What Kind of Retinol is good?


New Member
For face care/wrinkles - does anyone have any recommendations about which retinol is good? Anyone try Jane Seymour's natural advantage I see advertised?


New Member
You're best bet is to go to a dermatologist and get a prescription. Over the counter products don't contain very much retinol (not enough to do a lot of good anyway). You need something stronger.

Sweet 16

I've posted before that I swear by Neutrogena Anti-Wrinkle cream. The daytime SPF runs about $12. They also have an "intense" night cream but I use it morning and night and it is awesome! It costs about $15 per tube and you can get it at Wal-Mart.


New Member

For face care/wrinkles - does anyone have any recommendations about which retinol is good? Anyone try Jane Seymour's natural advantage I see advertised?

I've tried that. I didn't like it... by itself. The cleanser isn't "grainy" at all. I like a little grit in the cleanser to get the dead skin off, but this is a really smooth cleaner. On the first two days' use, it makes your skin feel smooth, but then the little bumps start to reappear. The "nighttime renewal complex" actually does contain a high retinol content, and I did see skin peeling, so that was a good thing.

IMO if you used Proactive at night to get the day's dirt and makeup off, then applied the nighttime renewal complex...
then use Natural Advantage in the morning, that would be the perfect combination, albeit a bit costly.


New Member
Hope this helps-

For face care/wrinkles - does anyone have any recommendations about which retinol is good? Anyone try Jane Seymour's natural advantage I see advertised?

The unfortunate part of the product Jane sells is that it does not make its concentration of retinol known.

Product Review: Jane Seymour Natural Advantage All Day Moisture and Nighttime Renewal Complex « FutureDerm.WordPress.com

If you're looking for a face-lift in a bottle, you won't find it in over-the-counter (nonprescription) wrinkle creams.