What can I do?


New Member
The dollar is crashing, oil prices are rising, inflation is setting new highs and the economy is collapsing. The U.S. economic empire is going to end, it's inevitible, and our economy will fall hard. An old saying, the bigger they are the harder they fall.

So, what can I do to secure my future? I am not the type of person who's going to stay on board a sinking ship.

Could purchase gold, but I heard the government can sieze any gold locked up in a bank in the event of an economic crisis. Snopes says it's not true but it's been reported for years. :shrug:

I could go swap my money out for the Euro and take the short term hit, but nobody in America accepts the Euro.

What other options does one have if we enter a depression worse than ever before?

All of a sudden, mankind ending in 2012 doesn't sound so bad. :ohwell:

Your thoughts?

nobody really

I need a nap
The dollar is crashing, oil prices are rising, inflation is setting new highs and the economy is collapsing. The U.S. economic empire is going to end, it's inevitible, and our economy will fall hard. An old saying, the bigger they are the harder they fall.

So, what can I do to secure my future? I am not the type of person who's going to stay on board a sinking ship.

Could purchase gold, but I heard the government can sieze any gold locked up in a bank in the event of an economic crisis. Snopes says it's not true but it's been reported for years. :shrug:

I could go swap my money out for the Euro and take the short term hit, but nobody in America accepts the Euro.

What other options does one have if we enter a depression worse than ever before?

All of a sudden, mankind ending in 2012 doesn't sound so bad. :ohwell:

Your thoughts?

hasn't been a jumper on the bridge in a while. just be sure to do it on the weekend


The dollar is crashing, oil prices are rising, inflation is setting new highs and the economy is collapsing. The U.S. economic empire is going to end, it's inevitible, and our economy will fall hard. An old saying, the bigger they are the harder they fall.

So, what can I do to secure my future? I am not the type of person who's going to stay on board a sinking ship.

Could purchase gold, but I heard the government can sieze any gold locked up in a bank in the event of an economic crisis. Snopes says it's not true but it's been reported for years. :shrug:

I could go swap my money out for the Euro and take the short term hit, but nobody in America accepts the Euro.

What other options does one have if we enter a depression worse than ever before?

All of a sudden, mankind ending in 2012 doesn't sound so bad. :ohwell:

Your thoughts?
Buy the NHRA.


The dollar is crashing, oil prices are rising, inflation is setting new highs and the economy is collapsing. The U.S. economic empire is going to end, it's inevitible, and our economy will fall hard. An old saying, the bigger they are the harder they fall.

So, what can I do to secure my future? I am not the type of person who's going to stay on board a sinking ship.

Could purchase gold, but I heard the government can sieze any gold locked up in a bank in the event of an economic crisis. Snopes says it's not true but it's been reported for years. :shrug:

I could go swap my money out for the Euro and take the short term hit, but nobody in America accepts the Euro.

What other options does one have if we enter a depression worse than ever before?

All of a sudden, mankind ending in 2012 doesn't sound so bad. :ohwell:

Your thoughts?
Move to Cuba or North Korea.


New Member
Keep buying...

Dollar cost averaging.

My 401k and stocks have taken a hit, but I'm not worrying. I'm still buying.


Lem Putt
hasn't been a jumper on the bridge in a while. just be sure to do it on the weekend


Or stop watching MSNBC, pretend you are a normal 19 YO, get a good education, move out of Mommy's basement, and get a girlfriend that isn't made of latex.

Sweet 16

What the H-E-doublehockeysticks are you b#tching about?! The Dow is still over 12,000 and unemployment and interest rates are low. The last time I checked, factories were still producing and people were still buying. Instead of complaining how bad things are, why don't you use some of that energy to write your congressman and find out why they're *taxing* us into oblivion? Either that, or go visit a third-world country and see how good we really have it.


The dollar is crashing, oil prices are rising, inflation is setting new highs and the economy is collapsing. The U.S. economic empire is going to end, it's inevitible, and our economy will fall hard. An old saying, the bigger they are the harder they fall.

So, what can I do to secure my future? I am not the type of person who's going to stay on board a sinking ship.

Could purchase gold, but I heard the government can sieze any gold locked up in a bank in the event of an economic crisis. Snopes says it's not true but it's been reported for years. :shrug:

I could go swap my money out for the Euro and take the short term hit, but nobody in America accepts the Euro.

What other options does one have if we enter a depression worse than ever before?

All of a sudden, mankind ending in 2012 doesn't sound so bad. :ohwell:

Your thoughts?
You are retarded :rolleyes: The economy is not collapsing. Like everything it ebbs and flows. I lived through the Ford years when inflation was sky high, the Carter years when you could only get gas on odd numbered calendar days, the dot com bubble burst, the Reagan years of plenty, the stagnant Bush I years and thats not taking into account the swine flu, bird flu, mad cow, AIDS, Ebola, hunta, E Coli, Polio, anthrax, and every other pandemic the fear monger press has predicted we will all dies from and we are STILL here and STILL #1 mainly because of the last 31 years only 12 were democrat administrations.

One thing is certain, running in circles and panicking like a stooge never works. Work hard, save you money, educate yourself and make sound conservative choices and you will be fine. But then again the more you flap your gums like you did here, the more it makes be think you are going to be broke and living with your parents forever.


Lovin' being Texican
You could get on the computer at school and print up a bunch of carbon credits. Sell them online.


Obama destroyed America
What the H-E-doublehockeysticks are you b#tching about?! The Dow is still over 12,000 and unemployment and interest rates are low. The last time I checked, factories were still producing and people were still buying. Instead of complaining how bad things are, why don't you use some of that energy to write your congressman and find out why they're *taxing* us into oblivion? Either that, or go visit a third-world country and see how good we really have it.
Psssttttt.... :gossip: Not the best example. It was at 14,000 last Feb. :lol:


New Member
I haven't...


Or stop watching MSNBC, pretend you are a normal 19 YO, get a good education, move out of Mommy's basement, and get a girlfriend that isn't made of latex.
... watched MSNBC in a week. The Nintendo Wii is a better use of my 27" and 19" TVs.


Writing has occupied most of my free time.

I've been working on a long essay about racing history in Southern Maryland. Started the research a month ago.

I'm just not as optimistic about the economy as you all are. :shrug:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
... watched MSNBC in a week. The Nintendo Wii is a better use of my 27" and 19" TVs.


Writing has occupied most of my free time.

I've been working on a long essay about racing history in Southern Maryland. Started the research a month ago.

I'm just not as optimistic about the economy as you all are. :shrug:

You're not old enough to have been through economic downturns and the subsequent rebounds. Go find a couple of people who lived through the Great Depression and ask them how they felt. I doubt that many of them were looking for the end of the world to end to their woes.
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New Member
That's msnbc.com, not MSNBC TV. There's a difference.

The only show I can make it though on MSNBC without losing 9 brain cells a minute is Morning Joe, and I just don't have time in the morning to watch it. I just got a Blockbuster game pass or whatever they call it so I can rent any game as long as I want with no late fees.


The Wii is the greatest thing since stuffed ham.