What is important to you in a life partner?


New Member
Anyway what is it that you are looking for in a life partner?

I always find the men that want a momma.........YIKES!!!!!!

So I guess I am looking for a responsible grownup male!!!!
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Obama destroyed America
Dang it, I hit the return button by mistake.....LOL

Anyway what is it that you are looking for in a life partner?

I always find the men that want a momma.........YIKES!!!!!!

So I guess I am looking for a responsible grownup male!!!!
:gossip: That's what the "edit" button is for.

Legs & heiny. :yay:


Dang it, I hit the return button by mistake.....LOL

Anyway what is it that you are looking for in a life partner?

I always find the men that want a momma.........YIKES!!!!!!

So I guess I am looking for a responsible grownup male!!!!

Sense of humor, compatibility, responsibility, compassion and understanding....I'm sure there's more, but I'm having a brain fart.


Anyway what is it that you are looking for in a life partner?

I always find the men that want a momma.........YIKES!!!!!!

So I guess I am looking for a responsible grownup male!!!!


Where do you want to have the honeymoon at......


New Member
Good Looking (got to have an attraction), great personality that can make me laugh, intelligent, goal oriented, confidence - but not arrogant, kind and caring, charming, trustworthy and honest, fun and exciting, great in bed!
Sense of humor, compatibility, responsibility, compassion and understanding....I'm sure there's more, but I'm having a brain fart.

... lets me be who I am without trying to remodel me. Enjoys their own interests which is not necessarily mine.


Good Looking (got to have an attraction), great personality that can make me laugh, intelligent, goal oriented, confidence - but not arrogant, kind and caring, charming, trustworthy and honest, fun and exciting, great in bed!



Obama destroyed America
Good Looking (got to have an attraction), great personality that can make me laugh, intelligent, goal oriented, confidence - but not arrogant, kind and caring, charming, trustworthy and honest, fun and exciting, great in bed!
Another list I didn't make.... :ohwell:


New Member
I am hoping for more responses......I am curious to see how this is gonna play out..............

So far we have from men......breathing, hiney, legs, someone who wants thier space and someone I think is saying they are looking for someone that brings out the best in them?....correct me if I am wrong.

The women are listing character traits so far.......


I am hoping for more responses......I am curious to see how this is gonna play out..............

So far we have from men......breathing, hiney, legs, someone who wants thier space and someone I think is saying they are looking for someone that brings out the best in them?....correct me if I am wrong.

The women are listing character traits so far.......

Sounds right so far. I'm still mad at Harley for saying breathing though. Sheyot, that doesn't make me feel real special.