What are our county commissioners up to?


Has anyone noticed that for the past few weeks, there has been very little said or published about the school sites situation. Kinda makes me wonder if there may be some back room deals being considered. I requested a list of all the school sites that were being considered, but never got an answer. A few days later I read in the Enterprise that our couty politicos consider land acquistion to be "executive session" stuff so they don't have to let anyone know until it's a done deal. I mean what the hey, it's only "our" money they are using; why should we be privy to what they are spending it on. This crew of 5 need to get off their rearends and get something done. If not, elections are just around the corner. I now see where the plans for developing Myrtle Point Park have been pushed out until 2008-2009. I stand by my earlier posts: If you ain't gonna use the land as originally intended in 1997, then use it to build a school. There! Two problems solved. A great place for a school and you don't have to spend money to develop the park. What a novel idea! Nah, it ain't ever going to happen. Too much backscratchin' going on in L'Town. If you ain't gonna' lead, get the heck outta the way!


You can't seriously expect more from Good Ole' Kenny Dement then you're getting!

If this God forsaken County had elected Joe Gass we wouldn't be in this pickel!:killingme


Lovin' being Texican
Yeah, they held a hearing tuesday on the upcoming property tax assessment inflation during the business day so very few can attend. Apparently, the retired community represented their position very well. Look for a move to abolish the tax assessment hike for retirees but watch the inflation bloom for those who work and pay taxes.