What Next?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Dogs and cats, living together.

THAT is what I am hearing from most of the talking heads blaring about Roe v. Wade and the pending reversal.

It is not at all what WILL happen - or might happen - or could happen -

It's wild and often utterly ridiculous conjecture about things that "could be next". Like, what next, bring back slavery? Stupid, stupid assed stuff.
Handmaid's Tale crap. God help us.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
As with the left, the right media is exploiting the fringe nut jobs talking points. Most pro-abortion/pro-life people are normal and offer their beliefs as inputs to the argument, not as insane anarchy support. These nuts are always sky-is-falling chicken little pussies who would go away if the media would stop giving them any coverage.


Well-Known Member
I sure hope the sky falls on Democrats and Liberals in 2022. If it does the United States might have a chance of recovery.

Gas Jumped another 4 cents last night. Diesel is $5.99 with trucks paying double for fuel it's no wonder everything that has to be delivered is going through the roof. SMECO went up this year and I am betting it will go up again. Fuel Costs have to be costing them a ton of money.


Well-Known Member
Gas Jumped another 4 cents last night. Diesel is $5.99 with trucks paying double for fuel it's no wonder everything that has to be delivered is going through the roof. SMECO went up this year and I am betting it will go up again. Fuel Costs have to be costing them a ton of money.
Made our annual cemetary tour to Ft Lincoln, ANC, Gates of Heaven and $5.99 was the low for diesel, with $6.24 (Va) as the high. Think I only saw 1 price under $5 for high test, so I figure I blew $35-40 dollars on gas today.


Well-Known Member
Made our annual cemetary tour to Ft Lincoln, ANC, Gates of Heaven and $5.99 was the low for diesel, with $6.24 (Va) as the high. Think I only saw 1 price under $5 for high test, so I figure I blew $35-40 dollars on gas today.
Think of the people that have to blow that every day to get to work.

Now think of the people who are paying to have their grass cut and wondering why the cutters are charging more. The waterman has to buy gas for his boat, the farmer paying double for his diesel tractor and then paying double for fertilizer if he can get it. The roads falling apart and the price of asphalt at a premium, the school buses all running on diesel, and the school budget paying for it.

There isn't a product or a job or jus life in general that isn't influenced by the price of fuel, .and we had ENERGY INDEPENDENCE a year and 3 months ago... And don't feed me this sht that it's Putin's fault.
Joe Biden screwed the pooch when he sat in the White House on his first day and went to war with every living American----many of them too phucking stupid to know it.
Not only that he raised the fuel prices in every country on the planet that same day, and made Russia rich enough to go to war. This clown has got to go 2 1/2 more years of this is beyond belief.


Well-Known Member
Damn, think I triggered Hijinx into lecture mode.:yikes: Think everyone is well aware of everything you mentioned.