What does a guy have to do to prove that he's straight?


Asperger's Poster Child
No, I'm not talking about myself, fer chrissake!


Tony Siragusa said the same thing about Garcia recently, but in code: "Just a different kind of guy. Not a meat-and-potato guy...I wouldn't see him going out and ordering a beer any time soon."

Why are Owens and Siragusa trash-talking Garcia, even though he dates supermodels and Playmates? Because they're jealous! Look at that load Siragusa and try to imagine any woman preferring him to Garcia. People used to trash Tom Cruise the same way, and look at his track record with women (Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz). I can't imagine any of these women agreeing to be some gay man's "beard."

This reminds mewhen I was in high school in the '80s,when Duran Duran was big. The guys who listened to Maiden and Crue trashed Duran Duran as homos. They knew damn well that most of the hot girls thought metal was disgusting. These guys were just venting their sexual frustration.


mainman said:
"Not that theres anything wrong with that"... TV Show? It's an easy one...:yay:
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Does anyone...

...truly, give a rats ass whether Garcia is gay or not?

The guy plays his guts out, takes his shots and comes back for more.

Past that I do not give a measly #### if his nickname is 'Kyber Pass'. The man carries his weight and then some.

Duran Duran is, BTW, horrifically gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Personally, I'll take a fire, a keg, Maiden at 115db and some sort of dead animals to burn. When the time comes, we always knew where to go hunt down the women; where ever the Duran Duran crowd was.

A place for everything. Everything in its place.


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
...truly, give a rats ass whether Garcia is gay or not?

The guy plays his guts out, takes his shots and comes back for more.

Past that I do not give a measly #### if his nickname is 'Kyber Pass'. The man carries his weight and then some.

Duran Duran is, BTW, horrifically gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Personally, I'll take a fire, a keg, Maiden at 115db and some sort of dead animals to burn. When the time comes, we always knew where to go hunt down the women; where ever the Duran Duran crowd was.

A place for everything. Everything in its place.
Good post, Larry. That was the point I was trying to make about Garcia. I don't give a rat's ass about his sexual preference, either, other than wondering why Owens and Siragusa are so bothered by him. Hey, maybe they secretly want him and not his girlfriends! :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm
Tonio said:
Good post, Larry. That was the point I was trying to make about Garcia. I don't give a rat's ass about his sexual preference, either, other than wondering why Owens and Siragusa are so bothered by him. Hey, maybe they secretly want him and not his girlfriends! :lol:
Tonio, I don't know what kind of environment you grew up in, truthfully, if you want to know, it's none of my concern. Having said that, when I was growing up, the guys my age that hung together, playing ball, going to baseball/football games, chasing girls, you know the usual crap, well we were always jiving with each other.
Taking potshots when you weren't looking, teasing each other about their "manhood", for one reason or another. Maybe it was what you liked to wear when you all met - for us it was the local bowling alley - then we'd head out and find something/somebody to terrorize. If you made an attempt to be "in fashion" with what the college kids were wearing, some of the other guys in the group might have thought that was gay. Back then, that was the last thing you wanted to be grouped with.
Today, it's changed a bit, people seem to be in your face more often than not, at the same time we've learned to be more politically correct, and even though those 2 ideas don't necessarily go together, they are part of our society. Some people are less PC than others, obviously, and their game is trash talk, probably because they grew up in a very competitive atmosphere.

I suspect that's what is going on here; a couple of guys going off, just because they like hearing themselves talk. I've always felt - if you don't equate with what they're ragging on you with - it shouldn't bother you.

You know - personally, inside that's not you, so why let it get to you?


Asperger's Poster Child
Penn, it's possible that the guys I grew up with were jiving, and I took it the wrong way. As full of psychological babble as this may sound, I think that comes from my father. For one thing, he tried to choke me twice when I was a teenager. But there was much more to it than that. When I was a kid I was bookish, unathletic and reclusive. I sensed that this disappointed my father. He seemed to feel that those qualities weren't masculine. He was always trying to get me involved in sports, and let me know in subtle ways that I didn't meet his standards. It's like he felt my geekishness reflected badly on him as a father. Because of that, I've always felt uncomfortable in groups of men, especially men who aren't college-educated and/or who aren't from cities. I worry about them thinking I'm gay or at least sissified if I say I like books or that I've been to college. Again, I may be misinterpreting what is harmless joking around. I guess I worry too much about getting approval from people.


Dancing Up A Storm
Tonio said:
Penn, it's possible that the guys I grew up with were jiving, and I took it the wrong way. As full of psychological babble as this may sound, I think that comes from my father. For one thing, he tried to choke me twice when I was a teenager. But there was much more to it than that. When I was a kid I was bookish, unathletic and reclusive. I sensed that this disappointed my father. He seemed to feel that those qualities weren't masculine. He was always trying to get me involved in sports, and let me know in subtle ways that I didn't meet his standards. It's like he felt my geekishness reflected badly on him as a father. Because of that, I've always felt uncomfortable in groups of men, especially men who aren't college-educated and/or who aren't from cities. I worry about them thinking I'm gay or at least sissified if I say I like books or that I've been to college. Again, I may be misinterpreting what is harmless joking around. I guess I worry too much about getting approval from people.
Alright, I'm getting the picture here. This is something that's been with you a long, long time. Perhaps you've never really come to grips with it.

My father wanted me to get into junior and high school football, you know the organised stuff. I played many a sandlot scrimmage game with my friends throughout my teen years, but it wasn't what he expected of me.

I was more into baseball and basketball, but that didn't "cut it" with him, and we'd get into it sometimes over the dinner table. My mom would tell my dad, "quit getting on him, it's not what he wants to get into".

Gradually, he let go of that, and thankfully, I guess, we had the family common sport of snow skiing, in NY and Vt.

Now, there I did excel, doing things eventually, as I got older, that he could not do. I entered racing in Slalom and Giant Slalom, in high school, won a few races, and made him a proud poppa!

But more than that, he would challenge me to race him down the mountain, wide open, as fast as we would dare go, and I'd beat him.

He'd look at me and shake his head, saying "Kid, you've sure got some b@!!s on you!"

Then he'd laugh his butt off, and say let's do that again!

But, back to the problem: really, what other people imagine about you doesn't mean squat. If you're not gay; OK, fine, let them think that about you.

Who really cares, if doesn't apply to you?

When you act hurt, and you allow it to show, it urges these type of folks on more, so don't give them an opportunity to continue.

You know who you are, they do not.

However, if you have to take one of them out, so be it. It also sets an example, if you hear what I'm saying. Last resort, too I might add.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

Being choked by a parent is abuse, it shows intent to do bodily harm, and I think you should seek professional help as it is obvious that it has impacted you significantly.

Lucy, paging Lucy, you have a patient in dire need of psychological assistance. Just kidding here but not above, you should really talk with a professional about those events and the relationship you had with your father.