What the hells happening to Charles County?????


"It's not racism....it's calling it what it is. I admire minorities who acheive and accomplish despite their surroundings "

Very well put!! :yay:


New Member
Chasey_Lane said:
Idiot. Speeding is speeding, regardless of whether you are "keeping up w/the traffic." You speed, you take the chance of getting a ticket.

You must be one of the 45mph left lane drivers. Speeding IS speeding. But does the whole damn police force need to be out trying to write tickets at the same time? And when you go over the speed limit a little bit to keep up with the flow of traffic, you are also making things safer for everyone around you. I'm not a speeder. I'm a right-lane driver, but I don't hold up a whole line of traffic and cause people to have to weave in and out of lanes to get around me. If there were more "idiot" drivers like me on the road I think things would be generally better.


Lem Putt
beerlover said:
the cops can do is sit and wait to find someone going a little over the speed limit on a wide open divided highway and ruin their day......... MAYBE, just MAYBE catching a few of the 16-year-old rapers and armed robbers and stun gunners and graffiti artists that are destroying our area????
I'd rather that they continue using their current tactics with these results:

POSSESSION OF COCAINE/MARIJUANA: On 12-7, 1:59 PM, Rt. 2/4, Prince Frederick, TPR Towers stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation. Assisted at the scene by TFC Keen and K-9 Nero, a CDS scan was performed. The dog alerted on the vehicle, and suspected cocaine, marijuana, and CDS paraphernalia were located. Arrested at that time for possession of cocaine, marijuana, and CDS paraphernalia was Johnathon Darrell Kinard, 21, of Prince Frederick. After processing, he was transported to the CCDC to await a commissioner's hearing.

POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA: On 12-9, 5:40 PM, Rt. 2/4, Prince Frederick, TPR Towers stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation. A search of the vehicle led to the discovery of suspected marijuana and CDS paraphernalia. Arrested at that time for possession of marijuana and CDS paraphernalia was Wayne Carroll Earnest, 28, of Chesapeake Beach. After processing, he was transported to the CCDC to await a commissioner's hearing.


New Member
MMDad said:
I'd rather that they continue using their current tactics with these results:

Yeah, because catching someone with a little bit of pot is much more important than catching rapists and armed robbers. I wonder what percentage of cars they pull over are guilty of anything other than minor traffic violations, anyway. Look - I'm not saying it should be a free pass to drive as fast as you want. I just think there are more important public safety issues that are not getting the attention they should be getting.


Lem Putt
beerlover said:
Yeah, because catching someone with a little bit of pot is much more important than catching rapists and armed robbers.

Right...... Because 21 year old males with pot and coke are law abiding citizens, and never have anything to do with violent crime.

If you get them off the street for coke, that's one less person to turn into a rapist or armed robber. Or should we ignore them until they rape or kill, then try to catch them?


New Member
Maybe if the cops were patrolling our towns instead of concentrating on speeders, that girl wouldn't have been raped on a public bike path the other day and the San Souci business wouldn't have been armed-robbed yesterday. Just a thought. And what makes you think that recreational drug users are going to morph into rapists and murderers? Maybe they could have half the force working traffic and the other half protecting lives and property. In all probabilty, the speeding pot head was probably just in a hurry to get home and play some playstation.

Speeding is the least of the problems we face, but seems to be the major focus of the police. And the only reason is becuase it is an easy way to get more money for the state/county.


Well-Known Member
It is safer to drive faster than the flow of traffic. That way you only have to worry about what is going on in front of you and not what is coming up from behind. It is one of the things they teach you in mortorcyle safty school. It is also somthing that is tought to the police that have patrol motorcycles.


Well-Known Member
I have to wonder...

Do the majority of whites believe what Glenecho wrote?
I would venture that millions do,...yet either have a difficult time articulating it or...are too afraid of the PC crowd to stand publicly on the issue.

However, there is still a sizable portion who have bought the media lies, believe that more money is needed to educate the ill-informed masses, and promote everything from diversity training, hate crime legislation, affirmative action, set-asides, minority enrollment requirements etc.
Sadly, these puppets are NOT the majority and are deluded to think that they should set social policy to "equalize" society.(Because they are the most enlightened & informed)
Hillary is a fine example of that.

The truly sad thought here is that there are certain facts & studies, and commentary which are considered "hostile" to the PC crowd's agenda so they will never see the light of day. True censorship.


New Member
Tomahawk202 said:
Look, the fact of the matter is this, you are the minority. I have accepted the fact that not all white people are as racist, backwards and flat out ignorant as you are and the morons who have bothered to respond to me on this thread. Just the same, whether you want to admit it or not, not ALL black people are as you said, druggies, murders, ignorant or whatever. Obviously I am not, or I wouldn't be on here, wasting my time with you all. I would be out " getting my bling bling on, and trying to find new ways to exterminate whitey".
Truth is, I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for your parents, teachers, husbands and wives, I feel sorry for the children you may or may not have. I feel sorry for your future, because it doesn't look very promising. Me taking advice from you all, on how to raise my children, is the same as me showing up in your home and giving you fashion advice. You haven't walked a mile in OUR shoes, so don't pretend to know what's good for us.

Did blacks maybe "sell" each other as slaves to the ships that arrived off the coast of Africa, all those years ago? Maybe. But that doesn't excuse the fact that white people showed up ready, willing and able to buy us and transport us to someplace we didn't want to go. Someone is selling drugs, and you bought some, now your in trouble. Doesn't change the fact that YOU boght it. And it also doesn't excuse the behavior of seperating families, lynching black people and whatnot, once we arrived here. Don't feed me the "white people were GIVEN slaves" crap, cause I am not buying it. ( not to mention that white folks have been stealing, murdering and lying to people for centuries to get what they want. It's nothing new)

As far as starting this country, yes, a group of old white dudes got together and started it. Good. I love the US. Many of my ancestors (admit it or not ) built this country and are as much to thank as anyone else. I have fought for it on a few occasions. But, just like the Roman Empire, the Egyptian Kingdom and all those before, after and in between, it shall all one day come to an end. You ignorant folk may not accept that, but it's written in the bible, " there is nothing new under the sun". The day is coming where the tides will turn, and things will not be as they are. I would love to see your faces on that day. ( I would love to be around for that day )

So keep attacking me directly to deter from the topic at hand. What's wrong in Charles County? I'll tell you. Charles County is moving into the 20th Century, whether it likes it or not. For too long, blacks and minorities have been snubbed and looked down upon in that county. I know a few people who live there. Instead of building affordable housing and opening up businesses to minorities, whites in chuck county have been trying to stave minorities off, tooth and nail. Now blacks have money, they have buying power and a SAYSO, so now they CHOOSE to live in Charles county. And there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it. That's too bad. Next thing you know, we'll be running for president, or tapped to be vice pres. Then what? LMAO. You guys are hilarious....

Next time you guys try to respond to something I type, make sure you "convey a logical thought", please. I am tired of reading crap that just makes absolutely no sense. To the white folks on here, who truly aren't bigoted and do have an open mind, I say hello, and thanks for your comments and support.

LAME-Hawk, aka " An Educated Black Man" :howdy:

i'm not even going to go through all these pages to prove that pulled that one line out of context. You just want it to look like to everyone else, that all i said what that black people are drug dealers, murderer's etc. I was stating that you said we are who we are and we're not going to change. If you were a journalist and this was printed in a newspaper, you would be sued. an educated person would know this.


New Member
Redskinsmama said:
i'm not even going to go through all these pages to prove that pulled that one line out of context. You just want it to look like to everyone else, that all i said what that black people are drug dealers, murderer's etc. I was stating that you said we are who we are and we're not going to change. If you were a journalist and this was printed in a newspaper, you would be sued. an educated person would know this.

wow lots of typos...oops! i have to tell you that these particular threads resonate with me for a while after i leave them. Is this what we've all come to? i've read throughout here that people feel this topic would not be discussed if we were standing face to face. why doesn't someone do something about that? why don't we get a meeting together for everyone to come and voice their opinion loud and clear? I feel as though the people that are saying this are black and you're probably right. So why not change it? how about you come out from behind your computer and do something about it? everyone is claiming we need change....why not start now?


New Member
Redskinsmama said:
wow lots of typos...oops! i have to tell you that these particular threads resonate with me for a while after i leave them. Is this what we've all come to? i've read throughout here that people feel this topic would not be discussed if we were standing face to face. why doesn't someone do something about that? why don't we get a meeting together for everyone to come and voice their opinion loud and clear? I feel as though the people that are saying this are black and you're probably right. So why not change it? how about you come out from behind your computer and do something about it? everyone is claiming we need change....why not start now?

We don't need a meeting in St Mary's county. We all know what's wrong with ChuckCo. To meet up there would be stupid... we're white! We'd surely get shot!


New Member
Redskinsmama said:
......people feel this topic would not be discussed if we were standing face to face........

That may be true for some, but not for me. I have this very debate....civilized, yet spirited (that type of debate is what stimulates thought.....you either have to have your ducks in a row or you're gonna get creamed!!) with a teacher co-worker of mine (black guy) and I'll have it with anybody. Now, I have enough common sense not go running into Anacostia and start screamin' about how the blacks are ruining the neighborhoods, but that's not an environment that promotes intellectual discourse. I might as well be in the floor of the coliseum and go over and kick the lion! That's just plain stupid. Anyway, I think...no, I KNOW....my black co-worker respects my opionion because I don't present it in some type of ranting "David Duke" racist fashion......and he doesn't respond in some type of "I'm gonna bust a cap in yo ass" style, either. He's an intelligent guy...we have intelligent conversations on a fairly regular basis. I make him think of how he's going to have to defend his positions just as much as he makes me understand that I must logically defend mine. That's called freedom of thought....freedom of expression. We can have diametrically opposed opinions on something and still walk away respecting each other....even though he's 100% wrong......you know, like "tomahawk". (Hee, hee :razz: Had to get that in there!!)

The problem with the PC police is that they stifle this type of discussion.....because we might "offend" someone. Just like profiling. Want us to not profile your group/race/religion? Stop being the most readily identified group with (pick one) (a) doin' the crime/ (b) blowing up airplanes/ (c) killing people indescriminately and we won't think you might do that just because of who you are. We're gonna PC ourselves into oblivion if we don't decide that we don't mind "offending" a few Muslims. And if you don't think THAT'S a fight we need to lock arms on, we'll all be speaking farsi in a couple decades.
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Active Member
The same thing is happening in Calvert County although a lot slower, we are trying to mitigate the influx of folks from PG county and DC by pricing them out. In addition the current law in Calvert is you can not develop on any plot of land less then one acer so that does help in the pricing them out arena.

Although we are seeing more drugs coming down Rt 4 from PG.

North Beach tried to put a stop to this a few years ago by starting to charge for Beach access. I can't tell you how sick people are of seeing DC licenses plates around here, they treat this place like it's their own personal playground and in the end trashcan. We can't even take our daughter to the beach anymore because all you hear is loud thunderous Hip hop and ni##er this and ni##er that it truly sucks.

We still own a second home in St Marys and some asshat in the neighborhood started renting to section 8 folks and now the whole neighborhood is like that. Pisses me off too because the value of the homes has actually dropped.

Oh and hello folks that was my first post.
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New Member
Thor said:
The same thing is happening in Calvert County................. Pisses me off too because the value of the homes has actually dropped.

Oh and hello folks that was my first post.

Well, now Thor....sorry you took the time to post, cuz you just can't be correct. See, according to our pal tomahawk :tantrum up there, these things aren't happening....and even if they are, they're not the fault of the people causing them.....or some such bull#### like that.

Soooooooooo...you're a racist for making this stuff up and coming on here and saying it......:sarcasm: