'What would you do if we found aliens?' survey asks


PREMO Member
The quest to identify UFOs and even find intelligent life on other worlds has been heating up for decades ... to no avail. But there are still plenty of spots and wavelengths where aliens could be hiding. So, what would humans do if we found concrete evidence that we are not alone in the universe? Turns out, there's no real plan for how humanity would respond, let alone how we would deal with such a monumental discovery.



Power with Control
Of course there isnt. Hell, we can't plan for sh^% staring us in the face, let alnoe a thing thats pretty much so wide open that you could spitball a thousand scenarios and not come close. I'll be that State and DOD both have sealed files based on a few different basic ones from Oh crap, they are bomning the crap out of us, Independance Day style. To some alien diplomat landing on the Mall and literally saying "Take me to your leader."