What would you do?


New Member
So I notice that one of the neighbors has backed into my house.

I ask neighbor W2 (adult male) if they saw anything and they say they didn't see anything but suggest neighbor V2 did it.

I ask neighbors V2 (adult male and female) if they saw anything and they say no. I suggest perhaps the garbage man did it and they readily agree. Funny thing is the garbage man never backs up in the alley but drives straight on through.

I ask neighbor Z2 (adult male) if they saw anything and they say yes, didn't they tell you? I say no. They say they saw neighbor V2 (juvenile female) back into my house last week, and that they knew they had been seen yet drove away like nothing had happened.

"Sir?" V2 male approaches. "The guy who installed our windows today probably did it." I was hoping for more.

While talking to neighbor Y1 (adult female) she immediately suspects neighbor V2. While we are talking, V2 juvenile female arrives and proceeds straight into the house.

Later in the evening, W2 adult female calls from her work and confesses that it might have been her! I explain that I had found an eyewitness but thanks anyway.

Anyway, at this point, what would you do? :confused:


New Member
CAll your insurance guy.

I had a window in my car come up broken , no clue how, everyone in the neighborhood was telling me it was a Sears deliver guy, so I called sears. The lady got really nasty on the Phone. I called my insurance guy, and got it fixed , never did find out how it happened...such is life.


Football addict
There's always...

one a$$ in every neighborhood. Sounds like you got a whole neighborhood full in this case.


33 yrs & we r still n luv
confront the person. be sure to tell them you have a witness and be sure the witness is willing to stand by u first.


New Member
Originally posted by Turd Ferguson

Anyway, at this point, what would you do? :confused:
No clue. But do me a favor, and keep this stuff at your house. Don't move. Stay right there. I have enough crap going on over in my neck of the woods. If you move, they may follow. I have the Clampets living across the street from me. And with the recent addition of an RV to house more folks to the 5 cars already in the driveway, things are getting interesting. I'm waiting for a tent city to start. Right now the only thing they have done is backed into my drainage ditch and hit the other side so many times, I can no longer get my lawn mower across it. And then there's the dog...

Like I said, Don't move.


Re: Re: What would you do?

Originally posted by Ponytail
No clue. But do me a favor, and keep this stuff at your house. Don't move. Stay right there. I have enough crap going on over in my neck of the woods. If you move, they may follow. I have the Clampets living across the street from me. And with the recent addition of an RV to house more folks to the 5 cars already in the driveway, things are getting interesting. I'm waiting for a tent city to start. Right now the only thing they have done is backed into my drainage ditch and hit the other side so many times, I can no longer get my lawn mower across it. And then there's the dog...

Like I said, Don't move.

You sound like you have my neighbors. :crazy:


New Member
Call the police. The person that ran into your house should be charged with destruction of property, hit and run, or leaving the scene of an accident.

Contact your insurance company. Make sure you give them a copy of the police report.

Once you know the amount of the damages, sue for damages.


PREMO Member
Re: Re: What would you do?

Originally posted by Ponytail
recent addition of an RV to house more folks to the 5 cars already in the driveway,
RV's are not allowed in the driveway, accrding to CRE HOA.
Narc on them.
Re: Re: What would you do?

Originally posted by Ponytail
No clue. But do me a favor, and keep this stuff at your house. Don't move. Stay right there. I have enough crap going on over in my neck of the woods. If you move, they may follow. I have the Clampets living across the street from me. And with the recent addition of an RV to house more folks to the 5 cars already in the driveway, things are getting interesting. I'm waiting for a tent city to start. Right now the only thing they have done is backed into my drainage ditch and hit the other side so many times, I can no longer get my lawn mower across it. And then there's the dog...

Like I said, Don't move.

You must live near me! My neighbors are the same! Though, I think he drives the RV pretty well! And they got rid of the dog recently.

So .. maybe you don't!



New Member
people have serious issues but think it could be worse i live on a farm with my fiance's family in sarounding houses.. lol talk about interesting although don't get me wrong i wouldn't have it any other way :)


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by Turd Ferguson
Later in the evening, W2 adult female calls from her work and confesses that it might have been her! I explain that I had found an eyewitness but thanks anyway.

If she confessed, go with her. Why on earth would you tell her something otherwise if you have no proof? The neighbor/witness may have something against the one they accused.

When I hear stories like this it makes me glad I live in the middle of a field!