What is ringbone??


New Member
Just got an email from a friend who has a friend that asked if I wanted to buy her Paso mare that is in foal for $600.00 because she has ringbone. I have never heard of it, looked on-line quickly and got some definition. I am not really looking for another horse but thought maybe the horse would make a good pasture mate. Any input on this condition?


Horse Poor
Ringbone isn't a good thing for sure. I had a friend who's horse had it. He ended being lame more than sound. He had it at the coronet band.


Does my butt look big?
This is a nice mare..kinda #####y but a nice mare..she is bred to the stud in my avatar...his stud fee is $500...she is a very nicely bred mare..she is lame even on bute but rideable..she also has an undershot jaw so dont use a bit on her...good luck..She also tends to be a little low in the pasturns in the front but may be due to the ring bone...I sold this mare for more then double what she is asking for her..Her last foal sold for $7K


My Sweetest Boy
kwillia said:
Looks like she's willing to take the loss just to offload the horse... SOUNDS VERY EXPENSIVE, should one decide to take on a horse with known ringbone.

It is. My poor niece got stuck with a horse that had it. She ended up giving him away as a companion horse (he was only 3). Sad she had to learn that lesson with her first horse.


New Member
Pasofever said:
This is a nice mare..kinda #####y but a nice mare..she is bred to the stud in my avatar...his stud fee is $500...she is a very nicely bred mare..she is lame even on bute but rideable..she also has an undershot jaw so dont use a bit on her...good luck..She also tends to be a little low in the pasturns in the front but may be due to the ring bone...I sold this mare for more then double what she is asking for her..Her last foal sold for $7K

Hmmm....looks like she needs a nice home to live out the rest of her days comfortably. Poor girl. Am sure the baby will be a beauty. I just cannot get another horse right now hubby has said I am at my limit and in order for any new ones to come in another would have to go and I am too atttached to part with mine. Hopefully someone will offer her a good home. Thanks everyone for all the explanations on ringbone!


Does my butt look big?
I offered to buy her back a few weeks ago.. But she did not give me an answer..so while she "thought about it" I picked up a nice black walker to resell...I am waiting to get weight on him before I resell him so I am full right now and can't take her..she is due to foal this fall...


Does my butt look big?
Actually I got his mare before she was due to be run through a sale in Pa..She probably would have gone to the killers...she is a nicer mare then that..bred nice and a nice looker...I sold her to a lady that gave her a great home and she taught the lady alot...the lady outgrew her like I knew she would the mare was a starter for her...Happy sold her a young gelding that seh is replacing this mare with..I hope she finds a nice home as she is a nice mare and does not deserve to end up at a killer sale...I am happy I got the mare..happy I sold the mare..I sold her for the price I did to keep her out of the killer range..60 cents a pound 1000 lb horse ie killers will pay the $600 I dont like priceing horses in the killer range..if you red givers to not understand that I am sorry..I fell I rescued the mare and placed her in a very loving home..


Horse Poor
Pasofever said:
Actually I got his mare before she was due to be run through a sale in Pa..She probably would have gone to the killers...she is a nicer mare then that..bred nice and a nice looker...I sold her to a lady that gave her a great home and she taught the lady alot...the lady outgrew her like I knew she would the mare was a starter for her...Happy sold her a young gelding that seh is replacing this mare with..I hope she finds a nice home as she is a nice mare and does not deserve to end up at a killer sale...I am happy I got the mare..happy I sold the mare..I sold her for the price I did to keep her out of the killer range..60 cents a pound 1000 lb horse ie killers will pay the $600 I dont like priceing horses in the killer range..if you red givers to not understand that I am sorry..I fell I rescued the mare and placed her in a very loving home..

Paso is right..So sad but so true.......The market stinks right now I have 2 nice 2yro filly's I can't move. If I don't soon I'll have to take a big loss and send them to the sale in VA. So for one that isn't sound it will be hard to place, and if you do most likely after the foal is born and weaned the mare will possibly end up in a sale just to move her.....People just can't afford to feed and care for one that they can't use. I hope that you can place her with some one that will take care of her. I had one with navicular and I couldn't use him as a trail horse anymore so I gave him to a 7 yro girl who still rode him. They just got rid of him I hear and he was 28..
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