What part of yield do they not understand???


New Member
Why do drivers think YIELD means STOP??? If there is not much of a merge/acceleration lane, I can understand, but there seems to be a growing number of drivers who stop and wait for traffic to clear before venturing out when there is half a mile of acceleration lane. I thought that is what those lanes are for...

Also, in Calvert County...why don't the drivers know that when taking one of our many "turnarounds"......keep to the right. When I approach one that the driver is going the opposite way and is to the left....I just stay on Route 4 and wait for them to turn, then stay right, like you're supposed to.


jack of all trades
Originally posted by mykittykat88
Why do drivers think YIELD means STOP??? If there is not much of a merge/acceleration lane, I can understand, but there seems to be a growing number of drivers who stop and wait for traffic to clear before venturing out when there is half a mile of acceleration lane. I thought that is what those lanes are for...

heavy traffic? only in southern mayland do people not let you in from the merge lanes. i do find that most of the time the yield areas do not provide a sufficient acceleration lane to merge into traffic.

Also, in Calvert County...why don't the drivers know that when taking one of our many "turnarounds"......keep to the right. When I approach one that the driver is going the opposite way and is to the left....I just stay on Route 4 and wait for them to turn, then stay right, like you're supposed to. [/B]

you mean traffic circle? that's just stupidity on the other driver's part.
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Originally posted by mykittykat88
Why do drivers think YIELD means STOP??? If there is not much of a merge/acceleration lane, I can understand, but there seems to be a growing number of drivers who stop and wait for traffic to clear before venturing out when there is half a mile of acceleration lane. I thought that is what those lanes are for...

Also, in Calvert County...why don't the drivers know that when taking one of our many "turnarounds"......keep to the right. When I approach one that the driver is going the opposite way and is to the left....I just stay on Route 4 and wait for them to turn, then stay right, like you're supposed to.

That erks the hell outta me when people STOP when merging on to 2/4 from 235:burning:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
If the thru-traffic continues to move and you pull into the lane and get hit... Guess who gets the ticket?

It says "YIELD" because "THEY" have the "RIGHT OF WAY".

When your ability to enter the traffic lane is obstructed or provides less than a safe distance from the moving traffic... Yield means stop.


New Member
I'm talking leaving Safeway in Dunkirk...going south.....four cars turning from Ward Rd.....NOT heavy traffic....and we sit. Of course you have to use good judgement...but then there's the kicker.

Four cars do not constitute an obstruction.....especially if you are in the acceleration lane.

Not traffic circles....when you want to go in the opposite direction from where you are.


Go Braves!
I wish people would understand that the Stop sign at the end of Queen Tree Rd is there for a reason. It definately dosen't say Roll Thru:mad: especially when there is a vehicle coming down Oakville. Not EVERYONE turns down Queen Tree!!!


Insert Lame Innuendo Here
Originally posted by Kyle
If the thru-traffic continues to move and you pull into the lane and get hit... Guess who gets the ticket?

It says "YIELD" because "THEY" have the "RIGHT OF WAY".

When your ability to enter the traffic lane is obstructed or provides less than a safe distance from the moving traffic... Yield means stop.

Hell yeah...

Stopping and waiting patiently if you have to is a whole lot safer than driving all the way to the very very end of the yield lane, and then trying to FORCE your way into traffic (like a lot of people do).


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Shakezula
Hell yeah...

Stopping and waiting patiently if you have to is a whole lot safer than driving all the way to the very very end of the yield lane, and then trying to FORCE your way into traffic (like a lot of people do).

Well THAT I agree with. However, since I live in this area, I've come to expect that. Near DC, I never go full speed up an "on" ramp to the Beltway unless I can see there's no one in front of me. Way too often, there's someone who has made no effort to gauge oncoming traffic until they are actually IN the yielding lane - and they suddenly STOP.

There's also the occasional moron who wants to make a left turn a little bit down the road - so rather than merge normally into traffic and ease over to the left, they wait until every lane is clear. Sometimes this takes something short of forever.

And then finally, there's the idiot who can't tell that if the oncoming traffic has a RED LIGHT, there ain't gonna BE any traffic coming. Today at the business 5 intersection in Waldorf, there were people stopped at the yield, and I could not only see that oncoming traffic had a red light, but there were two tractor trailers crossing in front of them, from the left hand turn lane going the other way - meaning, it was IMPOSSIBLE for traffic to be coming - and still, they were stopped.


Insert Lame Innuendo Here
Oops sorry, SamSpade- I should have specified, my post was more related to highways in SoMd rather than interstates and beltways. If I saw someone stopped at the merge lane onto the beltway, unless traffic was horrendous, I'd feel pretty pissed about that! ha ha. I know what you mean about speeding up to merge, just to find out someone in front of you doesn't plan on doing the same thing!


It's not easy being green
Originally posted by Shakezula
Hell yeah...

Stopping and waiting patiently if you have to is a whole lot safer than driving all the way to the very very end of the yield lane, and then trying to FORCE your way into traffic (like a lot of people do).

I agree, and I usually play it safe because God forbid a driver didn't have to hit the gas and tailgate the guy in front of him/her just to stop someone from merging in.

I don't like sitting and waiting on a yield anymore than the next guy, but sometimes, when there's a lot of cars (and knowing not ONE of them will let you in without a fight), you just need to wait.

Sorry if you're stuck behind me when this happens, but my kids' life and health are more important to me than whether or not I'm ticking you off.