New Member
Tomahawk202 said:Just the same, whether you want to admit it or not, not ALL black people are as you said, druggies, murders, ignorant or whatever. Obviously I am not, or I wouldn't be on here, wasting my time with you all. I would be out " getting my bling bling on, and trying to find new ways to exterminate whitey".
That is a very true statement and we shouldn't lose sight of that fact.
Tomahawk202 said:You haven't walked a mile in OUR shoes, so don't pretend to know what's good for us.
But we do know what is good for our society and our immediate community, including minority residents. what's good for a community is good for all its members, and what's bad for a community should be shunned by all its members.
Tomahawk202 said:Did blacks maybe "sell" each other as slaves to the ships that arrived off the coast of Africa, all those years ago? Maybe. But that doesn't excuse the fact that white people showed up ready, willing and able to buy us and transport us to someplace we didn't want to go.
There's no "maybe" about it. It happened. And when blacks enslaved other blacks in Africa before whitey got involved, they also took them to places they didn't want to go, split up families, etc., etc. It's the way slavery works. There is no good form of slavery - it has always been bad for the enslaved. And as I posted before, all ethnic groups have at one time been slaves to another. But it's done and hasn't been a part of our society for a long, long, time. So I don't see why it even needs to brought up any longer. No one alive today ever was a slave or owned a slave (in the antebellum American sense).
Tomahawk202 said:I love the US. Many of my ancestors (admit it or not ) built this country and are as much to thank as anyone else. I have fought for it on a few occasions.
Agreed, and thank you for your service.
Tomahawk202 said:What's wrong in Charles County? I'll tell you. Charles County is moving into the 20th Century, whether it likes it or not. For too long, blacks and minorities have been snubbed and looked down upon in that county. I know a few people who live there. Instead of building affordable housing and opening up businesses to minorities, whites in chuck county have been trying to stave minorities off, tooth and nail. Now blacks have money, they have buying power and a SAYSO, so now they CHOOSE to live in Charles county. And there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it. That's too bad. Next thing you know, we'll be running for president, or tapped to be vice pres. Then what? LMAO. You guys are hilarious.....
I'll be you that when a black man runs for President, he won't be the kidn of black man who spent his early adulthood robbing people in shopping mall parking lots. He'll be someone along the lines of a Colin Powell. A role model and a man who should be viewed as a hero and as someone to emulate by black (and white for that matter) youth. It won't be some thug who stunguns people for their freakin' shoes. Thugs an drappers should not be the prominent role models for any youth. They espouse many of the things that are poisoning Charles County and other communities. The problems in Charles County have nothing to do with it moving into the 21st Century. It is a problem of thugs spilling over from PG County and DC. The blacks that have money and jobs and buying power and sayso are WELCOMED into Charles County. They will only make a positive impact on the county. THEY aren't the problem.