What KOS said about Bidon


New Member
"Joe Biden said about Barack Obama:

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

“Articulate”. “Mainstream”. “Bright and clean”.

KOS said "It’s clear his career has dragged on one election cycle too many."

wow, the Kos Kids have it right for once.


No Use for Donk Twits
Kos and the rest of his ilk are pretentious, ill-mannered children trying to act as adults. And failing miserably.

His site is a wealth of bovine excrement, if you can stand the smell long enough to sort through it all to get to the nuggets of truth.


New Member
Kos and the rest of his ilk are pretentious, ill-mannered children trying to act as adults. And failing miserably.

His site is a wealth of bovine excrement, if you can stand the smell long enough to sort through it all to get to the nuggets of truth.

true, but it who they endorce that counts.

Are they like 2 for 33 loses???? The dreaded KOS endorcement, did any one see his commercial for LaMonte? The guy who lost big time?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I never understood why it would be insulting to call someone articulate, bright, clean and nice-looking. If anything, Jesse Jackson should be insulted because in my mind that's who he was comparing Obama with. Especially that "articulate" part.


No Use for Donk Twits
I never understood why it would be insulting to call someone articulate, bright, clean and nice-looking. If anything, Jesse Jackson should be insulted because in my mind that's who he was comparing Obama with. Especially that "articulate" part.


Didn't look at it that way, but your viewpoint is much funnier!