What are the Pro's And Con's of having Lj on Skins


New Member
1. Pro-He's a big back;this should help the 4 and 1 downs

2. Con's-Are we going to have Steam in the locker room?

What's your opinion???:buddies:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Pro; Portis insurance if Portis is leaving or doesn't play well or gets hurt

Potential pro; has a big year or two left in him.

Pro; depth if CP stays and plays well.

Con; may spend more time in jail than playing

Pro; calls the media types names :lol:

Con; homosexual fans will object


New Member
Pro; Portis insurance if Portis is leaving or doesn't play well or gets hurt

Potential pro; has a big year or two left in him.

Pro; depth if CP stays and plays well.

Con; may spend more time in jail than playing

Pro; calls the media types names :lol:

Con; homosexual fans will object

I agree if Portis doesn't do well we have back-up. I doubt if he'll go to jail


Well-Known Member
Pro: Being a home boy from Charles County, he and Byron Westbrook can go out drinking together, and one can be the designated driver.

Con: They both can go out together and get arrested together.
