What daycare



I don't know, but whatever daycare it was, wasn't watching her very well.


:yikes: This is one of the reasons my kids NEVER went to daycare! :nono:


TexasSunflower said:
Isn't it the law for the daycare to have their outside play area fenced in? That's crazy that they wouldn't be watching more closely than that! That is cause for shut down in my opinion! Or at least fire the person who was suppose to be watching her!!!!

The article didn't say whether or not the Daycare was fenced. Sounds like they maybe have too many kids and not enough eyes.


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missperky said:
The article didn't say whether or not the Daycare was fenced. Sounds like they maybe have too many kids and not enough eyes.
Sounds like another case of greedy people trying to get as many kids as possible to get the money and not caring about the welfare of the kids. I never put my kids in daycare either for that reason right there! The state needs to make tougher laws and regulations for these centers!


TexasSunflower said:
Sounds like another case of greedy people trying to get as many kids as possible to get the money and not caring about the welfare of the kids. I never put my kids in daycare either for that reason right there! The state needs to make tougher laws and regulations for these centers!

My kids have never been in daycare, for numerous reasons.



last i checked (yesterday, when her principal told me to drive to hollywood elementary), my daughter goes to hollywood elementary, a summer school was offered for her, and was highly encouraged by her doctor.

they at least need a fence. i just hope they don't get too tight on her security-wise as its torture for her (people being close) and will just add to her already enormous amount of stress she already has to deal with, called reality. you simply do not leave autistic children her age unattended long enough for her to dissappear. it is very typical for them to "bolt", specially in open spaces. i go to shoppers, i show her an isle, she gets a huge grin and she does the quarter mile down the isle, IF i don't hold her hand.

i am not sure what to do now. if 3 professionals can allow a child to be unattended long enough to be outran by a 4yr old for 30minutes... well, i dont know. i dont have any options (therapists), and my options need so much money. working 2 jobs as it is as insurances dont cover autism.
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New Member
This crap happens. I would be thrilled with the immediate response of the staff. Within minutes of her being gone 911 was called and all procedures were followed. Because of their quick reaction she was found unharmed. I lost my own two kids in Target. Kids wander quickly. Most important is the swift and proper reaction of staff and police.


Pitty Party
Geek said:
This crap happens. I would be thrilled with the immediate response of the staff. Within minutes of her being gone 911 was called and all procedures were followed. Because of their quick reaction she was found unharmed. I lost my own two kids in Target. Kids wander quickly. Most important is the swift and proper reaction of staff and police.

Ok! Who woke your pretty ass up :shrug:. :lol:


TexasSunflower said:
Sounds like another case of greedy people trying to get as many kids as possible to get the money and not caring about the welfare of the kids. I never put my kids in daycare either for that reason right there! The state needs to make tougher laws and regulations for these centers!

I don't know why they called this a day care - it's a day camp that's run specifically for kids with handicaps during the summer. My son went one year and it's a pretty good thing - the camp picked them up/dropped them off at a designated spot, they did one trip a week - movies, artsy craftsy things, stories for the younger set, visitors that came through with animals. It never seemed overcrowded, the staff was dedicated, plenty of checks and balances to account for the kids.

I don't know where they goofed up but I agree with who was it Geek? that they reacted quickly and little girl was unharmed thank God.

I know not all autistic children are the same but my son does not answer when he's called and never has. I chaperoned on a bus trip to the zoo and "lost" one of the autistic kids I was in charge of - three feet from me - I'm screaming his name over and over, security looking all over for him - he just wouldn't answer. Multiple that times ten - it's a tough job. I'm not defending, I know that's not a good excuse and I'm sure I'd feel different had it been my son, but it takes a special person to be able to work with these kids, I'm betting they feel horrible. They are good people.


im trying not to rag on them, this is a 24-7 job that takes toll on you physically, mentally, and emotionally, it takes a lot of heart and a whole lot more patience (imagine being that childs parents - 24/7!). i dont expent professionals to know as much as the parents themselves, after all, we are with them 24/7 (however unpaid), not 1hour per day, twice a week. at the end, yes, im glad she was found. also happy there was some sand near her, as thats pretty much heaven for her


Main Streeter
TexasSunflower said:
Sounds like another case of greedy people trying to get as many kids as possible to get the money and not caring about the welfare of the kids. I never put my kids in daycare either for that reason right there! The state needs to make tougher laws and regulations for these centers!
That's not the case. The state regulates daycares, both facilities and home daycares. There are limits on adult:kid ratios. Home daycare with one adult are allowed to have no more than eight children and that assumes a certain square footage and other factors. I don't know what the ratios are for daycare facilities.