What the hells happening to Charles County?????


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
I think it's so cute when kids from LaPlata and Leonardtown act all gangsta-like. Makes me want to pinch their cheeks. :huggy:

Yeah, I'd love nothing more than to take them down to Eastern High School where the head cheerleader could kick their collective a$$es without breaking a sweat. Little punks.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
donbarzini said:
Yeah, I'd love nothing more than to take them down to Eastern High School where the head cheerleader could kick their collective a$$es without breaking a sweat. Little punks.
What's that movie with Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder? "That's right, uh huh, we bad..."



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
glenecho said:
it's because blacks are now and always have been far more interested in "flash" than "substance".
I don't know as I agree with that. But you bring up a good point and, in my opinion, what we *should* be talking about, rather than silly arguments about ghetto blasters and hip hop.

WHY do non-whites (and non-Asians) seem to have such a tough time of it, not only here in the US, but all over the world? Mexico, most countries in Africa, Haiti, the Middle East...there has to be a reason for this and I don't believe it's because whites are inherently superior or any crap like that.

This is a far more interesting topic, in my opinion. I have my well-spewed ideas about why it's happening in this country, but all over the freakin' world???!!!


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
I don't know as I agree with that. But you bring up a good point and, in my opinion, what we *should* be talking about, rather than silly arguments about ghetto blasters and hip hop.

WHY do non-whites (and non-Asians) seem to have such a tough time of it, not only here in the US, but all over the world? Mexico, most countries in Africa, Haiti, the Middle East...there has to be a reason for this and I don't believe it's because whites are inherently superior or any crap like that.

This is a far more interesting topic, in my opinion. I have my well-spewed ideas about why it's happening in this country, but all over the freakin' world???!!!
Societal evolution.


New Member
IMHO, it comes down to strengths and weaknesses. It exists in every civilization as well as the animal world.

The reason there is "evolution" is because something is stronger and overpowers the weaker. When the weaker collectively become stronger, there is a shift in the dynamics. It's the natural "circle of life" that changes the situation.

We all need to accept our strengths and weaknesses in order to overcome the prejudices and disparities in today's world. Acceptance is the key word - not condemnation or retaliation or any other form of punishment.

Some people are stronger and succeed. Others are not quite as strong and survive. Others are weak and don't make it. It's a simple philosophy that could apply to any number of scenarios existing today.

Rather than blaming everyone else for the "black man's" problems, take a look at yourself first and decide which category you fall in: strong, stable or weak. Then learn to accept it and move on.

Robot Chicken

Where's the beef?
glenecho said:
Here's another argument that stuns 'em....every time I pull this out on a brotha or sista, they go into a trance with their eyes glazed over and started frothin' at the mouth like when you shoot an animal with a tranquilizer dart...they have no response......

Blacks have been struttin' their "African heritage" for several decades now. OK, let's go there. Blacks claim the African continent is the birthplace of civilization, that it's been inhabited longer than any other continent. OK, I'll give 'em that. And let's take a look at the continent...it is arguably the richest continent on the face of the earth in terms of land and resources. Sooooooo....and here comes the stunning part.......why has it always been such a ####hole? If they've been there longer....arguably longer than the white man could have had an influence on creating slavery or taking advantage of them....and they've had the most wealth of resources, why is poverty and despair so rampant...and always has been? If blacks were the intellectual achievers they claim to be, and they got a head start on the rest of civilization, why didn't they develop governments and industries and kingdoms that could withstand the pressures of the white or outside world? The movie "White Men Can't Jump" answers these questions better than anything I've ever seen (they all think it's a funny movie about white people, but, instead, it makes a significant statement about the failure of black culture)....it's because blacks are now and always have been far more interested in "flash" than "substance". And now the neighborhoods that whites once maintained and were essentially crime-free have become the lastest casualties of this mentality. Luckily, there's an emerging black middle-class that is saying "enough is enough". Problem is, when you have a Michael Steele or Colin Powell or Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams saying these things, they're not "flashy". Those people speak with substance, so they're immediately dismissed in the black community and the "flash", the Jesse Jacksons and the Al Sharptons and the Dick Gregorys, are made into heros.

And all that brings us to Charles County....and the original topic of this thread.

And like the bumper sticker said "If I'd a known it was gonna turn out like this, I'da picked my own damn cotton".

I bet you never had an orginal thought in your life. If you think your the first white person to think of that, your dumber than I thought. :bigwhoop:

Robot Chicken

Where's the beef?
vraiblonde said:
I don't know as I agree with that. But you bring up a good point and, in my opinion, what we *should* be talking about, rather than silly arguments about ghetto blasters and hip hop.

IMHO, I think it's because they ( non-whites ) are rasied in the atmosphere that if it's not flashy, it's trashy. I agree with some of the earlier posts, about how BET pumps garbage into their homes, they swallow it, and therefore make the lives of everyone else around them a living hell....but not ALL black people are bad. :popcorn:

I work with alot of black folks, and I just about all of them are college educated. ( with higher GPA's than me too, I got high alot and played too much slip 'n slide, in the dorm hallways ) I don't think it's the culture that's damaged as I do their parents and family's fault for the way the bad person was raised. Whatever color they happen to be.

I am aware of every person around me when we go to the mall to shop. But I am not "avoiding" one TYPE of person, over the other. EVERYONE has to ability to do my family harm, through my eyes. So therefore, if I think you are a threat, black, white, hispanic or other, I'll just grab you by throat and gorilla slam you into the ground until you stop moving. Pretty cut and dry. :larry:
glenecho said:
Blacks have been struttin' their "African heritage" for several decades now. OK, let's go there. Blacks claim the African continent is the birthplace of civilization, that it's been inhabited longer than any other continent. QUOTE]
Not just blacks claiming that it was where humans walked first on Earth. It's pretty well accepted by all scientists.
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NOT Politically Correct!!
Disco Stu said:
no you wouldn't. :bigwhoop:

message board tough guy!

RedNeck Drive By:
Yea, nothing worse than being off'ed by a good-old-boy in a pickup with a high powered crossbow!!! :whistle:


New Member
Robot Chicken said:
I bet you never had an orginal thought in your life. If you think your the first white person to think of that, your dumber than I thought. :bigwhoop:

Well now, there's a blistering intellectual retort. Wooeee....certainly put me in my place. :bigwhoop: (You're what?.....12?....14?)

I don't recall ever stating that my comments were either original OR that I was the first white person to think them. I was, however, the first white person to state them HERE on these forums, buttwipe.

Oh, by the way......next time you respond to something, don't show your ignorance by being unable to correctly spell your words (incorrect use of the word "your" twice when you meant to use "you're".)
(Edit: What the heck am I saying?...... :lmao: .....I just read your next post....you obviously missed class the day they taught punctuation!! Deciding between "your" and "you're" is the least of your problems! :lmao: ):

desertrat said:
glenecho said:
Blacks have been struttin' their "African heritage" for several decades now. OK, let's go there. Blacks claim the African continent is the birthplace of civilization, that it's been inhabited longer than any other continent. QUOTE]
Not just blacks claiming that it was where humans walked first on Earth. It's pretty well accepted by all scientists.

No question...didn't dispute the fact that it appears to be scientifically correct...(although didn't the discovery of the iceman in the Alps a few years ago throw some of those theories into a tizzy?) My comments were based more on what's been done since, since they had such a "head start" there.
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Robot Chicken

Where's the beef?
Oh, by the way......next time you respond to something, don't show your ignorance by being unable to correctly spell your words (incorrect use of the word "your" twice when you meant to use "you're".)
(Edit: What the heck am I saying?...... :lmao: .....I just read your next post....you obviously missed class the day they taught punctuation!! Deciding between "your" and "you're" is the least of your problems! :lmao: ):

Oh, whoopie di doo dah, wow, you know what grammer and spelling corrections to make to a meaningless message board, especially to a person who doesn't give a rat's a$$ about you. Whoo Hoo! Aren't you the smart guy?! Do you feel good now, buddy? Was that the only thing you managed to do correct today in YOU'RE whole worthless, pathetic thing you call a life? Well goodie di dooo dah for YOU! Lookie here pilgrims, we got us here a smart guy! LOL @ U. :howdy: Dumba$$.....


New Member
Very well...

You all have proven that SOMD is as racist and red-necked as ever with your bass-ackwards comments.

I am sure you realize that most of the Black people moving to your hillbilly area are well educated, career minded professionals. Those people can afford houses you can only dream about. They drive cars you will never sit in. They are just moving from the inner city to the country, and I believe the country racist folks are just as bad as anyone else. Pretty soon, they will keep on moving until they can find a place where they don't have to deal with petty white trash.

Don't blame everything on Black folks. It makes you sound like you are feeling sorry for yourselves.


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
This thread has gone way out into left field and has reached a point where it either needs to be retired or deleted. :ohwell:

Or simply brought back to life and started over. :lol:


New Member
I don't think it's racism -- more like realism. Just look at the crime statistics and figure for yourself. 13% of general population, 80+% of prison population. It's a cultural problem that needs to be addressed by the culture instead of just being blamed on racists.


New Member
beejay said:
You all have proven that SOMD is as racist and red-necked as ever with your bass-ackwards comments.

I am sure you realize that most of the Black people moving to your hillbilly area are well educated, career minded professionals. Those people can afford houses you can only dream about. They drive cars you will never sit in. They are just moving from the inner city to the country, and I believe the country racist folks are just as bad as anyone else. Pretty soon, they will keep on moving until they can find a place where they don't have to deal with petty white trash.

Don't blame everything on Black folks. It makes you sound like you are feeling sorry for yourselves.

ya dawg, you tell deez suckas, we b some educated brothas up in here. white man alwayz be blamin da brothas for they problems. holla at yo boy C mutha ####in murda