What Do You Think of This?



My daughter goes to Chopticon High School, and yesterday she comes home and says that she needs some help with some homework that deals with politics. She shows me the assignment sheet, and I am floored! What she had was one of those highly-biased "What are You" tests that have been floating about the Internet. Here are the questions and answers:


1. Take the Free Market approach. Provide tax credits for tuition payments or explore other financial ways to help parents send children to the schools of their choice.
2. Demand good performance from schools. Reward school districts that show improvement and provide merit pay for good teachers.
3. Increase Federal funding for programs to prevent dropouts and to help the disadvantaged pay for college.


1. Do not raise taxes or cut military spending. Instead cut wasteful and ineffective social programs.
2. Cut some social programs and some defense projects and raise taxes.
3. Slash wasteful defense projects rather than social programs and consider a tax increase if necessary.

Foreign Trade

1. Retaliation triggers trade wars. Encourage free trade.
2. Establish trade tariffs to protect struggling U.S. industries.
3. Retaliate against nations which maintain unfair trade barriers.

Stopping AIDS

1. Aids is a danger to our society. Everyone should be tested.
2. Test only prisoners, immigrants, and people about to be married.
3. Forced testing for AIDS is impractical and violates people’s right to privacy. Concentrate on education about the disease and aiding those who have the disease.

Gun Control

1. Put no restrictions on guns. Keep the “right to bear arms” untouched as the founding fathers intended.
2. Put some restrictions on guns (waiting periods, etc.), but do not take away the right altogether.
3. Put severe restrictions on guns and in some cases take away the right to bear arms.

Drug Abuse

1. Mandatory drug testing is needed to uncover abuse in both the workplace and in schools. Also needed are life sentences for dealers and stiff punishment for those found guilty of illegal drug abuse.
2. Only test people who hold sensitive positions – pilots, workers in nuclear power plants, teachers, etc. Help those who are found to abuse drugs, but make sure they’ve gone straight before allowing them back to work.
3. Mandatory drug testing violates an individual’s right to privacy and should not be allowed. Also, penalties for illegal drug use only scare away people who need treatment. Offer counseling and education.


1. Outlaw abortion – it is murder.
2. Allow abortion in certain cases (rape, incest, or when the mother’s life is in danger).
3. Keep abortion legal – it is a woman’s right to choose what to her with her body.

Death Penalty

1. The death penalty should be implemented – kill and be killed.
2. The death penalty should be used only in the most extreme cases (a gruesome first degree murder for instance).
3. Killing anyone is wrong – so the death penalty is wrong also.

Add up the total of the numbers you selected and this will tell you what you are:

Republican ---------- Moderate ------------- Democrat

I called CHS and talked to the teacher who issued this assignment, and I told her that I had the following problems with this:

1. The author of this document had taken the most extreme views of a minority of the Republican party and compared them to moderate views of the Democratic party. This is an unfair comparison.
2. The use of this "test" is an attempt to stereotype Republicans and Democrats based on views that are generally held by a minority of the membership. Would you ask the question: I believe that people should work hard and support their families = being a white guy, and I believe that you should stay home, collect welfare, and bail out on your family = being a black guy? That kind of unfair stereotyping would never be condoned in school so why should this be allowed?
3. The options listed are so unrealistic and out of context that they are... just disturbing.

I had hoped that the teacher would tell me that this was just a tool that she was using to show kids how some people wrongfully try to pidgeonhole and stereotype members of other parties, but instead she told me that she gave it to the kids so they could see if they're Republicans, Moderates, or Democrats. Needless to say... I was concerned. :cussing: :cussing: We had a long talk about this tool, and she admitted that she had gotten it from an outside source (i.e., the net) and that it was not a fair comparison of the parties. She also told me that she had discussed how believing in one thing or another that one party believes in doesn't mean that you can't be a member of the other party or a moderate. Unfortuantely, handing out something like this that pretends to be a point paper of who believes in what is so wrong I can't even fathom a credible teacher doing it.

She says their next assignment is to write a presidential speech on "issues" from the view point of a Republican, Democrat, or Moderate. I'm going to be reviewing that assignment very closely.
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Loyalty, Friendship, Love
What a stupid test. There's no validity to it. Every question is black, white and grey. I fails to take into account there are 100 shades of grey.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I didn't think the questions were that biased, myself. They sounded about right for hard conservative, moderate and hard liberal. What would be more interesting would be to have a discussion of the motivations behind the positions and the long term benefits/liabilities, not to mention what history has shown us regarding the topics.

I enjoy having these conversations with my kids. They're little liberals at heart until you make it personal regarding them and their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Except for the middle daughter - she makes Rush Limbaugh look like the DU nuts. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...the important thing here is you child. I know you're doing this but I'll say it anyway:

Go line by line and discuss each one with her. Tell her your views and explain them. Ask hers and why. Ask what her friends think and why.

At the end of the day you have great topics to talk about with your kid, a voting adult soon to be. You'll know how she thinks about current events, questions of philosophy and how or if she engages the world around her on topics of the day.

All that plus she'll be able to instantly recognize people whose idea of keeping up on issues of the day begins and ends at rudimentary tests on the web.

Cheers my man! This is a good thing! She's gonna face bias her whole life anyway. Now you'll KNOW she's prepared!


Originally posted by vraiblonde
I didn't think the questions were that biased, myself. They sounded about right for hard conservative, moderate and hard liberal.

:barf: Vrai... what are you doing to me!

Education: The Republican and Moderate options deal with public schools. The Dem option deals with paying for college and should read "Leave teaching to the teachers."

Budget: Consider a tax increase? Consider? It should read "... increase taxes on the wealthy..."

Gun Control: Should read "take away all guns except for military and police."

Drug Abuse: Should read "Legalize drugs."

Abortion: Should read "there should be no limits placed on a woman's right to an abortion."

Death Penalty: I really liked this one. Notice how it comes right after the Abortion question where they say it's okay to kill unborn children, and how it says "killing anyone is wrong." That's rich.


Here's some xtra info Larry. My daughter and I started through this BS last night, and before all was said and done I had four teenagers in teh room discussing things they had never discussed before, and worse... they had never thought about before. I told my daughter's teacher that I thought this would be a good tool to spark discussion, provided she makes certain to point out to the kids how bogus a document it is... and I doubt she'll do that.

In her place I would download the entire Republican and Democrat platforms from the RNC and DNC websites, and have the kids read them and base their judgements on accurate data. I don't think kids can learn about the parties by doing a three-minute self evaluation any more than they can learn about sexual relationships from watching a three-minute video on MTV.

Just think... right now there are a bunch of high school kids who now seriously believe that Republicans only want to cut social programs, have unlimited gun ownership, and want to kill anyone who kills anybody else.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Most of us...

...have a person in our life somehwere who sparked us, taught us to THINK. To question. To follow through on a subject in order to understand it.

Usually it's a teacher and we all will never forget that person.

What is greater than that person, or at least one of them, being pop gathered around the kitchen table?

It ain't easy I don't think, which is why for many people that person isn't mom or dad. Mom and dad typically are insanely stupid until we turn 30 and then they get amazing brilliant overnight.

Last night we had #2 daughter saying "I want to go to France next summer". She tends, at 14, to be more 'great idea' and less 'how to go about it' than we'd like. So, after a bunch of indignant "I KNOW THAT" 's and some tears because she felt attacked and her dreams threatened we finally reached a point where she understood that our 'criticism' was based SOLEY on us WANTING her to do it and anything else she dreams up.

The kicker: "Baby, sometimes people decide they want to go sky diving off a cliff and right after they decide they can do anything they want, they jump and right after that they realize they haven't thought about a few things even though they thoguht they 'knew'. Things like...parachutes. Landing areas. Wind.

Cue light bulb over head. Cue great discusion about mating dreams and reality.

A great night.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Most of us...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
Cue great discusion about mating dreams and reality.
I bet it was a great discussion, mating dreams, huh? So what is she looking for?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Damn perverts...

...what I meant was 'looking at dreams through a practical eye'.

Bad enough the boys running around here, on the phone, offering to drive, stupid IM's...

More dang lawyers and English teachers around here than enough!



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Bruzilla
Just think... right now there are a bunch of high school kids who now seriously believe that Republicans only want to cut social programs, have unlimited gun ownership, and want to kill anyone who kills anybody else.
If you asked daughters #1 and 2 if they believed that, they'd go, "Om, DUH :duh:", then they'd explain to you why all of those things are great ideas. :biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We'll be chastising our #2 daughter about her selfishness and how fortunate she is because lots of people can't afford to have the things she has. She replies, "Okay, well we're not those people, are we?"



My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by vraiblonde
We'll be chastising our #2 daughter about her selfishness and how fortunate she is because lots of people can't afford to have the things she has. She replies, "Okay, well we're not those people, are we?"


Thank God you posted this. I was beginning to think I was a horrible parent and had raised a bunch of self-centered (yet republican) dolts.:biggrin: