Look, the fact of the matter is this, you are the minority. I have accepted the fact that not all white people are as racist, backwards and flat out ignorant as you are and the morons who have bothered to respond to me on this thread. Just the same, whether you want to admit it or not, not ALL black people are as you said, druggies, murders, ignorant or whatever. Obviously I am not, or I wouldn't be on here, wasting my time with you all. I would be out " getting my bling bling on, and trying to find new ways to exterminate whitey".
Truth is, I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for your parents, teachers, husbands and wives, I feel sorry for the children you may or may not have. I feel sorry for your future, because it doesn't look very promising. Me taking advice from you all, on how to raise my children, is the same as me showing up in your home and giving you fashion advice. You haven't walked a mile in OUR shoes, so don't pretend to know what's good for us.
Did blacks maybe "sell" each other as slaves to the ships that arrived off the coast of Africa, all those years ago? Maybe. But that doesn't excuse the fact that white people showed up ready, willing and able to buy us and transport us to someplace we didn't want to go. Someone is selling drugs, and you bought some, now your in trouble. Doesn't change the fact that YOU boght it. And it also doesn't excuse the behavior of seperating families, lynching black people and whatnot, once we arrived here. Don't feed me the "white people were GIVEN slaves" crap, cause I am not buying it. ( not to mention that white folks have been stealing, murdering and lying to people for centuries to get what they want. It's nothing new)
As far as starting this country, yes, a group of old white dudes got together and started it. Good. I love the US. Many of my ancestors (admit it or not ) built this country and are as much to thank as anyone else. I have fought for it on a few occasions. But, just like the Roman Empire, the Egyptian Kingdom and all those before, after and in between, it shall all one day come to an end. You ignorant folk may not accept that, but it's written in the bible, " there is nothing new under the sun". The day is coming where the tides will turn, and things will not be as they are. I would love to see your faces on that day. ( I would love to be around for that day )
So keep attacking me directly to deter from the topic at hand. What's wrong in Charles County? I'll tell you. Charles County is moving into the 20th Century, whether it likes it or not. For too long, blacks and minorities have been snubbed and looked down upon in that county. I know a few people who live there. Instead of building affordable housing and opening up businesses to minorities, whites in chuck county have been trying to stave minorities off, tooth and nail. Now blacks have money, they have buying power and a SAYSO, so now they CHOOSE to live in Charles county. And there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it. That's too bad. Next thing you know, we'll be running for president, or tapped to be vice pres. Then what? LMAO. You guys are hilarious....
Next time you guys try to respond to something I type, make sure you "convey a logical thought", please. I am tired of reading crap that just makes absolutely no sense. To the white folks on here, who truly aren't bigoted and do have an open mind, I say hello, and thanks for your comments and support.
LAME-Hawk, aka " An Educated Black Man"