What the hells happening to Charles County?????


New Member
Tomahawk202 said:
Just the same, whether you want to admit it or not, not ALL black people are as you said, druggies, murders, ignorant or whatever. Obviously I am not, or I wouldn't be on here, wasting my time with you all. I would be out " getting my bling bling on, and trying to find new ways to exterminate whitey".

That is a very true statement and we shouldn't lose sight of that fact.

Tomahawk202 said:
You haven't walked a mile in OUR shoes, so don't pretend to know what's good for us.

But we do know what is good for our society and our immediate community, including minority residents. what's good for a community is good for all its members, and what's bad for a community should be shunned by all its members.

Tomahawk202 said:
Did blacks maybe "sell" each other as slaves to the ships that arrived off the coast of Africa, all those years ago? Maybe. But that doesn't excuse the fact that white people showed up ready, willing and able to buy us and transport us to someplace we didn't want to go.

There's no "maybe" about it. It happened. And when blacks enslaved other blacks in Africa before whitey got involved, they also took them to places they didn't want to go, split up families, etc., etc. It's the way slavery works. There is no good form of slavery - it has always been bad for the enslaved. And as I posted before, all ethnic groups have at one time been slaves to another. But it's done and hasn't been a part of our society for a long, long, time. So I don't see why it even needs to brought up any longer. No one alive today ever was a slave or owned a slave (in the antebellum American sense).

Tomahawk202 said:
I love the US. Many of my ancestors (admit it or not ) built this country and are as much to thank as anyone else. I have fought for it on a few occasions.

Agreed, and thank you for your service.

Tomahawk202 said:
What's wrong in Charles County? I'll tell you. Charles County is moving into the 20th Century, whether it likes it or not. For too long, blacks and minorities have been snubbed and looked down upon in that county. I know a few people who live there. Instead of building affordable housing and opening up businesses to minorities, whites in chuck county have been trying to stave minorities off, tooth and nail. Now blacks have money, they have buying power and a SAYSO, so now they CHOOSE to live in Charles county. And there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it. That's too bad. Next thing you know, we'll be running for president, or tapped to be vice pres. Then what? LMAO. You guys are hilarious.....

I'll be you that when a black man runs for President, he won't be the kidn of black man who spent his early adulthood robbing people in shopping mall parking lots. He'll be someone along the lines of a Colin Powell. A role model and a man who should be viewed as a hero and as someone to emulate by black (and white for that matter) youth. It won't be some thug who stunguns people for their freakin' shoes. Thugs an drappers should not be the prominent role models for any youth. They espouse many of the things that are poisoning Charles County and other communities. The problems in Charles County have nothing to do with it moving into the 21st Century. It is a problem of thugs spilling over from PG County and DC. The blacks that have money and jobs and buying power and sayso are WELCOMED into Charles County. They will only make a positive impact on the county. THEY aren't the problem.


Super Genius
Booboo3604 said:
Well just something to think about when it comes to your oh so well deserved buying power. When we were looking for home builders to build our house, we met with many in the charles county and St. Mary's area. While there we asked to see some of the neighborhoods that the builders had done after they mentioned they were close to being completed. They told us that the houses in the subdivision were beyond what we were looking to spend. (close to 700,000). The home builder said he couldnt even swing that. Out of curiousity I asked jokingly, "who is buying these things and what exactly do they do". We were told that most of the houses are going to black families with both people working for the government. Since I know that working for the government doesnt provide the most lucrative salary I asked how they were managing to swing that mortgage. Thats when I was told they go into these 40 year mortgage with the first year being interest free. You have to think on a 700000 dollar home with a 40 year mortgage, the first year your payments would only be $1458.33. As opposed to the same mortgage for 30 years and 6.5% interest rate when the payment would be $4424.48 a month. They live in the house the first year and get rid of it, taking the few grand they have made on it. They keep going through this cycle. Apparently according to the home builders, they know of quite a few houses that went into foreclosure because they couldnt get rid of it in time and could handle the 3000 dollar a month increase int ehir mortgage.

Sounds like they have found just one more way to work the system.......... :whistle:
I seriously doubt that. A bank would have to be full of complete morons to give a loan to people who obviously cannot afford it.


Super Genius
Tomahawk202 said:
What's wrong in Charles County? I'll tell you. Charles County is moving into the 20th Century, whether it likes it or not.
That is a problem...they're a whole century behind everyone else! :killingme


Well-Known Member
beerlover said:
Now if that isn't the Pot calling the Kettle a stupid black moron, I don't know what is. Way to ignore the point of the post. Now I see why we had to whip you farm animals so much back in the day.

Wow. Please stop embarrassing white people. TIA.

I surely don't agree with everything that Tomahawk says, but really, that's just ugly. And now I remember why I haven't looked at this train wreck of a thread for a while.


It'll make ya feel good..
Now, can someone tell me, what is a SOMD stuffed Ham? What's in it, and does it taste good? I have heard so much about them, but haven't had any yet. :elaine:


New Member
bohman said:
Wow. Please stop embarrassing white people. TIA.

I surely don't agree with everything that Tomahawk says, but really, that's just ugly. And now I remember why I haven't looked at this train wreck of a thread for a while.

Yes, I admit that was a bit over-the-top. I was trying to get his goat a little in response to a karma comment. Sorry.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Tomahawk202 said:
Now, can someone tell me, what is a SOMD stuffed Ham? What's in it, and does it taste good? I have heard so much about them, but haven't had any yet. :elaine:

You take a 12-20lb corned ham...

And stuff it up Uranus. :elaine:


Well-Known Member
beerlover said:
Yes, I admit that was a bit over-the-top. I was trying to get his goat a little in response to a karma comment. Sorry.

An actual apology in a thread like this? Must be miracle. Made me feel a little better, let's hope other people do, too.


Well-Known Member
What the hells happenin... 12-07-2006 04:32 PM grow a pair

Mine are hangin' low, thanks! But I appreciate your concern. And someday when YOU grow YOUR set, you can start giving a crap about other people instead of only trying to bring them down.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tomahawk202 said:
LAME-Hawk, aka " An Educated Black Man" :howdy:

See...Murda? :lol: THIS is how black people write - not like that stupid ghetto wannabe thing you've got going on. :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tomahawk202 said:
So the next question is, " how do we get over this and make things better?"..... :flowers:
In reading your posts on this topic, it appears you're not really doing your part with this Malcolm X Black Power thing you've got going on.


New Member
amen. And if you are white in Prince Georges County the stares and being ignored by cashiers exists as well. It is all ignorance and I applaud blacks and whites in both counties who try to be kind to EVERYONE regardless of shade.


New Member
CandyRain said:
:yeahthat: and it will spill over into neighboring counties eventually. I just wonder if white folk will then move back closer to DC or keep moving further out. :shrug:

I moved from Charles 3 yrs ago after being born and raised there for 34 yrs. All my family is still there. It all started when my 8 year old son came home from school and asked me what being called a craker means. I was not raised this way and do not raise my kids to HATE this way.

Charles Co. is finished.

Mayor Williams has knocked down so much public and assited housing in DC (I know this because I have spent the last 16 years driving around DC) that everyone there is finding new places to live.


Big Poppa
All places have crime, look at great mills. Most people dont hear about where the violence is centered at, its just that the news decides who will hear about what, d.c. sounds alot worst than it really is. Now that waldorf is getting more crime during the holiday season which is common at all malls around the country everyone decides to pay more attention and call it even worse than it was. I realize that it has gotten bad but thats because the law enforcement officers who spend more time running radar instead of patrolling high crime areas could save a life instead of write a ticket for $60 to the person speeding. If you think waldorf is bad through PG, hell great mills in some areas after dark is pretty bad. Like said before if the cops werent sitting in the parking lot instead of doing what there supposed to which is to patrol the area than it wouldnt be as bad, there is nothing anyone can excpet the parents of the hoodlums who need to keep there kids from getting into this sh!t. I love it when i hear people complaining about the violence crime and there kids are the ones commiting it and when they find out they where such good kids, what went wrong its called bad parenting.


New Member
blazinlow89 said:
All places have crime, look at great mills. Most people dont hear .........................what went wrong its called bad parenting.

But what's the common denominator in your arguments? DC, PG, Charles County, Great Mills....the common denominator in the deterioration of all these areas are minorities...blacks and Hispanics. It's not racism....it's calling it what it is. I admire minorities who acheive and accomplish despite their surroundings (new movie out, "The Pursuit of Happiness" is a great example....go see it, read the story of Chris Gardener and his rise from poverty to fortune. Read the story of Justice Clarence Thomas' rise from sharecropper to Supreme Court justice. BOTH of these men, and many others like them, are admirable and their stories are inspiring stories of acheiving against all odds....and the reason I don't buy into the "Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton" school of victimology) and I loathe those that use their position in life as the excuse for why they have to do the things they do, REGARDLESS OF THEIR COLOR.

Why is it that every place minorities migrate to turns into a ####hole? DC was a wonderful city back in the early part of the last century. My grandfather drove a trolley car and a cab in DC for decades and I don't recall him ever telling me stories of being robbed. My grandmother was a telephone operator at a center in downtown DC...worked nights a lot of her early career....and she never told me of being afraid to go to work until DC started to deteriorate in the 50's and early 60's. By then, she was an executive and her offices were in the suburbs. So why is it that minorities move into the areas....DC, then PG, now Charles County and Great Mills....and the places go to hell. And it happens everywhere. The reason...as I have explained previously in this thread....was that the civil rights movement was "civil rights without civil responsibility". And then you get a great mayor like Anthony Williams who wants to hold people accountable and all you hear is the screaming from the "Marion Barry crowd"...those that feel they have an entitlement and should be handed everything because of something that happened to their granpappy 160 years ago.

And it doesn't happen in just DC or Charles County - Example (like we need one more): I live in a small town in FL. Have been here since '93. It could have best been described as a "sleepy little Florida town" for years (wow....a lot like Charles County when I was growing up many years ago). Police force had maybe 3 or 4 officers (not unlike Charles/St. Marys many years ago). Biggest crime was when someone was stealing stuff out of the Home Depot they were building back in the late 90s. Then some genius with the government decides we don't have enough "low income housing". You know what that means don't you...we don't have enough blacks or Hispanics living here. So they build 2 big apartment complexes here in the early 2000s. Who moves in? Blacks and Hispanics. Crime escalates. In fact, two days ago I'm riding my bike on a trail that had been built here years ago that people walk and bike and roller blade on. I come up on the area near the apartment complexes and what do I find? Graffitti.....not the "Mary loves Bob" type of graffitti, but huge amounts of graffitti sprayed all over the wooden fences, brick entrance way and large metal power poles along the side. Hispanic graffitti (I lived in Southern Ca for 20 years....I know my graffitti). Graffitti that had never been here before. And what purpose does defacing the property....the nice trail that lots of people use....serve? None. But these people are given the excuse that they can act this way because they are poor. And I'm not buying that either.

My father was raised in the poorest conditions anyone could be raised in...the poorest of the poor. He was raised on a cotton farm in Mississippi during the Depression. You don't GET any poorer than that!! He and his family tell the stories of going to bed hungry on more than one night during their childhood. But despite how poor they were, I don't recall any of them telling stories of feeling the need to go around defacing property and painting their names on stuff in order to feel good. Being poor is no excuse.....and if this is the way minorities are going to treat the world as they become larger parts of the population, heaven help us all.....our entire world will look like something out of Discovery Channel documentaries.


New Member
blazinlow89 said:
it has gotten bad because the law enforcement officers who spend more time running radar instead of patrolling high crime areas could save a life instead of write a ticket for $60 to the person speeding. ...if the cops werent sitting in the parking lot instead of doing what there supposed to which is to patrol the area than it wouldnt be as bad...

AMEN TO THAT!!! The other day I'm driving home down Rt4 and I see something up ahead in the ditch. As I get closer, I see it's a guy sitting in a lawn chair with a radar gun. Then the next little side road I pass, there is like 10 cop cars lined up like taxi cabs at the airport just waiting for the jackass with the radar gun to tell them who to pull over. Then sprinkled along the side of the road for the next few miles are people pulled over by cops with the lights flashing. That just PISSES ME OFF TO NO END!! We are all decent, hard-working citizens doing what citizens are supposed to do and all the cops can do is sit and wait to find someone going a little over the speed limit on a wide open divided highway and ruin their day. NEWSFLASH -- when everyone is going 65-70, there is no increased risk. It's differentials in speed that cause a problem. So how 'bout pulling over some of the 45mph drivers in the left hand lane or MAYBE, just MAYBE catching a few of the 16-year-old rapers and armed robbers and stun gunners and graffiti artists that are destroying our area???? I respect the cops and they have a hard job, but I lose that respect when I see a whole line of them chomping at the bit to harass us and fill the county coffers with our money for driving 5mph too fast on our way back to our families and homes while the community in general is allowed to deteriorate. The priorities seem backwards to me. Rant over.


Salt Life
beerlover said:
NEWSFLASH -- when everyone is going 65-70, there is no increased risk. It's differentials in speed that cause a problem.
Idiot. Speeding is speeding, regardless of whether you are "keeping up w/the traffic." You speed, you take the chance of getting a ticket.