What are you most thankful for?


Since it's the week of Thanksgiving; I think we should all take a moment and give a public display of our affection.

:whistle: JK

I'm most thankful for my family and the ability to type this message on a computer that has electricity powered by the finances we've earned in a job I'm fortunate to have to support a "somewhat" extravagant but wonderful lifestyle I've grown accustomed to enjoying, while spoiled kids remind me to buy them an I-tunes card for their computers and phone that was provided by my health and ability to break my back just to hear "Mom I want" once again.

I would do it all again for the blessings I complain about. But I mostly love my husband and family for tolerating & supporting me.


God...family...friends...job.....and the ability(wellness) to do it.


"MOST" grateful for?

Being sober...for without that, I lose everything that I am grateful for!
Be safe, be careful this weekend!!!!
Remember those that do not have as much as you do adn could use a helping hand.
You cant take it with you...so share the blessings you have. :howdy:

And dont forget the animals...both domestic and the wild ones!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm thankful for my family, friends and great neighbors!

I'm also thankful that despite the bad economy we can still pay our bills and live comfortably right now. There are many of our fellow Americans who can't say this, this year.

I'm also thankful for all of our fellow Americans who volunteered to serve their country who are unable to be with their families this Holiday season.


Im thankful for my two front teeth! Also, my husband finally putting up the dang on Christmas tree.
Thankful for a job. It was touch and go for a while here.....

Also thankful I had a great family and friends.


Im thankful for my two front teeth! Also, my husband finally putting up the dang on Christmas tree.

Finally????? DANG!

Thankful for my babies and my bestest friend and my fabulous job!


Pitty Party
Since it's the week of Thanksgiving; I think we should all take a moment and give a public display of our affection.

:whistle: JK

I'm most thankful for my family and the ability to type this message on a computer that has electricity powered by the finances we've earned in a job I'm fortunate to have to support a "somewhat" extravagant but wonderful lifestyle I've grown accustomed to enjoying, while spoiled kids remind me to buy them an I-tunes card for their computers and phone that was provided by my health and ability to break my back just to hear "Mom I want" once again.

I would do it all again for the blessings I complain about. But I mostly love my husband and family for tolerating & supporting me.

Work hard, play hard, stay, ????


Transam's wife
I am thankful for my wonderful husband and our terrific kids and for the rest of my family too. I am blessed that we were able to lend a hand when a friend needed it and am thankful for the best friend a gal could have!


New Member
My wonderful husband, my handsome sons (and g-baby momma), my beautiful granddaughter, my fantastic mom in law, my job, my awesome friends, my rotten animals, my health (finally great after a long, long, long battle), the roof over my head, the food on my table, the low balance in my checking account (at least I have one) and most of all - Jesus - without Him, I would not have the ability to be thankful!!!!!


I bowl overhand
I'm most thankful that Rosie O'Donnel is going to be back on TV, with her very own variety show..

Thank doG!!


Throwing the deuces
Besides what's already been posted by most... family, job, health, etc I am most thankful for my youngest son who almost died a few days after birth. I can't imagine the wonderful memories I would have missed had he not survived. He is the comic relief in our family and the apple of my eye. My oldest son will be the one who acheives great things in his life but my youngest is the one who will enjoy the simple aspects of life and in turn, probably be the most happiest out of the two of them.