Byrd, The honorable Democratic Senator from West Va, in defending the democratic philibuster of Federal judgeship monimations likened the Republicans to Adolf Hilter's abuse of power in Nazi Germany.
This quaking fool is one of the other reasons that liberals suck. The electorate of this nation has seen fit to put a Republican administration in the white house, a majority in the House and Senate. Yet the democrats still resist the will of the people.
Lets not lose focus on the REAL issue. The democrats are basically ignoring the nations business. The Senate is responsible for holding hearings and voting yay or nay on judicial nominees. The phillibuster they are running is for the sole purpose of avoiding votes they know they will lose because they have no basis to deny affirmation.
I totally understand the constitutional requirement of Senate consent of Federal Judges. So be it, have the hearings, drag out the dirt, argue your point then allow the vote. If your argument and reasoning is logical and sound the nominee will be defeated.
What democrats are doing, aside from being downright vile and insulting is thumbing their noses at the people of the United States in a childish tantrum of partisan politics.
I understand the need for a adversarial multi party political process. Issues must be debated, compromised, and adopted. What this democratic party is doing is far from contributing to the well being of the nation. I hope the electorate will remember these tactics, slurs, and obstructionist behavior and bounce the crooked sour cronies like Byrd and Kennedy the way of Daschel. Only then can the Democrats re-emerge as a reasonable political alternative and not the writhing whimpering spoiled brats they are now.
This quaking fool is one of the other reasons that liberals suck. The electorate of this nation has seen fit to put a Republican administration in the white house, a majority in the House and Senate. Yet the democrats still resist the will of the people.
Lets not lose focus on the REAL issue. The democrats are basically ignoring the nations business. The Senate is responsible for holding hearings and voting yay or nay on judicial nominees. The phillibuster they are running is for the sole purpose of avoiding votes they know they will lose because they have no basis to deny affirmation.
I totally understand the constitutional requirement of Senate consent of Federal Judges. So be it, have the hearings, drag out the dirt, argue your point then allow the vote. If your argument and reasoning is logical and sound the nominee will be defeated.
What democrats are doing, aside from being downright vile and insulting is thumbing their noses at the people of the United States in a childish tantrum of partisan politics.
I understand the need for a adversarial multi party political process. Issues must be debated, compromised, and adopted. What this democratic party is doing is far from contributing to the well being of the nation. I hope the electorate will remember these tactics, slurs, and obstructionist behavior and bounce the crooked sour cronies like Byrd and Kennedy the way of Daschel. Only then can the Democrats re-emerge as a reasonable political alternative and not the writhing whimpering spoiled brats they are now.
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