What Not to Wear...


Well-Known Member
I am off today, and watching this show. It's the one on BBC. I've never seen it before. Man, these gals are brutally honest! :roflmao:


Well-Known Member
Cowgirl said:
I am off today, and watching this show. It's the one on BBC. I've never seen it before. Man, these gals are brutally honest! :roflmao:
I'm pretty sure they would have a problem with crocs :killingme


New Member
Cowgirl said:
I am off today, and watching this show. It's the one on BBC. I've never seen it before. Man, these gals are brutally honest! :roflmao:

SHUT UP!!!! is Stacey's new show on tonight!! My daughter and I love watching WNTW too!!! :popcorn:
mizteresa1965 said:
SHUT UP!!!! is Stacey's new show on tonight!! My daughter and I love watching WNTW too!!! :popcorn:

Love the American version, but she was referring to the original BBC version. :huggy:

forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
What Not to Wear (the American version) is one of the few shows I put in my weekly schedule to watch! I like the BBC version too, but I never know what time it comes on.
forever jewel said:
What Not to Wear (the American version) is one of the few shows I put in my weekly schedule to watch! I like the BBC version too, but I never know what time it comes on.

Did you watch it last night? I can't believe that woman went out in public with pajama pants on. It's bad enough when young girls do it, but a grown woman!


Cleopatra Jones
Speedy70 said:
Did you watch it last night? I can't believe that woman went out in public with pajama pants on. It's bad enough when young girls do it, but a grown woman!

I did this the other night but I was brow beat into it. Came home from work with a migraine, took some meds, a shower and laid down. Daddy had the pigs and called me at 7 to wake me up so I could come meet him. I get the pigs and the bf calls to ask if I've eaten dinner. I tell him no, just meet me at my house and I'll cook something when we get there. He tells me no, I haven't felt good let' just meet and grab something. I tell him I'm in pajama pants and a t-shirt. He doesn't care. I insist that I'll make something and to just meet me at the house. He insists that we're going out to eat. We ended up at Adam's Ribs....


New Member
Going out in jammie pants is wrong?? Oops. Maybe What not to Wear needs to see some of the stuff I wear, it would be a very entertaining, well for anyone but me! I love the american version. I'm always thinking, hey I have an outfit like taht, when they show the people in their beforeish clothes.


Wet Kitty
Speedy70 said:
Did you watch it last night? I can't believe that woman went out in public with pajama pants on. It's bad enough when young girls do it, but a grown woman!
Go to the Lexington Park Food Lion. I see it all of the time. Slippers and curlers too.


New Member
ok now slippers and curlers?? I draw the line there, though i did go in a store one night in slippers, but it was pretty late and I just didnt give a rats ass