I am a dba but know nothing about security. I have nortan and symantec, but don't think they are up to date nor paid/registered programs. There is so much advice out there I'd rather first hand experience on what program to use and what settings to have in place...that is if you are kind enough to share with me! Thank you!
Ultimate security:
Disconnect from any network.
Close the cover and walk away.
You can do all the right things the right way and still get bit. The best things you can do:
Make sure that the OS is patched and up to date. This is more important than people realize.
Use a decent virus program. Most folks I know, and me too, use AVG because it works, and has very little overhead. Doesn't drag down the PC. Makes sure it is being updated daily.
I'm not a big fan of Comodo for firewall, too much interaction and pop-ups asking what to do. I opt to turn on Windows firewall and back that up with enabling the router firewall to it's highest level.
DO NOT EVER subscribe to file sharing services like LimeWire. It's is just opening the door for virus' and Trojans. I had to rebuild my friends computer twice in 2 years because he insisted LimeWire was safe. He ran LimeWire on his wife's laptop and infected that one too. You can imagine the
he got for that.
Enable the pop-up blocker on your browser. FireFox is "safer" than IE and works pretty well.
And finally, BACK UP your data. Copy it to a DVD or CD or an external hard drive. There is no excuse for losing personal data, other than being lazy about it.