern under the pressure of a media that spends each day criticising every move you make.?
How do you govern when the opposing party spends each day looking for ways to destroy your every move.?
How do you govern when your own party eats sh*t (pardon me that's crude ) and cowers before the opposing party.?
How do you govern when almost half of the people you are trying to govern want turn the country into a third world dictatorship.?
How do you govern when everyone you put into a position is brutalized and put upon by the media.?

How do you govern when the enemies of American politics totally forgets that one of the greatest strengths of this country is that we can change presidents without the animosity that has been exercised in this administration.It's absolutely shameful and unAmerican.
How do you govern when a political appointment has been made to destroy the President and been given the power and the money to do it.
Because anyone who believes Mueller isn't placed in his position to bring down the President is a fool.
His methods have proved he isn't there to investigate collusion, He is there to destroy the Trump Administration./
What Comey and Mueller couldn't do before the election is being done now after the election.

If only Tranny had the ability to convey his point in such a manner...
But it's a hate filled little goblin, so it doesn't have speaking skills...it's ignorant, racist, & filled with loathing...for itself & anybody that is better than it. (That's most people here, imp)


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I long for a day where elected officials vote on things that benefit all Americans instead of towing a party line or voting for things that benefit special interest groups.


PREMO Member
How do you govern when the ONLY people you see to listen to are Rush Limbuagh, Ann Coulter and the chuckleheads on Fox's various propaganda shows?

Do YOU have ANY PROOF to the above claims, Otherwise this is more of YOUR Fantasy, Supposition, Innuendo and Assumption

Trump unilaterally announces a withdrawal from Syria.

Yeah SO What :shrug:

Naturally the ignorati are running around claiming all this is some grand plan devised by a master negotiator.

Trump seems like a cat chasing a Laser Pointer sometimes ... but do YOU have anything to back up YOUR inferanc [that Trump is NOT following A Master Plan]

Gilligan claims that because the House voted on a bill that never had any chance of passing the Senate (it didn't even receive full REPUBLICAN support in the Senate) somehow makes the shutdown the fault of the D's. Hijinx claims Trump planned the whole Syria withdrawal because Saudi Arabia moved some troops to Syria a month ago (of course no one else, anywhere, knew about this...R's in Congress, our foreign allies, our Sec Def...none of them knew...NONE of them agree).

Do YOU have ANY PROOF to counter the above claims, Otherwise this is more of YOUR Fantasy, Supposition, Innuendo and Assumption

And there is Putin and his crony GURPS .... laughing and enjoying themselves.

I laugh at your inept accusations I am a Russian ...

And so here we are...at a time of year when everyone should be relaxed ... at home enjoying family. Instead our country is an absolute mess ... part of the govt is shutdown ... our allies no longer trust us and our investment markets just had their worst year in a decade.

Be Specific WHAT have Our Alleged Allies Done For America Lately ...
The Eurocrats Have Their OWN Path To Walk ... it is high time they carried their OWN Weight
Let Europe Deal With Putin and Syria - they want to cobble that Islamist Rod and import 50,000 trouble makers let them suffer the consequences

As you all like to say ... you get the govt you voted for.

Indeed, and 80% of Republicans are VERY HAPPY with the JOB being done ....

Personally, I'll take the Tweets, and Administrative Missteps, the Stupid Bump Stock Ban [that should be over turned],
as Trump remakes the Judicial Landscape for the next 15 - 25 yrs appointing numerous Conservative Judges

Merry effing Christmas.


whatever keeps you awake at night
Last edited:


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
How do you govern when you have no guiding principals (other that being the center of attention at all times)?

How do you govern when you refuse to consult your advisors on matters of extreme national importance (the economy and national security)?

How do you govern when the ONLY people you see to listen to are Rush Limbuagh, Ann Coulter and the chuckleheads on Fox's various propaganda shows?

The answer is you can't and the country endures a week like we just did. Trump unilaterally announces a withdrawal from Syria. He fights on live TV with Dem leaders, gets all red faced and struts on about being happy to take responsibility for a partial shutdown---then agrees to a continuing resolution to fund the govt thru Feb (the same resolution the govt is currently operating under mind you)--then completely reverses course and refused to sign anything unless he has funding for his wall...I mean steal slats (anyone notice how he slurred his speech when he said it?)...I mean who know "as long as it is beautiful". Oh and of course he is desperately trying to blame the Democrats for his flip flop. In his remarks on the Senate floor last night Mitch McConnell laid this shutdown directly at the feet of the President (naturally the types on here didn't understand what McConnell was saying)

Now this dumb SOB is reported as wanting to fire the Chairman of the Federal Reserve (https://www.livemint.com/Politics/T...d-with-Feds-rate-hike-may-fire-Jerome-Po.html). What impact do you think THAT story will have on your 401k value on Monday?

Naturally the ignorati are running around claiming all this is some grand plan devised by a master negotiator. Gilligan claims that because the House voted on a bill that never had any chance of passing the Senate (it didn't even receive full REPUBLICAN support in the Senate) somehow makes the shutdown the fault of the D's. Hijinx claims Trump planned the whole Syria withdrawal because Saudi Arabia moved some troops to Syria a month ago (of course no one else, anywhere, knew about this...R's in Congress, our foreign allies, our Sec Def...none of them knew...NONE of them agree). Spitbubble is just running proclaiming her undying devotion to a man who can't lead, can't manage, can't negotiate and who has no interest in his mind than his own.

And there is Putin and his crony GURPS...laughing and enjoying themselves.

And so here we are...at a time of year when everyone should be relaxed...at home enjoying family. Instead our country is an absolute mess...part of the govt is shutdown...our allies no longer trust us and our investment markets just had their worst year in a decade.

As you all like to say...you get the govt you voted for.

Merry effing Christmas.

Intermittent Explosive Disorder DSM-5 312.34 (F63.81)


The DSM-5 defines intermittent explosive disorder as “recurrent behavioral outbursts representing a failure to control aggressive impulses.” (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Intermittent explosive disorder, which can be diagnosed in children as young as six, is characterized by a wide variety of aggressive outbursts. Intermittent explosive disorder is extremely common, as more than half of youth and young adults have experienced at least one angry outburst. Still, certain populations, such as those who have served in combat, those who have experienced trauma and morbidly obese adults are at increased risk. Intermittent explosive disorder is important to address because a pattern of aggressive behavior can lead to a host of relational and occupational problems. Although many patients resist intervention, cognitive behavioral therapy is an effective treatment for managing anger and learning positive coping skills. Intermittent explosive disorder is considered to be in remission when only one or two symptoms of the disorder persist."

"Treatment of Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Remission is the treatment goal for intermittent explosive disorder. Remission is achieved when only one or two symptoms persist (Coccaro, 2012). It is often difficult for people diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder to seek help. Most patients are treated as result of court order or a loved one presenting an ultimatum. Patients usually have poor insight and a tendency to externalize blame. Many see aggressive behavior as a positive thing, supporting their strength as a person. Patients also tend to see the therapist as an enemy. Consequently, therapeutic relationships may be difficult to establish and maintain. Because of this, intermittent explosive disorder is typically treated with medications such as antidepressants or mood stabilizers. Still, when the patient is cooperative, psychotherapy is extremely helpful. The most effective psychotherapy intervention for intermittent explosive disorder is cognitive behavioral therapy that focuses on the direct treatment of anger. This approach is helpful because it addresses the affective, cognitive, and behavioral components of violent outbursts. Patients learn anger management skills, deal with underlying concerns, learn to manage stress, and build positive coping skills (Morland, et al., 2012)."

The complete post can be found here: Intermittent Explosive Disorder DSM-5 312.34 (F63.81)

--- End of line (MCP)


Well-Known Member
I long for a day where elected officials vote on things that benefit all Americans instead of towing a party line or voting for things that benefit special interest groups.

You and me both. I would like to see Lobbyists outlawed from the Hill.
I would like to see any campaign funds left over from an election be turned over to the IRS and not be used for the incumbents next election.Let them star out equal with the opposition
I would like to see franking privileges held in abeyance 6 months before an election.