What the hells happening to Charles County?????


Well-Known Member
I was first robbed,...

while offering a ride to a Black fella who needed to get back to his friend's trailer. He needed a helping hand...and he took all he could get....yup, I felt like a chump.

Years pass and I decided to hire a Black construction crew (using in-county labor...not illegals)...and the foundation they put in: well, it wasn't square. My Builder had to spend serious time rearranging my floor & walls....I felt like a chump.

My wife was threatened and verbally assaulted during a teacher's conference by an overbearing African-American and her live-in boyfriend. The vice principal had to usher her out of the room and escort her away from them.

My daughter was the only white girl on a v-ball team of 14...she was often treated like a chump by her black team-mates. She held up pretty well under the abuse & coldness. I suppose she is learning the lesson I learned 20 years ago when I offered a guy a ride.

In each of the above instances we were trying to do what decent Americans do...offer help, hire a local crew, be on a team, and counsel a child from a broken home....and what is the outcome? I still work in a school that is 85% Black...and I see some awesome kids perform every day...but, sadly, the vast majority are consumed by rap, bling, and a world that has them outmarketed and doesn't expect enough from them. And you know...many think that this bubble around DC IS the world. They have no idea that they are only 12.5% of the total US, their slang & urban "gangsta" crap won't get them a nickel's worth of attention or a job in 90% of America, and all their passion for shiny cars means thousands of dollars in insurance, interest & tickets...duh.

Yeah...I got to go to school tomorrow, and lock my doors, my classroom, my closet, my desk...(I do it for those who smile, say thank you, laugh at my jokes, and study hard because they want to achieve--those are the gems of my day)
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New Member
What the hell's happening to Charles County?

Simple. Black migration. It's been ruining things for 150 years. And yes, "lame-ahawk", it even ruined things for your black brothers back then. Read Thomas Sowell's "White Liberals and Black Rednecks" (Thomas Sowell is a black professor, BTW). See what black migration did to the enclaves of educated blacks in the north, and their place in society, between 1870 and 1930. Sowell, along with several other historians, including W.E.B Dubois and Carter G. Woodson, have written extensively on this and all pretty much have the same opinion. (By the way, "lame-ahawk"...these noted historians are....umm.....black. Happy now...I didn't use celebrities).

And as for your post several pages ago re: your African roots, go back to the middle part of this thread and find my post about those very roots....that Africa was arguably where civilization started, it's arguably the richest continent on the face of the earth with regard to mineral wealth and resources, yet it remains the biggest ####hole on earth with poverty, class warfare, famine, starvation disease and so on. How come those black intellectuals over there haven't figured out how to raise a crop to feed their populations in the 8 million years they've been there? (I'm sure you'll find a way to blame all that on "whitey". Never mind that in certain areas of Africa where whites farmed, the countries could actually feed their people until the astute tribal guys decided that "this is bad" and went in and took over and now what was once thriving farms has become desolate killing fields)

And as for laying next to your dark skinned princess or whatever other nonsense you were spewing a few pages ago, do a little reading about slavery....worldwide slavery, its history, its sociological background, etc.....and you might find that your folks were engaging it it right along with all those white folks on the European continent and those yellow folks on the Asian continent and all those brown folks in the Middle East long before anyone started trading or mixing or exchanging or anything else. But I can see where you're coming from....Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton aren't tellin' you that and Spike Lee's not making a movie about it, so why should fact or history weigh into that chip you have on your shoulder for something you never experienced...it makes a good emotional argument and you're just another Steppin' Fetchit to buy into it. Ol' Jesse and Al and Spike have got that string tied around your wrists and ankles and they're makin' you dance.

But the closer for me is your own argument....things got tough, people were questioning what you stood for and you did EXACTLY what was expected....you pulled the "I'm better 'cause I got a Jag" card! Holy crap...you couldn't have been any more predictable! To hell with substance, I got "bling"! Whooppee.
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NOT Politically Correct!!
aps45819 said:
I heard that "style" originated in prison as a way for the Ghey boys to advertise their availability :lol:

LOL, Good one and you are actually correct, the style did start in prison. When inmates were issued clothing upon entering prison they normally where big enough for there current sizes, after eating right, exercise, lack of alcohol, drugs, most inmates lost weight and bulked up but dropped pant sizes, since most prisons do not issue belts, the pants would hang low off there a$$es, when released from prison, it was a way of identifing in your hood that you did time. So what happened next, it became cool and Monkey see, Monkey do... :coffee:


NOT Politically Correct!!
glenecho said:
Simple. Black migration. It's been ruining things for 150 years. And yes, "lame-ahawk", it even ruined things for your black brothers back then. Read Thomas Sowell's "White Liberals and Black Rednecks" (Thomas Sowell is a black professor, BTW). See what black migration did to the enclaves of educated blacks in the north, and their place in society, between 1870 and 1930. Sowell, along with several other historians, including W.E.B Dubois and Carter G. Woodson, have written extensively on this and all pretty much have the same opinion. (By the way, "lame-ahawk"...these noted historians are....umm.....black. Happy now...I didn't use celebrities).

And as for your post several pages ago re: your African roots, go back to the middle part of this thread and find my post about those very roots....that Africa was arguably where civilization started, it's arguably the richest continent on the face of the earth with regard to mineral wealth and resources, yet it remains the biggest ####hole on earth with poverty, class warfare, famine, starvation disease and so on. How come those black intellectuals over there haven't figured out how to raise a crop to feed their populations in the 8 million years they've been there? (I'm sure you'll find a way to blame all that on "whitey". Never mind that in certain areas of Africa where whites farmed, the countries could actually feed their people until the astute tribal guys decided that "this is bad" and went in and took over and now what was once thriving farms has become desolate killing fields)

And as for laying next to your dark skinned princess or whatever other nonsense you were spewing a few pages ago, do a little reading about slavery....worldwide slavery, its history, its sociological background, etc.....and you might find that your folks were engaging it it right along with all those white folks on the European continent and those yellow folks on the Asian continent and all those brown folks in the Middle East long before anyone started trading or mixing or exchanging or anything else. But I can see where you're coming from....Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton aren't tellin' you that and Spike Lee's not making a movie about it, so why should fact or history weigh into that chip you have on your shoulder for something you never experienced...it makes a good emotional argument and you're just another Steppin' Fetchit to buy into it. Ol' Jesse and Al and Spike have got that string tied around your wrists and ankles and they're makin' you dance.

But the closer for me is your own argument....things got tough, people were questioning what you stood for and you did EXACTLY what was expected....you pulled the "I'm better 'cause I got a Jag" card! Holy crap...you couldn't have been any more predictable! To hell with substance, I got "bling"! Whooppee.

................................... :yay: :yay: :yay:


New Member
Tomahawk202 said:
You are just mad because black people actually HAVE a culture. Where is the culture of the average white southern marylander? There is none.

Us blacks have Hip-Hop for your Rock and Roll ( which is dying a little more every time your white sons and daughters rush out to buy the new Snopp Dog or Lil Weezy joints )

Us blacks have a clothing style that we wear, to your "country inbred look". ( I can count maybe two or three radio stations that play country music. That just about ties the spanish stations that the illegal mexicans listen to, while they are building your houses. LOL )

Us blacks "pimp our rides" even have a tv show dedicated to it.( I can't count how many white kids copy-cat our tinting windows, dropping the springs and putting bumping stereos into their cars, trying to be like us. The 12" lift kit on the 78' Ford pick up just aint cutting it anymore, jimbo.)

I could go on for the entire week, comparing our two "styles" of living. But the white folks just can't seem to come up with their own "cultures". You talk about blacks, hispanics, and asians negatively. Point is, there isn't a culture that white folks have touched, in the past and present, where they haven't tried to lie, kill or steal something from the people who they encountered. You feel guilty? You feel threatened? You should be.....Maybe if you change the way you thought, maybe if you opened your mind, and saw that regardless of the color of our skin, we are all Americans, playing for the same team, you would realize that you are slowly, ever so slowly becoming the minority. :razz:

Wow....so much to be proud of. But you make my earlier argument for me...that blacks are far more into "flash" than "substance".

No, us poor white folks have no culture to be proud of.........

It was only some poor old white folks that got onto ships centuries ago and endured hardships to discover new places when people thought the earth was flat.

It was only some poor old white guys that put together the ideas for democracy.....both initially in Rome and Europe and then again in the American colonies.....that have proven to be the most enduring democratic principles that the earth has ever seen....that have included more different types of people than any before it

It was only some poor old white guys....there may have been a few othere sprinkled in the mix, but it was primarily white guys....who established the farms and agriculture of this nation that allows us to be the "breadbasket of the world" and raise and export more food than any other nation on earth.

And it has only some poor old white guys who have contributed innumberable advances in science, technology and medicine that allow people to live longer, live better and have a high qualify of life (yeah, I know..this one's not exclusive to white folks, but I'm gonna guess they were the predominent amount of people involved).

So, yeah, us poor white folks have nothing to be proud of. And some white kids go out and buy your hip-hop crap....I've personally been able to resist the urge......but then there ARE weak minded people in this world.......why do you think Jerry Springer and Oprah are so popular?


New Member
The black man always be getting framed for everything. The movie UnderCover brotha is for real! Once all the black people rise up and come together, and quit killing themselves by smokin Menthol's, we are going to run this joint. I'm tired of having the white man always staring at me or making assumptions about me, just because I drive a big body Benz or an Escalade sittin on 26" Spinnas. Thats how I like to roll son.


NOT Politically Correct!!
C-Murda said:
The black man always be getting framed for everything. The movie UnderCover brotha is for real! Once all the black people rise up and come together, and quit killing themselves by smokin Menthol's, we are going to run this joint. I'm tired of having the white man always staring at me or making assumptions about me, just because I drive a big body Benz or an Escalade sittin on 26" Spinnas. Thats how I like to roll son.

LOL, <img src="http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b31/chernmax/Funny%20pictures/tiggaplease.gif">


The one to watch for!
jayden0405 said:


Thank you. Not everyone uses the slavery card and not every crime is because the person is black and was raised that way. Crime has more to do with what is going on in a person's life rather than their skin color.
C-Murda said:
The black man always be getting framed for everything. The movie UnderCover brotha is for real! Once all the black people rise up and come together, and quit killing themselves by smokin Menthol's, we are going to run this joint. I'm tired of having the white man always staring at me or making assumptions about me, just because I drive a big body Benz or an Escalade sittin on 26" Spinnas. Thats how I like to roll son.
Why don't you roll on out of here?


professional daydreamer
glenecho said:
Simple. Black migration. It's been ruining things for 150 years. And yes, "lame-ahawk", it even ruined things for your black brothers back then. Read Thomas Sowell's "White Liberals and Black Rednecks" (Thomas Sowell is a black professor, BTW). See what black migration did to the enclaves of educated blacks in the north, and their place in society, between 1870 and 1930. Sowell, along with several other historians, including W.E.B Dubois and Carter G. Woodson, have written extensively on this and all pretty much have the same opinion. (By the way, "lame-ahawk"...these noted historians are....umm.....black. Happy now...I didn't use celebrities).

And as for your post several pages ago re: your African roots, go back to the middle part of this thread and find my post about those very roots....that Africa was arguably where civilization started, it's arguably the richest continent on the face of the earth with regard to mineral wealth and resources, yet it remains the biggest ####hole on earth with poverty, class warfare, famine, starvation disease and so on. How come those black intellectuals over there haven't figured out how to raise a crop to feed their populations in the 8 million years they've been there? (I'm sure you'll find a way to blame all that on "whitey". Never mind that in certain areas of Africa where whites farmed, the countries could actually feed their people until the astute tribal guys decided that "this is bad" and went in and took over and now what was once thriving farms has become desolate killing fields)

And as for laying next to your dark skinned princess or whatever other nonsense you were spewing a few pages ago, do a little reading about slavery....worldwide slavery, its history, its sociological background, etc.....and you might find that your folks were engaging it it right along with all those white folks on the European continent and those yellow folks on the Asian continent and all those brown folks in the Middle East long before anyone started trading or mixing or exchanging or anything else. But I can see where you're coming from....Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton aren't tellin' you that and Spike Lee's not making a movie about it, so why should fact or history weigh into that chip you have on your shoulder for something you never experienced...it makes a good emotional argument and you're just another Steppin' Fetchit to buy into it. Ol' Jesse and Al and Spike have got that string tied around your wrists and ankles and they're makin' you dance.

But the closer for me is your own argument....things got tough, people were questioning what you stood for and you did EXACTLY what was expected....you pulled the "I'm better 'cause I got a Jag" card! Holy crap...you couldn't have been any more predictable! To hell with substance, I got "bling"! Whooppee.



New Member
C-Murda said:
The black man always be getting framed for everything. The movie UnderCover brotha is for real! Once all the black people rise up and come together, and quit killing themselves by smokin Menthol's, we are going to run this joint. I'm tired of having the white man always staring at me or making assumptions about me, just because I drive a big body Benz or an Escalade sittin on 26" Spinnas. Thats how I like to roll son.

THE BLACK MAN ALWAYS BE......enough said!!!!! :killingme


New Member
SxyEboni said:
Thank you. Not everyone uses the slavery card and not every crime is because the person is black and was raised that way. Crime has more to do with what is going on in a person's life rather than their skin color.

You know....your right but every single time they do use the race card. As the original post stated...what is happening in charles county....well, then you go to the mall and 10 PM and that will tell you, read the Independent with the descriptions of the people committing the crime....that is what is happening to Charles County and that is why most white folks are moving...and as that happens....little by little, Charles county is turning into a SH%%hole.


It'll make ya feel good..
Redskinsmama said:
Black people are druggies, murderers, ignorant, uneducated, etc. I have accepted that, most white people have as well.

Look, the fact of the matter is this, you are the minority. I have accepted the fact that not all white people are as racist, backwards and flat out ignorant as you are and the morons who have bothered to respond to me on this thread. Just the same, whether you want to admit it or not, not ALL black people are as you said, druggies, murders, ignorant or whatever. Obviously I am not, or I wouldn't be on here, wasting my time with you all. I would be out " getting my bling bling on, and trying to find new ways to exterminate whitey".
Truth is, I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for your parents, teachers, husbands and wives, I feel sorry for the children you may or may not have. I feel sorry for your future, because it doesn't look very promising. Me taking advice from you all, on how to raise my children, is the same as me showing up in your home and giving you fashion advice. You haven't walked a mile in OUR shoes, so don't pretend to know what's good for us.

Did blacks maybe "sell" each other as slaves to the ships that arrived off the coast of Africa, all those years ago? Maybe. But that doesn't excuse the fact that white people showed up ready, willing and able to buy us and transport us to someplace we didn't want to go. Someone is selling drugs, and you bought some, now your in trouble. Doesn't change the fact that YOU boght it. And it also doesn't excuse the behavior of seperating families, lynching black people and whatnot, once we arrived here. Don't feed me the "white people were GIVEN slaves" crap, cause I am not buying it. ( not to mention that white folks have been stealing, murdering and lying to people for centuries to get what they want. It's nothing new)

As far as starting this country, yes, a group of old white dudes got together and started it. Good. I love the US. Many of my ancestors (admit it or not ) built this country and are as much to thank as anyone else. I have fought for it on a few occasions. But, just like the Roman Empire, the Egyptian Kingdom and all those before, after and in between, it shall all one day come to an end. You ignorant folk may not accept that, but it's written in the bible, " there is nothing new under the sun". The day is coming where the tides will turn, and things will not be as they are. I would love to see your faces on that day. ( I would love to be around for that day )

So keep attacking me directly to deter from the topic at hand. What's wrong in Charles County? I'll tell you. Charles County is moving into the 20th Century, whether it likes it or not. For too long, blacks and minorities have been snubbed and looked down upon in that county. I know a few people who live there. Instead of building affordable housing and opening up businesses to minorities, whites in chuck county have been trying to stave minorities off, tooth and nail. Now blacks have money, they have buying power and a SAYSO, so now they CHOOSE to live in Charles county. And there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it. That's too bad. Next thing you know, we'll be running for president, or tapped to be vice pres. Then what? LMAO. You guys are hilarious....

Next time you guys try to respond to something I type, make sure you "convey a logical thought", please. I am tired of reading crap that just makes absolutely no sense. To the white folks on here, who truly aren't bigoted and do have an open mind, I say hello, and thanks for your comments and support.

LAME-Hawk, aka " An Educated Black Man" :howdy:
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Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
LAME-Hawk, aka " An Educated Black Man" :howdy:[/QUOTE]

I have been following this thread since it began. Most of you should have received A's not only for your debating skills but also for your prose.
My comment is not about the debate but the intelligence of the debate.(Most of it)

Keep it going but also on an high level. It is great dialogue :popcorn:


Well-Known Member
Posing a question...

So much has been written on trying to build up the self esteem of young Black children. There is this presupposition that because poverty drags them down, single parenthood hurts, subtle racism is all around them,...
that school curriculum should overemphasize the contribution of Blacks in American History: by doing this, (the assumption goes...) young Black students will feel a swell of pride, get inspiration, and thus desire to emulate, work, and model their behavior after these Black heroes.

My opinion will be put on hold, but I am curious: Is this having the desired affect? Let's face it...this has been implemented for over 20 years in the schools.-we are into our second generation of "inclusion and Afro-centric studies."....do we have measurable results from this effort?


Your user title SUCKS
Tomahawk202 said:
Look, the fact of the matter is this, you are the minority. I have accepted the fact that not all white people are as racist, backwards and flat out ignorant as you are and the morons who have bothered to respond to me on this thread. Just the same, whether you want to admit it or not, not ALL black people are as you said, druggies, murders, ignorant or whatever. Obviously I am not, or I wouldn't be on here, wasting my time with you all. I would be out " getting my bling bling on, and trying to find new ways to exterminate whitey".
Truth is, I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for your parents, teachers, husbands and wives, I feel sorry for the children you may or may not have. I feel sorry for your future, because it doesn't look very promising. Me taking advice from you all, on how to raise my children, is the same as me showing up in your home and giving you fashion advice. You haven't walked a mile in OUR shoes, so don't pretend to know what's good for us.

Did blacks maybe "sell" each other as slaves to the ships that arrived off the coast of Africa, all those years ago? Maybe. But that doesn't excuse the fact that white people showed up ready, willing and able to buy us and transport us to someplace we didn't want to go. Someone is selling drugs, and you bought some, now your in trouble. Doesn't change the fact that YOU boght it. And it also doesn't excuse the behavior of seperating families, lynching black people and whatnot, once we arrived here. Don't feed me the "white people were GIVEN slaves" crap, cause I am not buying it. ( not to mention that white folks have been stealing, murdering and lying to people for centuries to get what they want. It's nothing new)

As far as starting this country, yes, a group of old white dudes got together and started it. Good. I love the US. Many of my ancestors (admit it or not ) built this country and are as much to thank as anyone else. I have fought for it on a few occasions. But, just like the Roman Empire, the Egyptian Kingdom and all those before, after and in between, it shall all one day come to an end. You ignorant folk may not accept that, but it's written in the bible, " there is nothing new under the sun". The day is coming where the tides will turn, and things will not be as they are. I would love to see your faces on that day. ( I would love to be around for that day )

So keep attacking me directly to deter from the topic at hand. What's wrong in Charles County? I'll tell you. Charles County is moving into the 20th Century, whether it likes it or not. For too long, blacks and minorities have been snubbed and looked down upon in that county. I know a few people who live there. Instead of building affordable housing and opening up businesses to minorities, whites in chuck county have been trying to stave minorities off, tooth and nail. Now blacks have money, they have buying power and a SAYSO, so now they CHOOSE to live in Charles county. And there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it. That's too bad. Next thing you know, we'll be running for president, or tapped to be vice pres. Then what? LMAO. You guys are hilarious....

Next time you guys try to respond to something I type, make sure you "convey a logical thought", please. I am tired of reading crap that just makes absolutely no sense. To the white folks on here, who truly aren't bigoted and do have an open mind, I say hello, and thanks for your comments and support.

LAME-Hawk, aka " An Educated Black Man" :howdy:
I couldn't have said it any better!! :clap: :clap:


Active Member
Tomahawk202 said:
So keep attacking me directly to deter from the topic at hand. What's wrong in Charles County? I'll tell you. Charles County is moving into the 20th Century, whether it likes it or not. For too long, blacks and minorities have been snubbed and looked down upon in that county. I know a few people who live there. Instead of building affordable housing and opening up businesses to minorities, whites in chuck county have been trying to stave minorities off, tooth and nail. Now blacks have money, they have buying power and a SAYSO, so now they CHOOSE to live in Charles county. And there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it. QUOTE]

Well just something to think about when it comes to your oh so well deserved buying power. When we were looking for home builders to build our house, we met with many in the charles county and St. Mary's area. While there we asked to see some of the neighborhoods that the builders had done after they mentioned they were close to being completed. They told us that the houses in the subdivision were beyond what we were looking to spend. (close to 700,000). The home builder said he couldnt even swing that. Out of curiousity I asked jokingly, "who is buying these things and what exactly do they do". We were told that most of the houses are going to black families with both people working for the government. Since I know that working for the government doesnt provide the most lucrative salary I asked how they were managing to swing that mortgage. Thats when I was told they go into these 40 year mortgage with the first year being interest free. You have to think on a 700000 dollar home with a 40 year mortgage, the first year your payments would only be $1458.33. As opposed to the same mortgage for 30 years and 6.5% interest rate when the payment would be $4424.48 a month. They live in the house the first year and get rid of it, taking the few grand they have made on it. They keep going through this cycle. Apparently according to the home builders, they know of quite a few houses that went into foreclosure because they couldnt get rid of it in time and could handle the 3000 dollar a month increase int ehir mortgage.

Sounds like they have found just one more way to work the system.......... :whistle: