Would the distiguished gentleman from Lex Park yeild a moment for me to interject?
Originally posted by jlabsher
I think Republicans historically represent old white rich guys, the religious & the military - Democrats historically represent women, minorities, the working class, the poor & youth. Republicans spent money on the rich, military & business, Democrats spent more for social programs.
It is true that some of the major bases of the Republican party are the religious (except for Zutard), military, and "old rich guys" however the appeal of the republican party goes even deeper and crosses more boundaries. If you total the military and the military infrastructure you have roughly (a SWAG) say 30 million people or slightly less than 11% of the population. This 30 million do not vote in a block. My vote went through Tennesee, the guy who sat next to me went to Michigan. Our votes were dilluted in the votes from the states we were registered. The same with the "old rich white men" and the religious. While white, I am far from rich, former military, and not very religious. This stereotype is false. There simply are many people who want you to take care of yourself and they will take care of themselves. They do not like having their taxes raised so that it can be sent to an inner city to teach some crack addict to run a cash register in a mandatory class they have to take to keep their welfare, only to run back to the hood when the class lets out and still not work. Republicans WILL help those who truly NEED help, not those who just want help because working and being a moral contributor to society is too hard or cramps their style. Rebublicans tend to take the moral high road and suggest things like, marriage, not having children out of wedlock, doing the right thing even when no one is looking. They have little compassion for criminals even if it was the first time you got caught with 2 ounces of crack and the weight of your merchandise put you over the limit and you got a minimum mandatory sentence. These principles are generally NOT popular with the younger generations, UNTIL they of course get older and it is their kids they are laying awake at night worrying about, then it makes sense.
Republicans DO NOT spend money on the rich, that is silly. They spend money on the same things Democrats do just not in the same proportions. They do help business because that is where jobs, consumer confidence, housing starts, consumer spending all originate from. If you impeed business, over tax it, or make it less profitable people will lose jobs. There is a time tested method that has worked in that if you cut the taxes on business, the increased sales more than make up for the initial loss of tax revenue. If I tax a widget 50 cents and the supply and demand curves at the price charged balances at 75,000 units sold per year, the tax revenue comes out to $37,500. If we drop the taxes to .40 cents and the cheaper price moves demand up and we sell 100,000 widgets at a lower price instead of the 75,000 before at the higher price we make $40,000 in tax revenue an increase of $2,500. Now take those figures and multiply it by billions for all the transactions that happen everyday in the marketplace and we are talking big moola.
Originally posted by jlabsher
They both are leaning toward the middle though, now you see Democrats pushing welfare to work and the Republicans pushing bigger government in the form of military & police programs.
Republicans historically stayed away from personal issues but now they are talking about giving money to churches, public money to private schools (vouchers) and dictating what legal sex & marriage is. Democrats are waving the flag more and saying government has no place doing social engineering.
True, both parties have moved to the center. But I do not agree that the Republicans want a bigger government in the form of a larger military and police programs. The military is smaller than it ever has been and I have not heard anything to suggest that they are planning on increasing troop strength, but instead increasing quality. The total number of troops or the size of the military is NOT what people mean when they say big government. Bureauocracy is what they are talking about. More programs that are staffed, more departments, agencies and infrastructure. The reach of the Federal Government into your house, that is what they are talking about.
Police programs are simply a result of September 11th. Yes this is an increase in government that could not be avoided.
Vouchers are a method of giving choice to you, and giving poor school systems a concret reason to improve. For years sucky schools had no incentive to improve. Now with vouchers they must improve or close. The main thing about vouchers is that it gives you a CHOICE. You now have control of where YOUR child goes. You have control of that NOT the government. As someone said it is that the Rebublicans trust YOU to make your own decisions, the Democrats FORCE you to live by theirs.
Faith based charities are a fine way of distributing to the needy. WAIT, I thought that Rebuplicans didn't help the needy? Not the case at all. they see established faith based organizations already have the experience, infrastructure, and an extended footprint in local communities. This is a ready made support system for the needy. WHY go and create a new bureauocracy and pay to staff it so that it can become a red tape nightmare where only 60% of the funds reach the needy, when 90% can make it with the faith based charities already in existance? They keep rattling on about seperation of church and state, BAH, hogwash. The government is not MANDATING, ENDORSING or REQUIRING any religion. simply allowing them to do what they do best, take care of people.
Originally posted by jlabsher
The problem on this board is that if you say something that isn't in agreeance with the right wing slant you are automatically labeled a "dirty liberal". There are many good and bad politicos on both sides, you just have to vote for the person - not the party!