What is your sleeping attire?

What do you wear when you go to bed?

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Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
I'm a jammies girl - like the kind Bill Cosby used to wear - but they're hard to come by. I only have a few pair left. And they're summer weight. And cute.

So, I opt for fleece bottoms and long sleeve tees w/fleece pullover until I go to sleep or anything warm that makes me comfortable.

And I know I'm not the only one, am I? :bawl:

Again, this is my SLEEPING attire. :coffee:
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24/7 Single Dad
bcp said:
Hey aps, what tender were you on back then?
I was pre commision crew on AS-39 around the same time.
if you were east coast you most likely were on the spear?
The U.S.S. Proteus.
While Guam is on the other side of the international date line and is technicly the eastern most U.S. territory , it's usually not considered the east coast.


100% Goapele Head!
SEABREEZE 1957 said:
Wow...pretty particular

...no more than 5" down your arms? I actually got out a ruler and measured how far that was down my arm....:lmao: :peace:

*I tried to give you some green, but have to wait 24 hours*


I know right. I actually measured before I posted it. I try not to sleep in anything that feels like I am dressed for the day. It relaxes me more. :smile:
bcp said:
Hey aps, what tender were you on back then?
I was pre commision crew on AS-39 around the same time.

if you were east coast you most likely were on the spear?
I worked on the Proteus there for a few weeks. Night time stuff. Watch out for those porpoises!

Oh and I sleep in my Spiderman pjs. :whistle:


Well-Known Member
Generally, I sleep in whatever I happen to be wearing when I drop on the pillow and zoom into dreamland. I fall asleep at the speed of light most times.

However, I'm usually somewhat dressed for the occasion by that time.


Usually cotton nightgowns, on the occasion t-shirt and underwear. I agree about the sexy things, whats the point! I get the same effect if I'm just in my birthday suit! :really: