What vitamins do we need and which are junk?


New Member
Wanted to see if anybody knows which vitamins are good and really do benefit the body and which are just hogwash?
My doctor put me on NIASPAN 500mg one daily with a 90 pill prescription.
Boy was I shocked when I got it filled..........$ 224.00 wow.
I looked up NIASPAN and it is a vitamin B-3 based and don't have a clue why it is so expensive. What vitamins do you take and why and which are BS...

I also take omega 3 & 6 and Vitamin C
Thanks, Timex
timex said:
Wanted to see if anybody knows which vitamins are good and really do benefit the body and which are just hogwash?
My doctor put me on NIASPAN 500mg one daily with a 90 pill prescription.
Boy was I shocked when I got it filled..........$ 224.00 wow.
I looked up NIASPAN and it is a vitamin B-3 based and don't have a clue why it is so expensive. What vitamins do you take and why and which are BS...

I also take omega 3 & 6 and Vitamin C
Thanks, Timex
Flintstones. :yay:


aka Mrs. Giant
Male or female? It actually does make a difference.

I'm female and take a regular multi and have upped my B's, calcium, and iron. I also have being hearing good things about folic acid so I am looking into that as well.


aka Mrs. Giant
timex said:
500mg one daily with a 90 pill prescription.
Boy was I shocked when I got it filled..........$ 224.00 wow.
I really hope your insurance picked up a lot of that. Not sure why your script was so expensive though cause I looked it up and it said same - that it consisted of Niacin which is B3.
Call your doctor and get a better explanation.

If it is just B3
Here's a less expensive 500mg version http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/store/en/browse/sku_detail.jsp?id=SO-1805


Bookseller Lady
It could be a time release product too. If you take large amounts of niacin at once it will give you serious hot flashes.


New Member
migtig said:
Male or female? It actually does make a difference.

I'm female and take a regular multi and have upped my B's, calcium, and iron. I also have being hearing good things about folic acid so I am looking into that as well.

Male, and your right but some are good for both.


Look my ass glows!
OTC vitamins, protein powders and such are nothing but a big hype-eat fresh fruits, veggies and whole grains, stay away from refined foods, fast food, alcohol and drugs and you're good to go!
If you can't do all that, then go git yourself some.
I don't care what brand name vitamin your use-whether it's a Weider formula, Solgar or Flintstones there is too much crap in them.
I'm done now.

Novus Collectus

New Member
Fubar said:
OTC vitamins, protein powders and such are nothing but a big hype-eat fresh fruits, veggies and whole grains, stay away from refined foods, fast food, alcohol and drugs and you're good to go!
If you can't do all that, then go git yourself some.
I don't care what brand name vitamin your use-whether it's a Weider formula, Solgar or Flintstones there is too much crap in them.
I'm done now.
Beer has a lot of vitamin B3 :buddies:


Happy Camper
My Doctor recommended I take Super Omega Complex, Grape Seed Extract and a "One-A-Day" (in my case Women's). It has helped lower my cholesterol and blood pressure... Seems to be working in my case. Of course, she also recommended walking or other exercise for at least 30 minutes 3 times a week! I'm pretty close to following all of her instructions... Vitamins and walking, anyway! The only problem is a weakness for the occaisional beer or 12!! :lmao: