What do you do??


Has confinement issues..
When you go to several doctors for a worrisome medical condition and after a few menial tests discover nothing.

I've been to three doctors in the last three months concerning what I view to be a very serious issue. No one has offered me any clue as to what it may be or told me how to fix it.

I am in physical pain with a now obvious sign of something wrong..WTF?


Witchy Woman
I'd start by going to the E.R. to get out of that pain and then I'd demand my doctor find out what was wrong, and if he couldn't I'd find another doctor and another and another. ( if thats what it took).


Has confinement issues..
I'd start by going to the E.R. to get out of that pain and then I'd demand my doctor find out what was wrong, and if he couldn't I'd find another doctor and another and another. ( if thats what it took).

Screw the pain. I just wanted know what it is! Compared to natural child birth and migraines that parallel strokes, this is nothin'. You know I don't like pills.

And now that I know what it is.. :shrug:


When you go to several doctors for a worrisome medical condition and after a few menial tests discover nothing.

I've been to three doctors in the last three months concerning what I view to be a very serious issue. No one has offered me any clue as to what it may be or told me how to fix it.

I am in physical pain with a now obvious sign of something wrong..WTF?

If you haven't already, go to any doctor outside of Southern Maryland. IMO all the doctors in Calvert and St. Mary's suck. But then again, the people who graduate last in their class have to 'practice' somewhere, and it's here I think.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Screw the pain. I just wanted know what it is! Compared to natural child birth and migraines that parallel strokes, this is nothin'. You know I don't like pills.

And now that I know what it is.. :shrug:

Have you thought of body work? Kind of like massage therapy, but more of the healing art aspect to it? Or acupuncture?

Often your imbalances and blood flow can help identify toxins and/or any other major underlying issues.

I once had a procedure called Cupping. Very odd to conceptualize if you're only sold on modern medicine. More odd still to look at.
Adjunct Therapies - See Cupping

Just some thoughts.


New Member
If you haven't already, go to any doctor outside of Southern Maryland. IMO all the doctors in Calvert and St. Mary's suck. But then again, the people who graduate last in their class have to 'practice' somewhere, and it's here I think.

Remember that half of the Doctors in this world graduated in the lower half of there class. So keep trying to find one that can help you.


Have you tried researching your symptoms online? I don't promote self diagnosis but knowledge may give you a good place to start.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Screw the pain. I just wanted know what it is! Compared to natural child birth and migraines that parallel strokes, this is nothin'. You know I don't like pills.

And now that I know what it is.. :shrug:

Have you tried researching your symptoms online? I don't promote self diagnosis but knowledge may give you a good place to start.
Why self diagnosis, she says she knows what it is?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If you haven't already, go to any doctor outside of Southern Maryland. IMO all the doctors in Calvert and St. Mary's suck. But then again, the people who graduate last in their class have to 'practice' somewhere, and it's here I think.

Oh pooh. Doctors everywhere suck. My daughter had something going on years ago and the doctors in Frederick didn't have a clue. Finally she had appendicitis while visiting her grandmother in Nebraska, and when they had her opened up they found the problem.

Beez, I'm with Kain - research your symptoms online so you can get an idea of what might be wrong with you. That's pretty much what doctors do anyway, diagnose you based on symptoms. Then you can go to the doctor and offer suggestions as to what you think it might be.


Has confinement issues..
Well, after being talked in to it, I went to the ER again. I've never had a doctor actually witness the symptoms I have been having.

In less than five minutes the doctor said I had fibrocystic disease. Something that NO doctor has even mentioned to me since this started. Even if he's wrong, at least someone finally gave me some clue as to what may be bothering me.

I was turned down twice for the medical procedure that could have diagnosed this either becuase of my age or financial limitations. Three years of worrying relieved in five minutes. :rolleyes:
I hate to take medications and I hate the idea of surgery, so if I can't fix this on my own in some non-invasive, homeopathic way with the aid of my "doctoress" then I'll look at the other alternatives. :yay:

Thanks for listening to me vent a bit:biggrin: