What team


Set Trippin
Has made the best moves this off season? both through FA and the draft...

I am thinking NE has completed the puzzle...


No Longer the Kid
mainman said:
Well, I didn't mean that moss was the end all. I mean as a whole, all of the moves they have made this off season...

49ners made some good picks and pick ups :yay:

But yes, NE is going to be tough as always...


Well-Known Member
mainman said:
Well, I didn't mean that moss was the end all. I mean as a whole, all of the moves they have made this off season...

Oh yeah, I agree, but if Moss runs over another meter maid, then I give the A++ to Cleveland Browns. Wouldn't like to play hold'em with their GM. had the stones to get the OT they needed and then wait til the last possible to move up to get the QB they wanted. Nerves of steel.