What happened?


I know nothing
can you believe 2 of the most camera hungry selfish meffers are sitting next to each other!!!!!

Sanders and Owens... 2 of the biggest showoffs ever!


New Member
I watched until the 3rd quarter. Loosing Favre didnt help the packers chances at all !

But in the end Americas team came out on top !


Supper's Ready
I watched until the 3rd quarter. Loosing Favre didnt help the packers chances at all !

But in the end Americas team came out on top !
A. Rodgers 18/26 201yds 1TD 0 Int
B. Favre 5/14 56yds 0 TD 2 Int

Rodgers had a great game (even though they lost), I was impressed. I think he had 11 completions in a row. :shrug:
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Set Trippin
We can dislike TO all we want...


Wherever he goes, QB's have good seasons as well as TO.... That's a fact....


I bowl overhand
Favre?? The loss of Favre looked like it was a good thing..

The young replacement did a GREAT job, and actually moved the ball down the field and SCORED and kept GB in the game.. if only their defense had showed up last night..

FAvre on the other hand.. how many 3 and outs did he have before he got hurt??

I think GB is in GREAT shape if FAvre decides to retire.. and I think I saw the look in his face last night.. The camea panned by him while he was looking at Aaron (last name escapes me) and the look was... Maybe it's time for me to move on.

Did anyone else watch Monday Night Football this week?? Pittsburgh?? Probably the most fun game I've seen in YEARS.. maybe decades.. Wet, muddy swampy field.. linemen sinking up past their ankles in muck.. a PUNT lands and sticks 1/2 in the ground.. AWESOME!!


New Member
We can dislike TO all we want...


Wherever he goes, QB's have good seasons as well as TO.... That's a fact....

I jumped out of my seat and started and started clapping like a retarded fat kid that see's birthday cake when TO caughed up the ball in the endzone for a turnover :getdown:


Set Trippin
I jumped out of my seat and started and started clapping like a retarded fat kid that see's birthday cake when TO caughed up the ball in the endzone for a turnover :getdown:
I did too....:lmao:

I'll still give credit where credit is due...:shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I like these Thursday night games. Followed by Friday, then the weekend! :yahoo:

...there is too much of a good thing. It didn't bother me at all not having the game on as Thursday night is when Louisville plays, not the NFL.
