What the hells happening to Charles County?????


New Member
glenecho said:
And you are absolutely correct, mah brutha. He was an embarassment to me, I didn't vote for him and I wouldn't pee on him if he was standing next to me on fire. But, let's look at who did.....he carried a ton of suppport from unions and minorities, wouldn't you agree, that helped him win election.

I bet R Kelly would Pee on him! :lmao:
C-Murda said:
you don't need CET (cracker entertainment television) because all the tv shows are already full of white people. Are there any other hard hitting brothas on this site?
Want to go trolling for alligators with me? That's what us crackers love to do. :lmao:


Super Genius
glenecho said:
And as for whites having all the power, let's look at some black politicians. Hmmmmmm...Marion Barry...powerful black. Convicted twice of crack cocaine possession. But elected repeatedly by his black constituency. Alcee Hastings, black Florida congressman who is about to get the Chairman's seat of the House Intelligence committee.....convicted of bribery and impreached...one of only 8 federal judges in the history of the country to be impeached....while he was a federal judge. But now he's gonna get what is arguably one of the most powerful seats in Congress because the Congressional Black Caucus has lobbied Pellozi that they want him there. And a black State Senator in Florida was just convicted this week of using state employees on state time for his campaign, along with theft of state funds. He's appealing. Sooooo, the moral of this story......power is just as corrupting to blacks as it is to whites. We don't have a monopoly on that, so, once again, race here is only an issue because you folks keep making it one.
You forgot "cold cash" Jefferson...


ice cream lover
Tomahawk202 said:
I drive a really fast, expensive race car. I have tinted windows and bright shiny rims. It has a stereo that costs more than your monthly mortgage payment. I play my music really, really loud, with lots of bass, and I wear my hat backwards too. I wear baggy jeans, and a big puffy bomber-style jacket, and I am wearing 400 dollar Prada shades.
I stop at red lights in Waldorf, and be-bop my way into the parking lot at the mall. And while at the light, I notice that in lanes full of traffic, there is at least a full car length of space to my immediate right and left, as if no one wants to sit next to me at the light. I lean forward and glance around my doorpost, to see who is driving these cars that refuse to sit next to me at the light, and you guessed it, it's little white grandma or some southern maryland soccer mom, looking in the other direction, hoping I don't take notice to the insult. Hoping the light turns green, quickly
My ex boyfriend used to get the same reaction from a different type of driver when he would pull up next to them in his F250 with a 12" lift, confederate flag license plate, rifle rack in the window while playing Southern Rock real loud on his stereo. He always wore his cowboy hat and "sh1t kicking'' cowboy boots even though it makes him have to stoop to get through the doors of the local gun shop.


New Member
haha, I would roll right up on his racist ass. confederate flag, its not hate its heritage, fool please


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
C-Murda said:
haha, I would roll right up on his racist ass. confederate flag, its not hate its heritage, fool please

That is the sound of a point flying right over your head.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
mainman said:
It means his frontin ass owns an NWA cd...
I think it's so cute when kids from LaPlata and Leonardtown act all gangsta-like. Makes me want to pinch their cheeks. :huggy:


Set Trippin
vraiblonde said:
I think it's so cute when kids from LaPlata and Leonardtown act all gangsta-like. Makes me want to pinch their cheeks. :huggy:
If you dropped slim in the middle of "CPT" he would be crying for his mommy and daddy to come and get him....:rolleyes:


New Member
Here's another argument that stuns 'em....every time I pull this out on a brotha or sista, they go into a trance with their eyes glazed over and started frothin' at the mouth like when you shoot an animal with a tranquilizer dart...they have no response......

Blacks have been struttin' their "African heritage" for several decades now. OK, let's go there. Blacks claim the African continent is the birthplace of civilization, that it's been inhabited longer than any other continent. OK, I'll give 'em that. And let's take a look at the continent...it is arguably the richest continent on the face of the earth in terms of land and resources. Sooooooo....and here comes the stunning part.......why has it always been such a ####hole? If they've been there longer....arguably longer than the white man could have had an influence on creating slavery or taking advantage of them....and they've had the most wealth of resources, why is poverty and despair so rampant...and always has been? If blacks were the intellectual achievers they claim to be, and they got a head start on the rest of civilization, why didn't they develop governments and industries and kingdoms that could withstand the pressures of the white or outside world? The movie "White Men Can't Jump" answers these questions better than anything I've ever seen (they all think it's a funny movie about white people, but, instead, it makes a significant statement about the failure of black culture)....it's because blacks are now and always have been far more interested in "flash" than "substance". And now the neighborhoods that whites once maintained and were essentially crime-free have become the lastest casualties of this mentality. Luckily, there's an emerging black middle-class that is saying "enough is enough". Problem is, when you have a Michael Steele or Colin Powell or Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams saying these things, they're not "flashy". Those people speak with substance, so they're immediately dismissed in the black community and the "flash", the Jesse Jacksons and the Al Sharptons and the Dick Gregorys, are made into heros.

And all that brings us to Charles County....and the original topic of this thread.

And like the bumper sticker said "If I'd a known it was gonna turn out like this, I'da picked my own damn cotton".
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