Governor What They Are Saying: Governor Hogan’s $50 Million Rural Economic Development Fund Will “Transform the Community, “Stimulate Private Sector Investment


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Delmarva Now: “$50 million in grant funds will be made available to boost economic development activity, stimulate private sector investment and grow jobs in Maryland’s rural regions.” (Staff, “Gov. Larry Hogan unveils $50 million to boost Shore, rural Maryland in Salisbury visit,” Delmarva Now, 2/19/22)

WMDT: “The funds are to rebuild the economy and provide more opportunities for those on the Eastern Shore to get access to jobs, connect more Marylanders, and in turn, transform the community.” (Jordie Clark, “Funding headed for rural areas for economic development,” WMDT, 2/18/2022)

WRDE: “The grant will also go towards local economic development projects to help the growth of small businesses and entrepreneurs, and helping universities with projects that will help educate future entrepreneurs.” (Staff, “Gov. Hogan announces $50 million Plan To Help Five Maryland Counties With Entrepreneurship Opportunities,” WRDE, 2/20/22)

Delmarva Now: “The grant program is designed to be flexible and allows each rural council to determine the best use of funds within the program’s guidelines in coordination with the counties they represent.” (Staff, “Gov. Larry Hogan unveils $50 million to boost Shore, rural Maryland in Salisbury visit,” Delmarva Now, 2/19/22)

Maryland Association of Counties: “Counties that will benefit from the grant funds include Allegany, Calvert, Caroline, Cecil, Charles, Dorchester, Garrett, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, St. Mary’s, Talbot, Washington, Wicomico, and Worcester.” (Dominic Butchko, “Governor Announces $50 Million Rural Maryland Economic Development Fund,” MACo, 2/21/22)

Associated Press: “The funds can be used to develop infrastructure such as utilities, transportation and broadband to support the attraction, retention, or expansion of businesses.” (Staff, “Hogan announces $50M rural economic development fund,” Associated Press, 2/18/22)
